Monday, February 28, 2005

Living, Loving, and Working in the New Energy

Living, Loving, and Working in the New Energy

by Doreen Virtue

When Louise Hay began teaching about healing in the 1980's, she estimated that it took about six months for your thoughts to manifest into form. She noticed how this time lapse shorted over the years. Today, our thoughts manifest instantly.

In ancient Egypt, initiates were placed into coffin-like sarcophagus chambers, where they were sealed for several days. Alone in the dark, their imagination would chase them with frightening images. They faced their deepest fears as vivid hallucinations that seemed real. At the end of the initiation, the sarcophagus was opened. Some people died from fright at the sight of their own fears. If you lived, you were promoted to a higher level of learning and spiritual work.

We are all going through similar initiations presently with the new energy that has enfolded our planet. This energy is akin to a deep detoxification process, showering away impurities from our lives. The new energy no longer allows anything out of integrity to be hidden. With the full moon in Virgo upon us this week, we'll continue to experience a deep detox in our lives, bodies, minds, and intentions. The Virgo full moon pushes us to release whatever might stand in the way of sacred service.

This purification is only painful if we resist it, or try to hang on to anything that's unhealthy or untrue. This detoxification that everyone's experiencing is an answer to our prayers! It's dusting off the Light that has been dimmed by too many years of competition, greed, and corruption. The old energy is fading, and will soon be a distant memory and the stuff of mythology about this time in earth's history. The old energy was based upon the fear of lack. You can usher in the new energy more quickly by KNOWING that there is no lack. Demonstrate in your life this truth: if we simply follow our inner truth – we are always completely supported in all ways.

If you feel like you're being tested by the Universe, or are experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul, your best bet is to surrender everything completely to Spirit. Fighting for control only lengthens the time you'll feel the pain of being out of control. When you surrender and say to Heaven, "I'm sick and tired of this. You take over!" that's when you actually regain control of your life.

Surrendering allows Spirit to fully help you! I've recently discovered a tool to help with surrender which is available at It was created by a woman whose son was serving in the war, to help her surrender worry.

Those who push to get ahead, will fall behind in this new energy. Those who worry, will manifest their fears very quickly. Those who complain, will feel the pain of victimhood. Those who compete will find that everyone competes with them.

Yet, those who work with the inner plane using love and faith, will experience joys which words cannot describe. Those who give joyously, will receive joyously. Those who help others will be helped by others. Those who use kind words, will hear kind words said about themselves. Those who march courageously toward their inner dreams, will find their dreams galloping toward them.

The world is now a perfect mirror of your thoughts, and EVERYTHING you think and say about yourself, other people, or situations will manifest instantly and come back to you. Avoid blaming, complaining, judging, or thinking that you're a victim of anything or anyone. It's impossible to be a victim in this new energy.

Everything we experience is a choice which we make each time we say, write, or think a word. Choose carefully in this new energy. Your choices affect not only yourself, but everyone on this planet.

Steven and I pray for your happiness, health, prosperity, peace, and joy. May you open your arms to receiving the great flow which is now magnificently offering you everything you could ever desire. Your joy is a gift to this world!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Enneagram Type Nine

I took this test some time ago. Not sure when it was but this is what it had to say.

Enneagram Type Nine

The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type:
Receptive, Reassuring Agreeable, and Complacent

Basic Fear: Of loss and separation
Basic Desire: To have inner stability "peace of mind"
Enneagram Nine with an Eight-Wing: "The Referee"
Enneagram Nine with a One-Wing: "The Dreamer"

Profile Summary for the Enneagram Type Nine
Healthy: Deeply receptive, accepting, unselfconscious, emotionally stable and serene. Trusting of self and others, at ease with self and life, innocent and simple. Patient, unpretentious, good-natured, genuinely nice people. / Optimistic, reassuring, supportive: have a healing and calming influence — harmonizing groups, bringing people together: a good mediator, synthesizer, and communicator. At Their Best: Become self-possessed, feeling autonomous and fulfilled: have great equanimity and contentment because they are present to themselves. Paradoxically, at one with self, and thus able to form more profound relationships. Intensely alive, fully connected to self and others.

Average: Fear conflicts, so become self-effacing and accommodating, idealizing others and "going along" with their wishes, saying "yes" to things they do not really want to do. Fall into conventional roles and expectations. Use philosophies and stock sayings to deflect others./ Active, but disengaged, unreflective, and inattentive. Do not want to be affected, so become unresponsive and complacent, walking away from problems, and "sweeping them under the rug." Thinking becomes hazy and ruminative, mostly comforting fantasies, as they begin to "tune out" reality, becoming oblivious. Emotionally indolent, unwillingness to exert self or to focus on problems: indifference. / Begin to minimize problems, to appease others and to have "peace at any price." Stubborn, fatalistic, and resigned, as if nothing could be done to change anything. Into wishful thinking, and magical solutions. Others frustrated and angry by their procrastination and unresponsiveness.

Unhealthy: Can be highly repressed, undeveloped, and ineffectual. Feel incapable of facing problems: become obstinate, dissociating self from all conflicts. Neglectful and dangerous to others. / Wanting to block out of awareness anything that could affect, them, they dissociate so much that they eventually cannot function: numb, depersonalized. / They finally become severely disoriented and catatonic, abandoning themselves, turning into shattered shells. Multiple personalities possible. Generally corresponds to the Schizoid and Dependent personality disorders.

Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.

Examples: Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Grace, Walter Cronkite, George Lucas, Walt Disney, John Kennedy, Jr., Sophia Loren, Geena Davis, Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Costner, Keanu Reeves, Woody Harrelson, Ron Howard, Matthew Broderick, Ringo Starr, Whoopi Goldberg, Janet Jackson, Nancy Kerrigan, Jim Hensen, Marc Chagall, Norman Rockwell, "Edith Bunker" (Archie Bunker), and "Marge Simpson" (The Simpsons).

Enneagram Nines and:

Personal Growth
Compatibility with Other Types
All nine 2,800+ word expanded type descriptions are available to purchasers of the online RHETI Enneagram test. For a free sample, see the expanded description of Type Eight ("The Challenger"). These descriptions contain new materials on relationships, personal growth, Levels of Development, and more. For the most complete type descriptions available anywhere, see our books, particularly Personality Types and The Wisdom of the Enneagram.

Learn More
Make sure you have Personality Types, the most complete, in-depth, systematic treatment of the nine types and the Enneagram system as a whole.

Tell Others You Are an Enneagram Type Nine
If you have a homepage or a weblog where you would like to show others that you are an Enneagram Type Nine, you can place one of these images on your site:

To do this, just copy the following code.

Lefthand (male):

Righthand (female):

When one of these images is installed on your site it will link back to the Enneagram Institute to let your visitors learn more about the Enneagram and your personality type.

Life as it is

So last night during one dream I saw Trouble again, as he was as a kitten. I remember I saw him and grabbed him up and said Hey Trouble Kitty. I really think that he was visiting me in my dream.

Then the dream goes along and he was hurt. His feet were damaged. It was his toes, they had been cut off. I was looking at them, holding his paw and I noticed that He grew new toes. These new toes though weremm strange. It was like he had regrown half of his front feet. As I looked at the I noticed they weren't cat feet but dog. I woke up.

My dreams seem to be strange of late. I'm not remembering them very well. I'm thinking maybe I'm doing astral travel.

What else is going on.... hmmm... Well life is good, and I'm feeling good about it. It feels like many things have changed or shifted in my life. I don't feel the pain I've felt in the past. Stuff from the past isn't important to me anymore.

My friend Edward told me he was getting married in April, then will be moving to the US. I wish him the best of luck. :-)

I was glad to hear Froggie is going wholesale. That's great news for him. So good luck with that dear.

I'm going to take a couple of Colette's candles to my local witchy shop and see if they might be interested in buying from Colette. :-) I'll probably send them to Froggie's site too.

I won't be around much tomorrow. I'll be going at the Dragon Hills for a work day. I figure if I'm going to start going to the festivals there then I'll put some work in there.

I've been fairly busy at work. Not so much that I'm over whelmed but enough to keep me busy. We have a very sad case right now. A 16 year old, drivers license for a month. Has a crash and kills his 10 year old brother. That is just so incredibly sad. I just couldn't even imagine. Yes I sent love and healing to him and his family.

That's it for now.

Vibrating Higher

February 25, 2005
Vibrating Higher

I so enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and messages, and continue to read each and every one. For me, they are gold nuggets with their own special energy and messages that continue to uplift and support the What's Up? web site and energy alerts.

Due to the large volume of e-mails I receive (and that I am currently working on my book and on-line program), I am not always able to personally reply to them all, but encourage you to continue sending them and to continue connecting.


And yet the ascension process continues, but with much more fervor, intensity and rapidity that we have experienced thus far. As we are elevated higher and higher, the veil is lifted and much is revealed. There are more opportunities than ever before for clarity. As the cloudiness dissipates, we are beginning to finally see what we could not see before.

As our vibration reaches these higher frequencies, the lower vibrations of the old have become virtually intolerable. If you are finding yourself unable to go out, unable to participate in your usual activities, and unable to be in the presence of individuals with "issues", you are only ascending. There is nothing wrong with you.

A few years ago, when I began the ascension process in earnest, I was experiencing what I believed were "issues" and imbalances that needed to be cleared. At that time I was using EFT for clearing and I remember "tapping" for "only doing what I wanted to do" and "no acceptance of the lower vibrations".

No matter how much I "tapped", I could not clear these imbalances. There was good reason. In the higher realms, we are meant to do only what we want to do and whenever we want to do it. This is the natural way of being. In addition, unbeknownst to me at that time, an intolerance of lower/denser energies is a part of ascension. All was in order, as it is now.

As we can no longer tolerate these old ways and patterns, we can no longer be in their presence. We are vibrating so high now, that the chasm is great from the "higher" to the "lower".

And in addition, we are now at a vibrational and evolutionary point where we are "calling" everyone and everything on these imbalances and lower ways. They cannot exist in our New World and they must go. We are vibrating much higher than they are and they just do not fit in or feel right.

We are not bad, ugly or unaccepting during this time; we are simply asending. In the higher realms, "issues" do not exist. Unpleasantness does not exist. DISAPPOINTMENT does not exist. Confusion does not exist.

This is why when we experience these things, we almost begin to cry, because at some level, whether conscious of it or not, we are no longer in that kind of world and we cannot take it anymore.

If you are also having experiences of things not flowing and feeling as though nothing is going right for you, you are simply vibrating higher than the old ways of being and there is now a "mismatch" from you to the "old". We are also creating differently now through our vibration alone.

I received a wonderful and exciting e-mail recently from the mother of a sensitive four year old named Luz Maria. She said "Luz María's mami is going to a trip, she will go into a starship, she will go to another planet and Luz María will be here, waiting for her, and then, her mami will back with Luz María".

Yes, we have been "lifted up" into the higher realms where nothing of the old can reach us. We are, in essence, being held safe by our star families, as there will be so much catastrophic change this year and we need not be a part of it. All this week I have felt an enormous amount of "protection" around me and a great sense of peace and well-being. Know that all is in order and there is most certainly a plan being implemented.

In addition, during this year of monumental change, as the veil is feeling thinner and thinner, the star beings will most certainly arrive. This will be a good time to remember discernment.

As we go "higher" and "higher" and need to adjust to a "higher altitude", some of us are feeling very sleepy and tired. The past few days I have been barely able to keep my eyes open and have been sleeping extremely soundly. But we are all in different stages at different times according to our individual plans and purpose. All is in order.

Another pattern is emerging for some as well. Some are having a timely re-connection with their biological human families. We are strengthening and reconnecting our familial DNA and getting ready to utilize our original blueprint for our soul path and purpose. Part of this bloodline comes from our original biological family.

As the veil is becoming non-existent and all is being revealed, we are remembering our oneness as well. Seeing the beauty in a pair of eyes that are a deep brown when yours are blue, and feeling a familiarity with a dark brown skin when yours is white, is a blending of the oneness of all and a remembering of our shared energies from times past.

We infused our energy everywhere. We have been much and have been all. As the New World begins to emerge, I have been seeing it rise from the depths of the oceans.

We were present when the original Earth was formed. We were part of the planning committee. We knew we would need to bury this sacred blueprint for this time that is NOW, and now we are here to experience the unveiling of this oh so familiar energy soon to arrive in full force in March.

As these original energies are fully re-united, expressed and released, a chain reaction will occur on the planet, releasing all that is no longer in alignment in a grand geographical pattern of reverberating, realigning and releasing in the physical.

We have been readied. We will be fine. Since December of 2004, we have been undergoing an intense preparation process to enable us to accept this vibration. The Earth will now, then, become readied as well to become the pallet for the New World of our creation.

If you are feeling disconnected, lost, and uncomfortable with much around you, there exists a great antidote. If you can, create a sacred space in your home or in your space. Spend as much time as you can creating. Sew, paint, write, sing, design, or just enjoy nature. I have been spending much time lately simply "being"; looking at the clouds with my cat, enjoying a sunset, and just lying there.

With these higher realms at our disposal, it is very easy now to access them. If you can, give yourself permission to do nothing and just bask. Know that this is your natural state of being. Know that all of your needs are already met. Know that you are not responsible for a thing. Just be and create.

As the higher realms require no attachments, we are also rapidly releasing any responsibilities. We are no longer feeling comfortable "carrying" anyone, feeling responsible for their process, or dragging them along. In addition, we can no longer attach ourselves to others, ride on their energy and hook into their help.

All the answers are within us now, and we are rapidly being wired to be unique, self-contained and in our own glorious individuality of self-expression. The New World will consist of simply creating, experiencing and being.

We will each have a special and unique contribution and be very needed as a part of creating the whole with our own special gifts, talents and joys. There will be no pulling, connecting to, supporting and uplifting. No ties that bind.

And in this very freeing way of being, we will create a beautiful unity and whole. This is happening now. This is why we are weary of "helping" and weary of being "helped". We are not being selfish or ornery, we are only ascending. We will delight in the arts, in entertainment, in new inventions, in the creativity.

The density is actually already gone, we need only shift gears, know that there is no suffering, and give it up. (If you can let go and "give it up", your weight will begin to drop as well.)

As we progress in this way and finally realize that there is no suffering and never has been, that all our confinements and limitations were just our own self-imposed beliefs and illusions, we will then be catapulted into the higher realms.

We were just playing a big game and wanted the drama to make things feel real. We bought into much. We will soon remember that the Earth was created as a pallet to experience and play. We will also remember each other and laugh at how we got so caught up in the big illusion; but we loved the experience of FEELING!

And as we begin to awaken to this state of being, we will remove ourselves from any of the remaining "old" and feel very contented to create the New within our homes and our surroundings, unwilling to buy into and experience what has existed thus far in this particular human experience.

And by the end of 2005, I have been seeing for many months, that we will have all that we need with great support and a grand and glorious lifestyle to match. Our old lives and any old experiences of suffering and limitations will be a distant memory of an old and forgotten world.

Feeling good and peaceful will be the road and will be our guide. It will be a priority and thus, a piece of the plan that brings us to the space of creating the New World.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering the What's Up On Planet Earth? information free of charge on our web site and through the latest e-mail energy alerts. To make a donation, click here

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through creating the What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts and web site. She is no longer giving Soul Readings, but is currently working on her book and on-line program"Finding Your Soul Purpose/A Part Of Ascension".

To join the What's Up On Planet Earth? mailing list and receive the latest energy alerts, click here.

Universal Copyright 2005 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the URL is included as the resource and the material is reproduced in its entirety.

Visit the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site at

Contact Karen at

What's Up on Planet Earth? · P.O. Box 30431 · Flagstaff · AZ · 86003-0431

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Last night as I was going to sleep this song was playing in my head. I think I know the reference and no it's not as permenant as death.

"My Lover's Gone"

My lover's gone
his boots no longer by my door
he left at dawn
and as I slept I felt him go
Returns no more
I will not watch the ocean
My lover's gone
no earthly ships will ever bring him home again
bring him home again

My lover's gone
I know that kiss will be my last
no more his song
the tune upon his lips has passed

I sing alone
while I watch the ocean
My lover's gone
no earthly ships will ever bring him home again
bring him home again


by Delerium

I know good things, I know bad as well
Any witness to the world will tell
If there is sorrow, then there is beauty and trust
A secret pearl inside the heart of us...

So truly, if there's light then I want to see it
Now that I know what I am looking for
Truly, if there's joy then I want to feel it
Here in this world is where I want to be
'Cause I can't cry anymore

And there is magic now, under blood red trees,
All the sky will scream a mystery
And if we're strangers here, from the day we are born
Why be afraid of freedom if it is yours?

So truly, if there's light then I want to see it
Now that I know what I am looking for
Truly, if there's joy then I want to feel it
Here in this world is where I want to be
'Cause I can't cry anymore

All the world is calling, calling out my name
All the world is saying it won't be the same
All the sky is showing how it's gonna be
But I'm scared and I'm tired of being like me...

So truly, if there's light then I want to see it
Now that I know what I am looking for
Truly, if there's joy then I want to feel it
Here in this world is where I want to be
'Cause I can't cry anymore

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Ninth Initiation

March 2005
By Mahala

Lets talk about the changing energies as we move through the ninth
initiation of releasing our fears. It’s time to release all old fears and get
ready for the new energy that is coming in at the spring equinox.
Once you have removed your fears, love will take its place in your body,
mind, and spirit. It’s time to graduate and start being the beautiful, brilliant,
being that you were meant to be.
Many people have had 22 or 24 strands of DNA activated in their body.
This is good, although you still have to pass the ninth initiation before
your body will light up. Nine strands need to start glowing for you to manifest
your light body. When this starts to happen you will know you have graduated.
Fun and happiness also comes with this activation.
There are thousands of strands of DNA in our bodies that the scientist
call junk DNA because they don’t know what it does. There are nine strands
that connect directly with the nine chakras in our bodies. This chakra connection
is needed before you can manifest your light body.
The following information is from a Kryon channeling on November 13,
2004. “The ninth layer of DNA is called Shechinah-Esh. We will translate that in
our way as the Flame of Expansion. Layer nine is what’s missing in layer one!
You might even say that layer nine is what makes the ‘junk”
work! When you put layer nine and layer one together, you get a
completion of communication to the rest of the interdimensional layers.

Layer nine, therefore is the bridge. The Flame of Expansion. It’s the
bridge to ascension - to healing. It’s the bridge to mastery. It’s the bridge
to self-worth. It’s what you are trying to reach for in what you are calling
The Cosmic Lattice, for that is the energy of layer nine. All of the masters
who walked the Earth had the same DNA that you have, although they had layer
nine activated and vibrating. (The merging of layer one and layer nine is called
the sacred marriage that is spoken of in the 19th chapter of Revelation).
Visualize yourself in a dark room. It’s dark as can be - the darkest of
dark. The DNA is in there with you, and there you sit watching it. Now I want
you to enhance your eyesight. I want you to make it 12,000 times more
sensitive than it is. Now you’re going to see something, even though it’s totally
dark, DNA creates light! The room is going to light up and the DNA begins to
glow. DNA creates photons, and has its own energy source. DNA is active. It also
creates sound or vibration. And it does it all by itself. One strand all by
itself, which contains all 12 interdimensional strands, creates light and sings
songs. DNA vibrates and creates, literally, sonic energy.
Pretend for a moment, that humanity has discovered a beautiful piano.
The piano is called DNA. The piano is not only a beautiful instrument that is
complex with many notes that play together, that intertwine in their
harmonies, but also the craftsman called God has made the tuning sonically perfect.
This piano plays a tune all by itself, over and over. And that tune is
called Human Health. The structure of the piano is called the layers of DNA.
There is a musician who is playing the tune and the musician is called Life
Force of Consciousness, and it’s the Human Being. So there we have the DNA -
perfect, creating health on its own, and doing it beautifully through and within
the consciousness and biology of a Human Being”. End of quote
We have no idea what we will be capable of doing once all nine strands
are lit up, or maybe even twelve strands. It’s my understanding that Jesus the
Christ had nine strands activated and working. He was the master of love and
what he did we can also do. Jesus came to teach people how to love, and how
to live on a peaceful Earth. This we can also do if we have our nine strands
brilliantly glowing.
It’s my understanding that John the Baptist had 12 strands activated
and that is why the Templars honor John, and Mary Magdalene, above Jesus. One is
not better than the other, they just had different jobs to do. John was
connected with the Eastern tradition of meditation. Their goal is to get 12 strands
of DNA activated and glowing so they can be liberated.
This means they are off the Karmic wheel and never have to come back to this
Earth unless they want to. The job of Jesus was to teach people how to bring
heaven to Earth by manifesting unconditional love.
We just passed the eighth initiation. The eighth chakra is the one in
the back of your head right above your neck. This is considered the soul star
and is aqua in color. The ninth is the thymus center which connects with your
endrocine system. This center produces the hormones that run your body.
Now we are working on the ninth initiation of releasing our fears. Fear
can not live in a body of light. Love is letting go of fear. Lets get our DNA
glowing so we can live on a beautiful new Earth in peace and love. .
Pluto is the planet that is driving this transformation. It is in the
sign of Sagittarius, which is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and Pluto will
remain there until 2008, which is the ending of the Bible tribulation, in my way
of understanding Revelation. Then Pluto moves into the sign of Capricorn, which
has been known as the birth of light. I believe many people will be
manifesting their light bodies by September of 2007.
The thymus gland is what activates our endrocine system and the
hormones that run our body. The color of this chakra is red/orange. This is one of
the colors that is being beamed to Earth by the Sun right now. It may be a good
idea to have that color around you at this time.
Another color that is being beamed to Earth from another galaxy is
bright peach, almost orange. It is a beautiful color, and I have seen many items
of clothing lately in that particular shade. This is the color of our second
chakra. By manifesting this color we can move out of a poor me attitude into
one of happiness and joy.
The three lower chakras are very powerful, especially the second one
because that is our sexual, creative chakra, and it connects to our emotional
body. Emotions and water are very important elements on this Earth plane. Our
foundation is our three lower chakras. Without a good foundation it is very hard
to live in this world. This is why it has been so hard for empaths to stay
It is also time to activate your third chakra, which is your power
center. If you have a good strong emotional body and know the right use of power,
it is now time to come into your power by standing up for who you are and what
you know. It’s time to speak your truth.
Of course, it is always important to run energy through your heart
chakra. Think with your heart and love with your mind. When your other chakras are
healthy and strong this reflects back to a good healthy body, mind, and
spirit. Inside of your heart chakra is a beautiful bright rose pink color, which is
the color of love.
I think it is very important that we release our old fears. It is much
easier to go through Earth changes if we have no fear. There are many
challenges going on right now. There is one Earth change after another happening
around the world, although you may not hear about them on the regular news. I guess
it would be too overwhelming for people if the news made us aware of all of
the changes that are happening right now.
The 9.3 earthquake that happened in Sumatra on December 26, 2004
literally shifted the Earth into another frequency. We have to adjust to this new
frequency.If you have been feeling stressed lately, or gone through a physical
cleansing like a cold or flu, this may be the reason. A shift in
consciousness is sometimes difficult.
There are other possible events that may happen in the future, like a
show-down with North Korea. This was prominent in the news lately as the
planets moved over that area. Iran is also a challenge right now.
President Bush will be having a lot of challenges in the next couple of
months. It starts with the full moon of February because Uranus will be
opposing his natal Mars, and Mars will be opposing his Sun. This will bring
conflicts with friends, people, countries, or Congress. This energy also brings
outbursts of temper. This is an unfavorable time for initiating new projects like
the Social Security reform. This can also be a life threatening aspect because
Uranus is conjunct his node.
On Inauguration day, January 20, 2005, the planet Mars was again in the
position of war god. It was on 19 degrees Sagittarius on that day which is in
exact opposition to Mars in the United States chart, and it was on top of
Bush’s south node. This is a war-like energy and is in effect for four years. The
hand writing is on the wall. Watch out Iran, Syria, and North Korea.
Many unexpected events will happen after the full moon of February
23rd, because Uranus will be conjunct the Sun. This ushers in a two week period of
unexpected events. Uranus is a very rebellious planet and people may take to
the streets in protest of some event. Uranus also rules light, so the
positive aspect would be to start manifesting your light body.
The planet Mars is moving through the Earth sign of Capricorn.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will continue, along with many fires.
The February full moon finds Mars over Washington, D.C. and in opposition to
Bush’s Sun
The nodes of the moon are moving through Aries/Libra. This activates
Hawaii, Alaska, and the ocean off the West Coast of America. The other side of
the world that is affected by this energy is Italy (note the Popes recent
illness), Greece, Turkey, etc. Watch for more events in those areas.
The better part of March will see the Sun moving through the water sign
Pisces, so expect lots of water events like rain, snow, storms, flooding, and
more glaciers melting. This is a good time to spend time sending love to
water. Bless the water you drink, bless the oceans, bless the rivers, bless the
lakes, and bless the fish that live in these bodies of water.
Our thoughts are very powerful. When many people gather together with loving
thoughts they can do wonders. Don’t forget to bless yourself.
I send you my love and blessings!

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Camping and Libraries

I was camping out with Branny. Pixie and Dirk were there too in another tent. There was a drain in this low area, I saw some bees flying around nothing bad just moving around. Then I noticed another area where the bees were flying around. Then there were more of them and I noticed they were coming out of the ground. That is where their nest was. They flew around us but never tried to land on us or sting us. I wanted to be afraid of them but they never gave me reason to be.

We walked across this one area and I found myself in a library. I walked through it because that wasn't where I was wanting to be. As I went through this dream I had to go to the library again. I went in looking for something and not sure what it was. These were old leather bound books. The peoples clothing was from different periods. Not just one but several. One blonde headed woman spoke to me but I don't remember what we had discussed. There were people of different ages in there also. I walked along the shelves looking at the titles of the books. Then I had to leave.

I got in the car with a man and another woman. We drove to what was suppose to be the camping place. Yet that isn't where we wound up. He was dropped off and something took place that I don't remember. I do remember a huge dinner being held, because I remember a large table that many of us sat at. There was always one seat too few but it seemed like we figured it out when I did a quick recount I found we were still one seat short. Then there were these kids who kept taking one of our chairs. They were all just out in the center of this room but no one would get one from there. They would just take one from another table. Then we were back to the car. We drove it to pick up the man. It was raining and there really was no one driving the car. I take that back they were but they were on the American side of the car. lol I saw the man standing on the sidewalk waiting for us. He smiled broadly at us and started across. The woman driving the car pulled up where he would have to walk into a deep puddle of water. I commented to her about it. I never saw this woman. The man stood for a moment staring at the car, he really liked this car. It was a turquoise green, long car. In this dream I realized I was sharing this man with this woman.. It was something I had just figured out in the dream itself. It was like I had just understood that she was one of his lovers too. I wasn't happy about this and then I woke.

Yes this was another dream of being in Wales.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

New Chakras

Ok they may not be new to some people but others it will be new.

  • target=_blank>New Chakras
  • Friday, February 18, 2005

    The Candles Are Blowing Out Again

    The Candles Are Blowing Out Again
    Lyrics by Bill Beattie
    Music: "Blowing In the Wind" by Bob Dylan

    How many robes can a Witch ignite
    While dancing too close to the flame?
    How many words from Grimm Brothers' tales
    Can you really expect to "reclaim"?
    And how many chants fall flat as a tack
    When you mispronounce each Sacred Name?
    The candles, my friend, are blowing out again,
    The candles are blowing out again.

    How many times can the incense go wild
    And firemen break down your door?
    How many times can athames get dropped
    And spear peoples' feet to the floor?
    Yes, and how many times can you brandish your wand
    And whack the High Priest on the jaw?
    The candles, my friend, are blowing out again,
    The candles are blowing out again.

    How many years can you do the same rite
    And still get the words mostly wrong?
    And how many spells from "Hereditary Craft"
    Quote verses from Erica Jong?
    And how many times can your Sabbat Great Rite
    Last less than a half-minute long?
    The candles, my friend, are blowing out again,
    The candles are blowing out again.

    If you've been wondering

    February 17, 2005
    Liftoff Completed!

    I so enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and messages, and continue to read each and every one. For me, they are gold nuggets with their own special energy and messages that continue to uplift and support the What's Up? web site and energy alerts.

    Due to the large volume of e-mails I receive (and that I am currently working on my book and on-line program), I am not always able to personally reply to them all, but encourage you to continue sending them and to continue connecting.


    If you awoke this morning with a sense of something different, you were not alone. We have just completed a monumental cleansing and shift, and have now released our "old world" ties and connection to the old planet Earth.

    We have finally completed the elevating process of releasing the "old us", the "old personality", the "old incarnation" of our prior roles, and basically, the "old human" model that related and existed in the old world.

    As this process accelerated most intensely in December, it began a chain reaction of deep cleansing and purifying from within, that seemed to continue on with back to back surges and "bump ups" in acceleration, with few breaks in between.

    We were literally being "gutted", as it was a necessary precursory step for what is to come. With disturbing sleep patterns, a multitude of aches and pains, and feelings of not knowing where in the world we really were, the process intensified, almost to the degree of unmanageability.

    Fatigue, again, overwhelmed many, and many of us as well have been sleeping incredibly soundly for the past several nights . As the shifts progressed, many went from hot to cold, to cold to hot, as we burned off our old and integrated the new.

    Most notably this time around, we felt ascension symptoms we had not experienced for some time. With an emphasis on the lower extremities (the feet, ankles, knees and hips), the connection to the old earth at the physical and grounding level was being released in earnest. Headaches were also prevalent, as were various other symptoms as this shift was profound and monumental in its own unique way.

    Mismatches in energy were very intense. It has now gotten to a point where there is nearly nothing left in the outside old physical reality that we can tolerate and bear. We are beginning to build our own sanctuaries at home, where we feel good at right. This is the beginning of the creation of the new centers that will soon be evolving, as well as an indication that it is very much time for the old outside world to be swept away.

    As the "spinning", vertigo and dizziness continued for many, we were activating our merkaba. As this process progressed, things began to "rev up" more and more, until the big release this morning.

    We were cleansing, releasing and aligning at a great depth. Anything we were embodying that held us to the "old Earth" and old energy of a world soon to end had to go. I went through several instances of crying all day, with intense body aches of great releasing along with just feeling totally disconnected to everything.

    Many of us felt an acute loneliness, as we were aligning and readying ourselves for the great and necessary losses soon to come. For me it felt as though near everything was being swept away, with nothing left to hold onto.

    We now have the opportunity, if we choose, to embody and reside in a new space. We have been released from the old planet Earth, and are no longer tied to her in any way. Along with the completion of this release, comes full embodiment of our purpose and our soul energy, and it feel oh so divine and oh so powerful and familiar!

    We have let go of the old "us", who suffered, had pain, struggled and was tired. We have released much, and with this "removal" of our old roles and our old identities and realities, we can now fully connect to our soul path with a much greater awareness.

    It will be from this time forward, as well, that we will FINALLY drop our added weight and resume our normal body shapes! Even though I was aware that the added weight was necessary for this stage of the ascension process, I was never able to make peace with it. Yipeeeeee! Back to a size eight.

    Before today and especially yesterday, the energies felt so very dense and heavy, and almost unbearable. They were reaching a crescendo. I am visiting dear friends in the Denver area, and yesterday all the cats here retreated and disappeared into their own private places of safety. It was very noticeable and very strange.

    As much was being pushed to the surface for release, we needed to complete this phase before the Earth did. And as things began to rapidly accelerate, EVERYTHING was being pushed into its new and appropriate "space".

    Relationships very suddenly blew apart and many other things ended abruptly as we HAD to be in our designated positions for what was to come. The time was NOW. There was no more room for lingering, indecisions or waiting. The energies were dictating and moving the chessboard of the New World into place at the last minute, so to speak, with what felt like a big blast of purposeful movement.

    As much is leaving, there will be much arriving as well. Better suited partners for us, better geographical locations, and the star beings will arrive in earnest. We are the New Planet Earth, and she is open to much welcomed visitation by the higher beings who will assist, but mostly will benefit in their own ways from this extraordinary evolutionary experience we are embodying. We are all in this together.

    This phase needed to be complete as we needed to be removed from what is to come in regard to the Earth changes soon to arrive. We have been disconnected and elevated to the higher realms of the New World, as it would not have been practical nor possible for us to serve, assist and create the New if we were susceptible to being washed away as well.

    We will experience this new level at different times, and much will be dependent on our willingness to BE HERE in the new, remembering that we need no longer experience the realities of the old. As the year progresses, we will now begin our evolutionary process into perfect health at last. It can be as easy as a shift in perception and a willingness to see the beauty around us. For many months I have been marveling at how easy it is becoming to shift into a new space. It only takes a willingness, as if only a matter of changing your radio channel.

    We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of a New and incredible world of our making. Beginning in March, I see a series of events that will unfold, shifting the Earth to its necessary vibration. These Earth shifts and water related shifts and cleansings will continue into April, but beginning in March, they will create a domino effect, back to back, one after another, traversing the globe.

    As we have been preparing by releasing the energy of the old Earth, the Earth will now have her turn. At this time, we will embody and remember our heritage as well. Our roles and purposes at a much higher level will arrive, as all else has been "removed" and now the path is clear. We need to clear the path for the New in all ways, and especially at the physical level. As the New is already in place, it now only needs a home in the physical world.

    As this will be the year of monumental change, get ready for the rebellion to finally occur. Many will band together and wish to be removed from the old United States. There will be a separation and the beginning of the creation of a New formed country for us here in the US. It will begin as a declaration of sovereignty as citizens of our own individual states, and not as citizens of the United States.

    This declaration of state citizenship will also affect the income tax situation. This is the beginning of the creation of small independent communities of unique vibration. Yes, much will occur this year, and by the beginning of 2006, we will barely recognize most things, as so much will have changed. And again, the time will finally be ripe for the New creations to arrive as the road will be perfectly clear for the making of the New Planet Earth to begin.

    Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?

    I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


    What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

    Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering the What's Up On Planet Earth? information free of charge on our web site and through the latest e-mail energy alerts. To make a donation, click here

    About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through creating the What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts and web site. She is no longer giving Soul Readings, but is currently working on her book "Finding Your Soul Purpose/A Part Of Ascension".

    To join the What's Up On Planet Earth? mailing list and receive the latest energy alerts, click here.

    Universal Copyright 2005 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the URL is included as the resource and the material is reproduced in its entirety.

    Visit the What's Up On Planet Earth? web site at

    Contact Karen at

    What's Up on Planet Earth? · P.O. Box 30431 · Flagstaff · AZ · 86003-0431

    Last Night

    I spent the afternoon with my sister. Well talked quite a bit and I am surprised at some content of our conversation. So needless to say that was very heavily on my mind.

    So off to bed I went at 12:00 after watching two movies.

    The one dream I remember is confronting Dale (BIL) about what he was doing to my sister. I called him and told him I needed to talk with him about my Sis. So he came over and talked with me about what was going on. He assured me he loved her and didn't know why she was acting the way she was. While he was there I was checking the house and noticed that the gate was open as was a door in the basement. It scared me so I asked him to check it out which he did. He left and I went in the house which was more like a fortress. The looks of it that is. I was there with my mom when someone tried to break in. There were these unknown elements trying to get in but then there was Dale, looking a little crazed. I just remember him sounding odd. Somewhere in this Dale said that if I had sex with him that it would help him think. Of course my brain was saying excuse me? I finally gave in, though I have to say it was not his eyes I looked into, or his neck I kissed nor his lips I tasted... So we had sex and I think that's when he left. Then he came back acting like a crazy man. He stood out in front of the house and was yelling for us to come out. He threatened to do something to Gay if we didn't. He threatened to tell Gay and was acting crazy enough for me to become afraid of him. The dream became more intense, enough to make me wake myself up.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2005

    Here I am again. I'm in a sucky mood. Sad, longing, missing, in general just sad. I've a headach and I'm sleepy. lol I didn't sleep well at all last night. Lot's of pain. I'm not so much depressed because my mood changes all the time.

    I feel like a sad song. When that song ends there is another behind it to change the tempo. So is my life.

    Monday, February 14, 2005


    I am sitting here watching my trip to Glastonbury play like a video in my mind. Bittersweet memories for me right now. I do want to make that trip again. The next time I want to take time to feel the place out. To check it out deeper than I did. To spend more time looking at everything... To take a breath while I'm there. Though I have a feeling that I may still not want to come back though. lol

    by Delerium

    Do you remember me,
    I'm just a shadow now.
    This is where I used to be,
    Right here beside you.
    Sometimes I call your name,
    High on a summer breeze.
    What I would give,
    To feel the sunlight on my face.
    What I would give,
    To be lost in your embrace.

    I've fallen from a distant star,
    Came back, compelled because I love.
    I'm caught between two different worlds,
    I long for one more night of love.

    Do you believe in dreams,
    That's how I found you.
    But I can't be with you,
    Till you take a leap of faith.
    What I would give,
    To feel the sunlight on my face.
    What I would give,
    To be lost in your embrace.

    I've fallen from a distant star,
    Came back, compelled because I love.
    I'm caught between two different worlds,
    I long for one more night of love.

    Sunday, February 13, 2005

    What a strange day. Nothing good and nothing bad happened it's just seemed like a numb day. I don't see a lot of happiness but not the sadness either. It just feels strange. Last night I hit the bed at 9:00pm and watched Horse Whisperer for a while. Then I was out and stayed that way until around 7:00 this morning. Then I just lay there in bed relaxing and thinking. I wasn't very successful in the thinking part because I kept falling back to sleep. lol

    My stomach still is fucked up from taking so many Excedrin last week. I swear it feels like it's screwed my ulcer up again. Everything makes my stomach hurt. Now the past two days I haven't had any energy.

    I'm debating on going to the meeting tomorrow night. Right now I'm not feeling like it but things change ya know?

    Saturday, February 12, 2005


    Well today I spent time cleaning. I will vaccum tomorrow as my head was hurting today and I didn't feel like adding to it with the vaccum noise. I've hardly been on the computer at all, this morning I posted one maybe two emails and that was it. I've not had any motivation to post anything much.

    Jo, Bex and Branny have been trying to get me to come over to visit in May. I got my answer to a question that was not quite asked. So I won't be going this time. Tough I do hope that when I do go back I'm in better shape than I was last time. lol

    I'm thinking that Tom will be moving to Texas. I talked with our dealer at Sokkia yesterday and she said that Tom had mentioned wanting to open a store in Texas. He hadn't mentioned that to me. *shrugs* No great loss.

    I may be going on my first date next week. Not totally sure yet on whether it will happen or not. Then I get a horoscope today that tells me cautious is fine but stop getting paranoid. lol the reason I find it so funny is I have been planning which purse to take so my .45 would fit. lol

    Friday, February 11, 2005


    Well I had a great day in the mail today.

    Branny sent me some pressies. A beautiful crystal called Ema Emmie... I think that's what she said it was called. :-) A book Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente, so fabulous chocolate and some mustard. It was great.

    I've realized that the rant about men was a point that I'm always there for my male friends. I wait patiently for them to tell what is bothering them. When I need to talk they disappear. Typical kind of guy move. You know oh you want to cuddle after sex? What the hell? That is what it's like... Here let me tell you what is bothering me but just because I say I want to know doesn't mean I really want to. So again it's the difference between men and women.

    I'm not sure what to make of them...


    I was traveling with some people. By traveling I mean like to another state. We were all having a good time just being together. I remember we traveled on foot. We went through this one little town that had mostly old people in it. They were so funny, nice and helpful. There was a man and I that seemed to be really good friends. We spent a lot of time together, meaning while we were all traveling he and I walked and talked with each other a lot. So we are in this little town and we decided to get married. Though it was more like he asked me and I didn't agree or disagree. So a judge married us and we all continued to travel. We came to one place that had a chocolatier. Supposedly he made the best chocolate in the world. So we stopped and got some chocolate, I got milk chocolate, dark chocolate and it seems like a light chocolate. So we continued to travel and came to this one place and all the people were out in this grassy area. It wasn't like a party but they were socializing. This man and child came up on a white horse. I noted that the horse needed to be fed more. It wasn't that it was too skinny but it could use some weight. The horse had wonderful confirmation. Nice big shoulders, short back, nice hips, beautiful head and strong neck. I notice the neck most for some reason. Some how I wound up with the horse and was walking it to tie up in the shade. There was another horse there already. As I was starting to tie the horse up another man told me that it wasn't necessary. Just throw the rope over it's neck and let it graze, it wouldn't run off. I shrugged and said like this and turned to find the rope already over the horses neck and it grazing. The thing was now this horse was brown. It wasn't a bay but brown.

    Some where in the above part of the dream I got divorced. It was like 30 minutes after we got married. I don't remember when it happened but I just remember it happening.

    So we are traveling again heading back. We decided to stopped by the chocolate place again. This time as we approached we were told that this was an (the name is gone now) village. As we entered people looked strangely at us, sort of like they were suspicious of us. I noticed that they were all blonde headed. Of course the lightness of hair varied. As we came in we past a military group that was in training. (Their uniforms were very similar to the Calvary of the old west) We stopped where the chocolate dude was, tied the horses up but the store was closed. So we walked to the heart of town which wasn't too far at all. About a stones throw from the store. I sat down next to a couple of old men and was talking with them. We got around to talking about the chocolate dude and I asked if one of them minded asking him if he would sell me some more chocolate. I showed them that I still had some of the chocolate I had purchased earlier. One of the guys took off but didn't say anything. After a bit a man in a grayish suit showed up, older man who walked slightly bent over. He smiled and said of course he remembered me.

    That's all I remember of the dream.

    Thursday, February 10, 2005


    Last nights dream again involved horses.

    Very odd, searching dream. I can see glimpses of it since I woke. I remember walking a road with several other people. I just can't remember where we were going.

    I had wrote to Mab the other day that even when someone had hurt me I still am there if they need help. I would like to think of it as a weakness but in truth, it's not. It's not that I forgive the person/s, it's that if they are in need then I can over look the hurt. This doesn't mean I would go and do physical labor for them. lol It means I will and do still support them when they need that kind of help. I've tried not to but it goes against me somehow. Against something that is bigger than ego could ever be.

    I'm tired, tired of feeling like I need to worry about stuff. Tom told me he and Dallas were fueding again. I think he expected me to ask about it. He isn't in a place where he needs me to listen, when he gets there I'm sure I'll break down and do so.

    This year will be better. I want something that I don't know can ever happen. It may even be that it is not something I can ever have. I'll see as time goes by.

    Wednesday, February 09, 2005

    Squishy horse

    Sitting here parts of my dream last night are coming back to me.

    My mother, sister and I were at a barn and were going to ride. These weren't our horses but more like rental horses. There was something strange about the people but I can't quite remember what. This girl took us into the barn to let us look at the horses. There was a horse in the last stall that she showed us and I told her I didn't want to ride that one (an appaloosa). Then she showed me another horse. This horse was so odd but it's the one I wanted to ride (buckskin). This horse was like a joker or something. It knew tricks and I think it's legs moved funny. This horse felt squishy when I got on his back. I'm not sure how to explain it but it felt weird. His back was broad and he rode good. We fought a little about him wanting to go back to the barn. It was just so strange though because it didn't really feel like I was riding. He moved funny. I do remember mom, Gay and I all being on top of a hill, just sitting there.

    I remember being on the horse in the barn and riding him out like they told me. The problem was the roof was getting shorter and there would be no way to ride him out. I wasn't sure he would even get out. I stayed on and rode out and the roof seem to move up so I didn't have any trouble riding out.

    That's really all I can remember now.


    I swear I just don't get it. A wonderful friend wrote that she is going to see an attorney tomorrow. About divorce. I hate this. She is hurting and I can feel it. It's something that I was hoping wouldn't happen but she knows what's best for her. I love her and hope she doesn't close us all out.

    Sleep has not been a good constant lately. I'm waking several times during the night and some times only 30 or 40 minutes after I go to sleep. Then of course two or three times more. Again this morning I woke around 5:00 luckily I was able to go back to sleep.

    My dreams have been pretty busy and feel like I just going through an average day.

    I haven't gone to Border's in a few weeks, just haven't been motivated. I am going to try and make the next meet though. Then there is a get together on the 22nd that I'm going to make. That will get me out of the house anyway. I realized that I've been either in the house or the office but no where else in too long. Well, other than grocery shopping.

    Colette's candles came in the mail today and they all smell so good. I was going to light the prosperity one but I'm in the office and really don't want to bring more prosperity to Tom. lol So When I go to the house I'll light it there. :-) I bought a tranquility candle for my sister but now I'm eyeing it. lol I'm justifying it by saying it will be a while before I see her soooooo.... lol

    I signed up for Skymiles today. I figure if I'm going to fly I might as well start getting something out of it.

    Monday, February 07, 2005

    Ascension Symptoms

    I know that many of us have talked about these same symptoms. If you have never seen this site check it out.

    Ascension Symptoms

    Know that although our evolutionary process is rapidly accelerating, along with the New higher vibrational energies, we are all experiencing these changes in our own way and in our own time, according to who we are and according to our coding and plan before birth. In addition, generally speaking, our ascension process relates to how we each run our own individual energy, and what our beliefs and experiences are (in other words, how we are wired and how we vibrate). These things can be changed and will also change automatically as we clear and embody more light within ourselves. For the highly sensitive, psychic and those very open to the higher realms, the ascension process can be a bit more challenging.

    For me, all of my interesting and "strange" symptoms disappeared after I completely "arrived" in a higher realm......and they will for you as well. These symptoms seem to occur while we are going through the transition, or what I liken to the "tunnel". Know that there is an end, and an incredibly beautiful, peaceful and loved filled reality awaiting you. May your evolutionary process be joyous, peaceful and filled with light and wonder!

    (Note: Of course, not all of these symptoms can be attributed to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed).

    Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviors and beliefs are also being pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you!

    A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of moving into the higher realms.

    Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. You are purifying and releasing blocked energy vibrating at 3D while you are vibrating in a higher dimension.

    Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. As you progress, waking at 5 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state. You can't be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the "cleansing and releasing" hour.

    Memory loss. Difficulty accessing words. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague remembrances of your past. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and going back and forth as part of the transition (you are experiencing a "disconnect"). Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever gone. Being in the Now is the way of the New World!

    "Seeing" and "hearing" things. You are experiencing different dimenions as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are wired.

    Loss of identity. You try to access the Old you, but it is no longer there. You may not know who you are looking at in the mirror! You have cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in're OK.
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    Feeling "out of body". You may feel as though someone is talking, but it is not you. Our bodies are the last to catch up and are not in the same place as the rest of us. In addition, this phenomenon can also occur as it is our natural defense mechanism of survival when we are under acute stress or feeling traumatized or out of control. Your body is going through a lot and you may not want to be in it. At one point, my ascension guide told me that this was a way of easing the transition process, and that I did not need to experience what my body was going through.

    Periods of deep sleeping. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase.

    Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up! Know that this will eventually pass.

    Dizziness, loss of balance, back and neck pain, ringing in the ears, "gritty" eyes, blurred vision
    (very common), insomnia, and heart palpitations with difficulty breathing (also very common).
    Crying about anything, whether wonderful or sad.

    Not remembering the meaning of anything. When I was in an intense period of the transitional process and we were in the throws of a substantial energy thrust into the higher realms, I remember looking at a trashcan and not knowing what it was for. I had to access my memory of the "old" and reach far. What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where everything only possesses the meaning and identity that we give it. In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning. All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course In Miracles undoing process, without the "trying".

    Difficulty in remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before. In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not "hold onto" does not exist. Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs.

    You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, "rebooting". Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, "doing" and "making things happen" becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to "bring" you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun!

    An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D) reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel “sick” inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being "pushed" to move "be" and create the New. In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone as much of everything "out there" no longer matches the higher vibration of YOU.

    A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.

    A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better!

    You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. Same as above.

    Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.

    Up to top
    A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. Weight gain (especially in the abdominal area). A craving for protein. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process. Weight gain with an inablilty to loose it no matter what you do is one of the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing.

    (Note: The body seems to need this extra weight for processing and holding these New higher vibrations. In addition, the liver goes on overdrive as it is rapidly processing and detoxing. An overtaxed liver can lead to abdominal weight gain and frequent waking around 3 a.m. (the liver hour in oriental medicine). Liver supports that can be helpful are milk thistle, casual walks, breathing and trusting in the future.)

    Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are our outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.

    A wanting to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don't belong here anymore. We are returning to Source. Everything IS over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New World). Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.

    Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort. You are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to you now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

    Anxiety and panic and feelings of hysteria. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. It may feel as if everything is ending (most of everything is!).Your system is also on overload. Things are happening to you that you may not understand. You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. This will pass and you will eventually feel so much love, safety and unity. Just wait!

    Depression. The outer world may not be in alignment with the New, higher vibrational you. It doesn't feel so good out there. You are also releasing lower, darker energies and you are "seeing" through them. Hang in there!

    Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. You are releasing many, many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy. Many are now reporting that they are experiencing beautiful dreams. Your dreamstate will eventually improve and you will enjoy it again. Some experience this releasing while awake. My mother commented one day that she believed I was having nightmares in the daytime!

    Night sweats and hot flashes. Your body is "heating" up as it burns off residue.

    Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction. Your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels GREAT in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do! It is breaking your “rut” choices and vibration.

    You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many “worst nightmare” aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into “stretching” into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into “toning down” aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is YOUR journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren't ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.

    Sunday, February 06, 2005

    Pondering Death

    No not like that. I enjoy living.

    I'm sitting here watching Meet Joe Black and it always makes me think of how our emotions control much of us. When Joe goes to the first board meeting and Dru uses the statement death and taxes. Joe says that is an odd pairing. As these little conversation goes on Dru becomes nasty to Joe and the look in Joe's eyes makes me grin every time. My thought was that Dru deserves to die because he is such a nasty little creep. Then I start thinking about how Death couldn't be driven by emotions at all. If death were then I just don't think it would let anyone suffer from terminal illnesses. I mean if you are dying anyway then why wouldn't he go ahead and take you to save you the suffering. Death doesn't though, it just is what it is. Just think if it was driven by emotions Death could lash out at anyone who upset it. There are times I think ah to have that power but is it power? To be able to help someone pass to "that other place", to ease their pain, or to guide them. I don't think I'd call that a power. I would think in this case it's more of a job. I want to use calling but I don't know if death is ever replaced by another one.

    To be able to see death from a different perspective than emotional would feel odd to me. Detached is one thing but I think that death isn't detached.

    In this movie an old woman sees him in the hospital and she calls him an evil spirit. She sees that he is death, while the others only see him as a man. He tells her he isn't evil, that he takes people to that other place. She then begs him to take her because of her pain. He says it's not time. Again she begs to be released from the pain she feels. He shows her that other place and she smiles yet he says only "soon". Why? Because soon it will be her time. Still, he doesn't break what is to be. Now yes in the end he does or I guess maybe it only appears that way.

    So would life be better without emotion? Nah I don't think so. Decisions would be easier to make but the rest of life, well it wouldn't be life. Life is to be savored, enjoyed. We need these emotions to learn, love and grow with. Think of what it would be like to never know what love is or hurt. The joy a seeing someone you love succeed.

    There is so much that we can learn from our emotions.

    Saturday, February 05, 2005


    I was in a village then found myself walking on a dirt road. This seemed like an act to me but yet there were elements that felt real.

    There were several people around who had Welsh accents. These men seemed to belong to a troup of actors. They were really funny guys. This one was walking up behind me and this wagon appeared and then a horse. This horse was just a standard horse nothing really stood out about him other than being a bit unruly. This man put a red halter on him and it seemed to unfold into a harness. It just appeared on the horse. The harness was red instead of being leather. I watched the reins unfold and the horse was then automatically hooked up to the wagon. It was a small wagon. You could probably put 4 maybe 5 people standing in it. The sides were probably about 3 feet high. The horse fought the harness for a moment. Then he settled in and I found myself in a larger village. I was meeting up with my cousins. We were all standing in line for something. There was this really tall thin man in front of me. His skin was strange. I want to say he was dirty but it wasn't that. Maybe it was tattoos. I didn't see any design though. He had shoulder length scraggly hair. He was funny though. Then I found myself inside a theater of some kind. I found myself in a long dress and high heels. I was walking through the aisles of this theater. What was strange was that I wasn't looking to sit but I was searching for something. Alone. I picked up a cloth and started dusting the handrail. The wood was so beautiful after I cleaned it. This woman, old white haired one, asked if anyone had seen the child. She indicated where he had been playing by a drain. I motioned and told her I thought he was over there and pointed. Now this theater had cars in it. They were all parked like they were in a lot but there was no space between them and the woman was standing next to a cross roads. She and the others where watching a show that I never saw.

    I started walking up the stairs still cleaning the handrail, admiring the wood. I realized I was having trouble walking. It felt like my legs weren't bending like they should. I looked down at my feet and was willing them to work properly. I walked back out into the street and people had parked there cars facing a bunch of building saying they were waiting for the show. I walked through the path they had left. They were all just enjoying themselves. Then I woke up.


    Night before all I really remember are the wolves in my dreams.

    Thursday, February 03, 2005


    Men are stupid. Yes that was one huge generalization and guess what I mean it. They don't have one clue about anything. God Almighty! *insert your favorite line of curse words*

    If it Makes You Happy, Then Why the Hell Are You So Sad

    This blog will probably not make a lot of sense as I'm just going to let my mind wonder through it's self and see what comes out.

    I'm letting the old stuff go. I don't need or want it. I'm tired of feeling the hurt, the wondering of what if's, and the why's. It sucks when these are the things that keep coming to you. I mean what? Is it something I need to deal with or is it that it wants me to just let them go? I have no idea. I'm tired of feeling used. Tired of putting all my effort in there just to feel ignored later. I'm tired of trying not to hurt people's feelings yet I'm suppose to take it when they lash out. I'm suppose to be the person who people can dump their shit on and walk away happy. Yet when I have those moments those same people aren't there. I honestly don't mind helping people and do enjoy it. If a friend is in need I'm there. I don't like the one way street that some seem to think it is. I remember being happy in my life. It just seems so far away.

    Letting go doesn't mean that I don't remember it. Lessons learned and all that. The lines are drawn boldly in the sand now. There is no more gray area in that. For once in my life I don't care what people think. They don't like it that's their problem not mine.

    No this isn't about feeling like a victim. It's about becoming stronger and not wanting to put up with the bullshit anymore.

    As the lyrics of I am the Highway says:

    I am not your rolling wheels
    I am the highway
    I am not your carpet ride
    I am the sky
    I am not your blowing wind
    I am the lightning
    I am not your autumn moon
    I am the night

    I'm tired of feeling like I'm not sure which way to turn. It's not that this things are closed to me there are just too many choices. I've been questioning where I belong and if I belong anywhere. I think I misplaced my magick. I can't find where I put my excitement for life.

    I was thinking last night about the Trail of Painted Ponies. It occurred to me that I could do something similar. They have those blank models of horses that you can paint the way you want to. I was thinking last night about doing one. I'll have to look into it.

    Everyday is a Winding Road

    My dreams have been interesting but this morning it felt so real. I was at a friends house and her husband was such an ass. He abused her yet she treated him like gold. He was such a baby too. In the dream he had just yelled at everyone because she hadn't cleaned up the house. He said she was behind schedule. The house should have been clean 5 minutes ago. It seems like everything for her life was on a schedule. He sat down at the computer still bitching at her and I said we'll help her and it will be done in no time. He grumbled and some how managed to hurt himself. Then he was basically begging for sympathy. I started saying something really negative and changed mid-stream thinking it was wrong to be nasty to him. Then he popped up with a nasty comment that was like saying he hoped I got run over by a car. I turned and smiled at him and said and I hope you run into a tractor trailer head on. He just smirked at me. He kept whining about his pain. His wife acted like she was giving him sympathy while she continued to clean.

    I remember horses being involved. I just don't remember how.

    Wednesday, February 02, 2005

    Waking up

    I was walking around the house and my boys were younger, probably like 12 and 8. I walked into their bedroom with someone and the beds were empty but I looked around the corner and they had made beds on the floor. I questioned why and was total they were saving the bed for his total self when he got done. (I have no idea what that means) There were three beds and one was made, the others looked like someone had just crawled out of them.

    So I continued around the house with this person. I was telling him Tom said to go ahead and fix it up. I said but I beat if I hired a couple of folks to paint it he'd throw a fit. Then I noticed how beat up the walls were. We walked to this one room where you could see outside and a way of actually going out on like a deck. I asked them if they (a man and a woman) had gone out here yet. They said yes but I took them outside again. When we went outside it was like being on top of a huge motel. You could see the ocean from here. There was glass that separated you from the inside. When I was inside it seemed like there were a display of animals on the other side of it. It turns out that while we were outside the animals came back. There was a black boar that was walking towards me. I put my hand on his snort to push him back so I could get by him. He looked me in the eye and started pushing towards me. My hands was stuck in his mouth.. I was trying to figure how to get my hand out of his mouth without upsetting the boar and too not tear my hand up. My hand was stinging and I made the comment that I didn't know why my hand was stinging from it's breath. Then the scene changed.

    Right before I woke I was on the phone talking with a man. I was walking through something like a hotel while I was on the phone. He was talking about to me about someone's financial status. It was like he was just sharing information for some reason. I was walking towards the window where I could see outside to the ocean. The waves were average as I watched them. The man said lovely lady with that aside and he started to change the subject. I noticed that there was one wave that was bigger in height than the others though it wasn't a long wave. It kept growing and started to break 100 yards or more from the shore. I was thinking that was odd but then I thought there was something in the water that the water hit to have caused that. Then as the waves broke back into the ocean there was some under the water coming towards the hotel. Sort of like a torpedo. Yet the wave followed this thing. I saw that it was going to hit where we were and I knew the water wouldn't be high enough to get to us but whatever was leading the water was what I was afraid of. I ran to the right and there was no place to go but at least I wasn't right in front of it. It did break through the building and this wave of water crashed in. It wasn't a lot but at that moment I knew Michael was out there. I was in a panic when I woke.

    Yes I got up early. It's just taken a while for me to get this much of the dream typed up. It comes to me in flashes.

    Tuesday, February 01, 2005

    Last night

    Last night my dream was rather interesting.

    I had a waken dream inside a dream. I was somewhere with people I had just met but the person that stands out the most was a woman I don't know and Laurence. This group of people were planning a trip and for that fact we were all on a trip. During this dream I dreamed that I was flying (without any aid) around this ancient city. It was made of stone and wood. This wood wasn't what you're thinking. It was accent to the stone. These huge carvings were over the entrances to different parts of this city. I reached out and touched several of these huge carvings. The wood had a grain like mahogany and about the same color. The wood was smooth to the touch. Very rounded in design. I looked down while I was flying and saw these large columns and smaller buildings. I remember seeing the stairs to this one huge building. That is the building that had the most carved wood on it. I started to spiral and knew from past dreams I was in the falling part right before I wake. While this was all happening I was aware of what everyone else was doing around me. As I felt myself falling I started thinking no and I grabbed something to try and force myself to stop falling (this was in the non dream part of the dream) The woman had her hand on my back and was telling a man she didn't know what had happened. He started speaking to me and I didn't want to release the dream. I wanted to look more at this city, to remember more of it.

    We landed and I looked out and there was beautiful blue water but it wasn't deep and though it looked like a beach area it could be salt water because there were a couple of animals drinking from it. He asked me if I was ok and I said yes. He said I promise I will take you flying. I just smiled. We sat in the chairs that were in a circle but no one stayed still long. I remember seeing Laurence. Then he took me to his plane and said I told you I'd take you flying. Then we were flying over the interstate like we were in traffic. A little boy wanted to fly the plane and Laurence let him. I was panicked but Laurence said it will be ok. I wasn't too sure because now we were flying in the emergency lane. We had to stop for some construction, there was a huge crane moving something. I remember the controls in the plane were purple.

    There was more to this dream but it's all I can remember right now. Maybe when I go to bed tonight the rest will come to me.