Friday, February 25, 2005

Life as it is

So last night during one dream I saw Trouble again, as he was as a kitten. I remember I saw him and grabbed him up and said Hey Trouble Kitty. I really think that he was visiting me in my dream.

Then the dream goes along and he was hurt. His feet were damaged. It was his toes, they had been cut off. I was looking at them, holding his paw and I noticed that He grew new toes. These new toes though weremm strange. It was like he had regrown half of his front feet. As I looked at the I noticed they weren't cat feet but dog. I woke up.

My dreams seem to be strange of late. I'm not remembering them very well. I'm thinking maybe I'm doing astral travel.

What else is going on.... hmmm... Well life is good, and I'm feeling good about it. It feels like many things have changed or shifted in my life. I don't feel the pain I've felt in the past. Stuff from the past isn't important to me anymore.

My friend Edward told me he was getting married in April, then will be moving to the US. I wish him the best of luck. :-)

I was glad to hear Froggie is going wholesale. That's great news for him. So good luck with that dear.

I'm going to take a couple of Colette's candles to my local witchy shop and see if they might be interested in buying from Colette. :-) I'll probably send them to Froggie's site too.

I won't be around much tomorrow. I'll be going at the Dragon Hills for a work day. I figure if I'm going to start going to the festivals there then I'll put some work in there.

I've been fairly busy at work. Not so much that I'm over whelmed but enough to keep me busy. We have a very sad case right now. A 16 year old, drivers license for a month. Has a crash and kills his 10 year old brother. That is just so incredibly sad. I just couldn't even imagine. Yes I sent love and healing to him and his family.

That's it for now.