Friday, February 18, 2005

If you've been wondering

February 17, 2005
Liftoff Completed!

I so enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and messages, and continue to read each and every one. For me, they are gold nuggets with their own special energy and messages that continue to uplift and support the What's Up? web site and energy alerts.

Due to the large volume of e-mails I receive (and that I am currently working on my book and on-line program), I am not always able to personally reply to them all, but encourage you to continue sending them and to continue connecting.


If you awoke this morning with a sense of something different, you were not alone. We have just completed a monumental cleansing and shift, and have now released our "old world" ties and connection to the old planet Earth.

We have finally completed the elevating process of releasing the "old us", the "old personality", the "old incarnation" of our prior roles, and basically, the "old human" model that related and existed in the old world.

As this process accelerated most intensely in December, it began a chain reaction of deep cleansing and purifying from within, that seemed to continue on with back to back surges and "bump ups" in acceleration, with few breaks in between.

We were literally being "gutted", as it was a necessary precursory step for what is to come. With disturbing sleep patterns, a multitude of aches and pains, and feelings of not knowing where in the world we really were, the process intensified, almost to the degree of unmanageability.

Fatigue, again, overwhelmed many, and many of us as well have been sleeping incredibly soundly for the past several nights . As the shifts progressed, many went from hot to cold, to cold to hot, as we burned off our old and integrated the new.

Most notably this time around, we felt ascension symptoms we had not experienced for some time. With an emphasis on the lower extremities (the feet, ankles, knees and hips), the connection to the old earth at the physical and grounding level was being released in earnest. Headaches were also prevalent, as were various other symptoms as this shift was profound and monumental in its own unique way.

Mismatches in energy were very intense. It has now gotten to a point where there is nearly nothing left in the outside old physical reality that we can tolerate and bear. We are beginning to build our own sanctuaries at home, where we feel good at right. This is the beginning of the creation of the new centers that will soon be evolving, as well as an indication that it is very much time for the old outside world to be swept away.

As the "spinning", vertigo and dizziness continued for many, we were activating our merkaba. As this process progressed, things began to "rev up" more and more, until the big release this morning.

We were cleansing, releasing and aligning at a great depth. Anything we were embodying that held us to the "old Earth" and old energy of a world soon to end had to go. I went through several instances of crying all day, with intense body aches of great releasing along with just feeling totally disconnected to everything.

Many of us felt an acute loneliness, as we were aligning and readying ourselves for the great and necessary losses soon to come. For me it felt as though near everything was being swept away, with nothing left to hold onto.

We now have the opportunity, if we choose, to embody and reside in a new space. We have been released from the old planet Earth, and are no longer tied to her in any way. Along with the completion of this release, comes full embodiment of our purpose and our soul energy, and it feel oh so divine and oh so powerful and familiar!

We have let go of the old "us", who suffered, had pain, struggled and was tired. We have released much, and with this "removal" of our old roles and our old identities and realities, we can now fully connect to our soul path with a much greater awareness.

It will be from this time forward, as well, that we will FINALLY drop our added weight and resume our normal body shapes! Even though I was aware that the added weight was necessary for this stage of the ascension process, I was never able to make peace with it. Yipeeeeee! Back to a size eight.

Before today and especially yesterday, the energies felt so very dense and heavy, and almost unbearable. They were reaching a crescendo. I am visiting dear friends in the Denver area, and yesterday all the cats here retreated and disappeared into their own private places of safety. It was very noticeable and very strange.

As much was being pushed to the surface for release, we needed to complete this phase before the Earth did. And as things began to rapidly accelerate, EVERYTHING was being pushed into its new and appropriate "space".

Relationships very suddenly blew apart and many other things ended abruptly as we HAD to be in our designated positions for what was to come. The time was NOW. There was no more room for lingering, indecisions or waiting. The energies were dictating and moving the chessboard of the New World into place at the last minute, so to speak, with what felt like a big blast of purposeful movement.

As much is leaving, there will be much arriving as well. Better suited partners for us, better geographical locations, and the star beings will arrive in earnest. We are the New Planet Earth, and she is open to much welcomed visitation by the higher beings who will assist, but mostly will benefit in their own ways from this extraordinary evolutionary experience we are embodying. We are all in this together.

This phase needed to be complete as we needed to be removed from what is to come in regard to the Earth changes soon to arrive. We have been disconnected and elevated to the higher realms of the New World, as it would not have been practical nor possible for us to serve, assist and create the New if we were susceptible to being washed away as well.

We will experience this new level at different times, and much will be dependent on our willingness to BE HERE in the new, remembering that we need no longer experience the realities of the old. As the year progresses, we will now begin our evolutionary process into perfect health at last. It can be as easy as a shift in perception and a willingness to see the beauty around us. For many months I have been marveling at how easy it is becoming to shift into a new space. It only takes a willingness, as if only a matter of changing your radio channel.

We are getting closer and closer to the arrival of a New and incredible world of our making. Beginning in March, I see a series of events that will unfold, shifting the Earth to its necessary vibration. These Earth shifts and water related shifts and cleansings will continue into April, but beginning in March, they will create a domino effect, back to back, one after another, traversing the globe.

As we have been preparing by releasing the energy of the old Earth, the Earth will now have her turn. At this time, we will embody and remember our heritage as well. Our roles and purposes at a much higher level will arrive, as all else has been "removed" and now the path is clear. We need to clear the path for the New in all ways, and especially at the physical level. As the New is already in place, it now only needs a home in the physical world.

As this will be the year of monumental change, get ready for the rebellion to finally occur. Many will band together and wish to be removed from the old United States. There will be a separation and the beginning of the creation of a New formed country for us here in the US. It will begin as a declaration of sovereignty as citizens of our own individual states, and not as citizens of the United States.

This declaration of state citizenship will also affect the income tax situation. This is the beginning of the creation of small independent communities of unique vibration. Yes, much will occur this year, and by the beginning of 2006, we will barely recognize most things, as so much will have changed. And again, the time will finally be ripe for the New creations to arrive as the road will be perfectly clear for the making of the New Planet Earth to begin.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering the What's Up On Planet Earth? information free of charge on our web site and through the latest e-mail energy alerts. To make a donation, click here

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through creating the What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts and web site. She is no longer giving Soul Readings, but is currently working on her book "Finding Your Soul Purpose/A Part Of Ascension".

To join the What's Up On Planet Earth? mailing list and receive the latest energy alerts, click here.

Universal Copyright 2005 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as the URL is included as the resource and the material is reproduced in its entirety.

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Contact Karen at

What's Up on Planet Earth? · P.O. Box 30431 · Flagstaff · AZ · 86003-0431


Blogger Mab said...


11:51 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree....Wow...

So much of what I've been feeling is in here....


10:43 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yikes...that last anonymous was me...

10:43 PM 

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