Thursday, October 20, 2005

What Georgia Needs

Roxane stole this from Newspice who stole it from draiguise and gave it a try.... do a google search "[Your Name] Needs... post the ten results.

Georgia needs plenty of teachers...

Georgia needs our support now...

Georgia needs irreversable...

Georgia needs to attract...

Georgia needs to take crucial steps...

Georgia needs reserve troops...

Georgia needs help...

Georgia needs to cooperate...

Georgia needs to learn to let go...

Georgia needs to teach more about evolution...

As you can see having the same name as a state and a country gives you some strange needs. lol

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Soul Mates & Hot Dates

When I got home from the office yesterday I opened up my email and found one from Llewellyn Books. Yep they are having a Halloween Sale. It is books so I cruised through the sales section. I ran across this one book and it caught my eye. Soul Mates & Hot Dates: How to Tell Who's Who by: Maria Shaw. First glance I thought cute title and then hmmm... So I clicked on the link and had a look at the book. Of course my brain was running at Mach 2 now thinking about the possibilities. I thought you know this would really be great, help sort out the unnecessary stuff. Then it happened.

What you ask? Well somewhere inside my brain it calms down and wants to discuss this with me. Firstly, it points out the point that what is this unnecessary stuff you are thinking of. Well, I stumbled around trying to get an answer that sounded half way intelligent. It wasn’t coming I could tell. So I argued with myself that at my age I didn’t need to waste my time and before I could finish that voice cut me off. You are never wasting time in any kind of relationship. There is something that is needed in everyone. So I did a quick review of past relationships and thought well ok. I heard fingers drumming in my mind waiting for more from me. So I worked out that yes indeed I have learned something from all of my relationships and no they weren’t a waste of time.

So I’m sitting there letting this all sink in and understanding better about those relationships. The voice chimes in again when I got quiet, “Why do you think this book would be good then?” This time my mind doesn’t race and search for the answer, no, not this time. This time it was calm and answered easily, “Because I thought it may have the answers”. As I sat and thought on that for a moment I realized that truly the answers aren’t in books. It’s our need for those answers that leads us to buy these kinds of books. We are tired of searching and wondering if this person is the one, is there a deeper connection with them. (This statement because this is what the book is about after all). We want reassurance that we aren’t making bad decisions. We want the answers because we are unsure of ourselves. We want these answers NOW! On another level it’s because we fear making mistakes. Plus we don’t want to invest the time in someone who isn’t going to hang around. Well guess what, all of those We statements, don’t matter. There are things that we need to experience and enjoy or not.

People come into our lives and leave all the time. When it’s about love it’s when we seem to really notice it. Those who are friends they pass through our lives and we barely notice when they are gone. Yet when love passes through your life and leaves you notice it. You notice the feeling of emptiness when they are gone. You notice all the little things around your life that reminds you of them. You notice how empty you feel. Some people do better in handling this kind of loss than others. Me, well, I’m very emotional and then things settle down. I move through those stages of loss like the speed of light, though sometimes I have to revisit them once or twice more. LOL I take time to think about it and just let it go. The thing is we are told love is forever and it may well be. Relationships on the other hand are not. They don’t have to be, though we are told they should be. In for a penny, in for a pound kind of thing. I think we, as humans, have screwed up with assigning time to a relationship or even a title like marriage. Someone will argue oh but there is stability in a marriage. No, there are legal ties; being married doesn’t give you any guarantees about your partner. You may have a wonderful partner that you will spend the rest of your life with and that is great. Not all partnership will last that long or even half.

Ok so back to my original point. The one about books like the one I’ve been discussing some. We buy these books to get our answers. I think it is hard for us to see that books like this don’t hold the answers that we really seek. Not the real answer. You see the question you are really asking when you buy a book like this is simply, “Is he the one”. *smiles* Do you really think you’ll find that answer in a book?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I think I’m going to ramble about good and bad and see if I can sort it out in my head.

There are saying like,

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
There is always a silver lining to every dark cloud.
Look at the bright side.

All of these saying hint at the same thing. There is something in every situation that is good. Are the folks that say thing like this just optimistic or are they actually on to something?

Ok so we say there is good and bad in everything, well some say this. Yet when a natural disaster happens normally the only thing seen is the bad. Ok, yes some people lose everything, even some their lives. In some cases these people will move to another location and their lives may be better or they possibly could be the same. It may force them to move closer to family and it winds up being a blessing in disguise. Others will tough it out and rebuild where they are. In both of these cases there is something for them. Those that chose to stay learn they can rebuild their lives. Those that move may discover the family they had disconnected with. The ones who die, they get a chance to be reborn.

I think I’ve rambled before about natural disasters and how they are good for the earth. Fire, well for forest, fire kills the underbrush, which competes with the trees for food and water. I was told that the forest of old didn’t have an underbrush problem because the fires were allowed to happen. They were allowed probably because they couldn’t stop them but still they happened. Earth quakes and volcanoes help the earth readjust her self. Hurricanes and such, I haven’t quite figured out how they help the earth but they happen.

Then we can move to people, good and bad. Are there people out there who are 100% bad? I don’t know but I believe that people are capable of both good and bad. Then we have to think about what good and bad is. What’s bad to me may not be to someone else. Think about it this way. We as in the US, see the way things are in other countries. They are different than ours and we say oh man that’s bad. Yet the people of that other country may be perfectly happy with things the way they are. Let’s take a little thing like eating with your hands. Ok, there are some things that are “acceptable” to eat with your hands and others are not, well that’s the rule in the US. What about countries that use their hands all the time to eat, except soup of course, they can just drink it. We would look at that and think how barbaric yet it’s not. Nothing wrong with it at all. Hygiene is another thing. I remember as a child being told that Europeans have horrible hygiene. I think what I’m getting at is these are just perceptions. It doesn’t mean these things are wrong or right, good or bad. So doesn’t it stand that this same thought process would move to other areas too?

We make mental list of what’s good and bad/evil. Cancer and death are considered bad/evil. You know I learned something when my dad found out he had cancer. Some may read this and say well duh but I honestly didn’t know. We all have cancer inside of us. However normally our bodies fight it off and it’s not a problem. So it’s not some evil thing that sneaks into our bodies and destroy us. It’s just our bodies lose the ability to fight it affectively because of different reasons. So it’s not evil, it just is what it is.

Evil is a word we use so easily in this day and time. Everything is evil that we don’t like. Some Christians call Pagans evil and vice versa. Yet others see the truth and understand that neither is evil. While out in Colorado and at Bella’s shop I found a bumper sticker that I liked. I showed it to Cerr and said this would be a great footer for the Grove. It is as follows: "Fundies are Fundies No Matter If They Quote The Lord or The Goddess". The point to me was it doesn’t mean these folks are evil they lack understanding. Understanding is something I wish I could promote. No, not forcing someone to “understand” but to help them to if they choose. This is also the way with what people consider as evil. It’s a lack of understanding. Dang I know there is a quote about fearing what you don’t understand but I can’t think of it now.

So I went looking for the quote and haven’t found it yet. What I did find was some interesting quotes on fear and evil. It seems that most of the quotes I’ve read are saying that it’s our fault for not doing anything to stop the evil. Nothing about how there are two sides to everything. Though I must admit that Mae West’s quote is probably the closest. “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before”. I know she was a woman who spoke her mind but my point is to me this quote is pointing at what others thought were evil she would try. LOL Interesting woman she was.

Now if you really think about this you’ll understand a little better. We are programmed to believe most of what we do. As we grow older some times we have a new understanding and change some beliefs. Not necessarily all of them though. Most folks were taught about the devil as a child. I believe in some cases it was to scare the child straight and in others it was because that is what the parent was taught. We are taught what to think of other races, religions, beliefs, cultures, etc. The thing is this doesn’t have to be bad because we can go and check these things out for ourselves and learn the truth. It may be our truth but truth nonetheless. Also we may find we still disagree with the things we searched for but that’s ok. See at this point we’ve made a more informed decision. Not necessarily informed, let me change that to we were left to find out for ourselves. So in our parent’s attempts to help us in life they some times hinder. They give us the answers so we don’t have to learn for ourselves. I can say this cause I’m having such a hard time because I don’t want my boys to make the mistakes I’ve made. I’d rather them learn from them however I’m finding no matter how hard I try they will go down the path and make their own mistakes.

So my point is we are told what is evil and good. We wind up not seeing things past that point. Now I sit back and think of the things I think are evil, not the haha sense of evil but the true “evils” of the world.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Thank you Pixie for the Quiz

You scored as Carrot Ironfounderson. You are Captain Carrot Ironfounderson of the City Watch in the greatest city on the Disc â?? Ankh-Morprok! A truly good natured, honest guy, who knows everyone, and is liked by all. Technically a dwarf, but only by adoption. Youâ??d rather not be reminded that you are the true heir to the throne, but that does explain why people naturally follow your ordersâ?¦

Carrot Ironfounderson


Gytha (Nanny) Ogg


Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax


Commander Samuel Vimes


The Librarian




Cohen The Barbarian


Lord Havelock Vetinari






Which Discworld Character are you like (with pics)
created with

Friday, October 07, 2005

Soul Thinking

The soul conversation took me back to a lesson with Bear (as a person not the animal).

He and I were talking about soul groups. At the time he went as deep in the conversation as was needed probably but it left me wondering.

Bear said that soul groups worked together to help each other move forward. This sounds logical to me. We went on to talk about things that happen in peoples lives. The good, the bad and the really ugly. This is where things got a little unsettled for me. He said that when we have trouble learning something that we will ask another in our soul group to help us with the lesson. Ok, that made sense to me. Then we spoke of examples. Molestation, child abuse, spousal abuse, and so forth. In other words some heavy stuff. He said “who would you trust to teach you such a lesson but another in your group”. I thought yeah ok. Because when we are not in a body or on this plane we aren’t the same. We don’t have the same attachments to these feelings we are so fond of.

Now being who I am I have a bit of trouble with the thought of not having feelings. Maybe it’s because everything I do is loaded with feelings and I can’t imagine not having them. I don’t know.

Anyway, we spoke of a type of situation. Say a mother or father who abuse their child. Bear said they (being in the soul group together) would have made this deal before this life came along. This is where I get a little off balance about it. I’m sure it’s because I’m thinking with my feelings showing. Why would someone choose to be born into something like this? How does karma or Law of return (which isn’t really a law) fit into it? Would it damage the other soul? Or is it that the other Soul will learn from committing this kind of abuse?

I’m sure I’m looking at this on a simple level and that could be where the problem lies, though I have to admit that we sometimes make things more difficult than it is suppose to be. That could be it instead. Maybe I’m trying to make it more difficult. Why not choose to learn these lessons on an easier level? Or is it that the soul needs to experience everything?

Interesting how I wind up with more questions than answers.


Last night my dream was sort of unusual.

One thing is this dream seemed to go on forever.

There were several people in this place, I can’t figure out if it were a house or just a building. I remember being kidnapped or it could have been simple as being held against my will. One of those two things though.

At one point I remember the people talking about someone. I had in my mind that he was a ghost. The thing was you couldn’t look directly at him. So we, the people and I, were sitting with our backs to where he would walk through. I noticed they all had mirrors or compacts with mirrors in their hands. I didn’t have one so a girl handed me one. When I opened mine there was no mirror. That was strange because how was I going to look if I didn’t have a mirror? I heard them all chattering and could see him coming in the room, I could see this from the angle of another’s mirror. I held mine up again and then just turned around. I was face to face with this guy/ghost whatever he was. There wasn’t anything scary about him at all. His name was Randy. We were standing toe to toe so that gave me an uncomfortable feeling. I think this is where the kidnapping/ being held against my will came in. A lot of this dream has faded but I remember the rest of the dream I was trying to get away. Not in that complete frantic escape feeling but just getting away.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Good Friends, Wedding, and Gumbo

My adventure began with me being nervous for two days before going. I would have backed out if I didn’t love Heather so much. LOL I kept being told everything would be ok.

I get to the Parking Spot, which is the lot I left my car in, determined that I wasn’t going to keep being nervous. When I got to the airport I got all checked in and things were running smoothly. I got my seat and I sat next to this nice man from Augusta, GA. A southern gentleman it seemed. We talked some and I put on my audiobook but just couldn’t get into it. I wasn’t nervous now about going but wondering which face I needed to be looking for when I arrived. It was Heather! I swear, she is such a beautiful woman. We got my luggage and headed out.

I was trying to watch the scenery and keep up with the conversation. LOL As we started up the mountain I started checking out the trees and land. Just beautiful… Then Heather point out Estes Park, it would have made such a lovely shot but do you think I remembered my camera? LOL We drive into town and Heather is pointing out things and then she says there’s Shonna. Heather blows the horns and hollers out the window. LOL Shonna turns around then this great smile comes on her face. We park and Bella comes out of the store like a rocket, I was debating on locking my door. Hehe I got out and she attacked me and we just kind of held on to each other. It was so great seeing her again. Dang and she is still just as beautiful a person as she was the first time I met her. Then I got to hug Shonna and the hug lasted a good long time. It was so good “seeing” her again. Then I got to give Elen good hugs and squeezes. William! OMG’s ! Is he getting big! He is such a cutie. I walked through Bella’s shop just in awe of how wonderful it felt and the shinies. I also met Amanda (she works in Bella’s store), who is a very lovely person too. There is way too much in Bella’s shop and I wanted to buy a lot but I did good and didn’t. It’s a personal goal to watch my spending. LOL

Like Shonna said we went and got something to eat and listened to this fellow play and sing. She didn’t mention William’s drumming. LOL He did really well. Then we went back to Bella’s shop and I looked around some more. All I can say is wow, she has beautiful jewelry in there. There were shinies I wanted to buy just because they were gorgeous. It didn’t matter I’d never wear them. LOL I know that’s not how you are suppose to do it. I secretly did some people watching which was fun. Even with all the people running the streets you could see the beauty of Estes Park. Caleb and Aaron came in one followed a little later by the other. I got a hug from Caleb and I couldn’t believe how much he had grown since last year. Then Aaron, he is such a card.

Then Bella closed up and we went to the house. I love Bella’s house, it’s so like she and Brian. Open and loving. They got me settled and I agree the couch is way too comfortable. I could have crashed there and not moved for the rest of the night. LOL Shonna and I laid on the sofa and talked. It was so great to be sitting there with her and just talking. We could have been talking jibberish and I don’t think it would have mattered.

I finally got to meet Groom Brian. *grins* He is so sweet! Man what a great energy he has. You couldn’t help but feel like you’ve known him forever. I met many nice folks on this trip.

I almost didn’t cry during the wedding, then Brian did and I couldn’t help it. Busy with William almost helped but it was so touching to just see how moved Brian was. Thank goodness for sunglasses. ;-)

Oh just for everyone to know, Bella does make you sappy. LOL

Shonna did a wonderful job and the ceremony was so touching and just wow. The people in the Wedding party were beautiful. Probably the only time I got nervous was when Elen insisted on hugging the dog Maggie. I didn’t trust that dog, she had the look in her eyes. I finally got kind of snippy with Elen cause she wouldn’t stop hugging the dog. I was so worried she’d get bit in the face. I know how fast it can happen, been there, done that and have the scar to prove it. I have to say that Pixie and Dirk agreed they wouldn’t trust the dog either. Kids just don’t realize that hugging dogs may not be taken well by some of the dogs. Oh and William…. What a faker on crying. LOL He just wanted someone to play with. Caleb would come over while William was crying and William would just beam.

I got to meet BUFFY! She is great, I was so happy that I got the chance to meet her. She is so funny… You know she dumped some of the juice from the gumbo in my seat to see if I’d sit in it? Ok, maybe she really didn’t intentionally it was the wicked wind that would whip up ever so often. LOL

PIXIE AND DIRK!!!!! I was so glad to get to see them again. They are so damn cute together.

The gumbo was fantastic… For that fact I enjoyed everything I had to eat. I stayed away from the Tabasco. My stomach would have pitched a royal fit and I didn’t want to be in the bathroom throwing up again.

We went back to Bella and Brian’s house and sat around and drank wine. It was so much fun to sit with Bella, Brian, Pixie, Dirk and Shonna. I think we talked about everything under the sun. lol There were even some serious conversations. It was really great and I wish it hadn’t ended as quickly as it did.

I woke up almost every morning at 6:30 mountain time. I sure hated saying goodbye to Shonna. I really wanted them all to stay just one more day. The bagels were good and the company was great. They left and we all got dressed and off to work. I stayed and looked around for a while in Bella’s store then took off to see what else I could see. Finally I wondered into Brian’s store and he is such a great salesman. I went and got some lunch at Chicago’s Best which was Brian suggestion as a good place to eat. The chicken sandwich was HUGE! Two people could have been happy with one sandwich and fries. LOL Oh I bought some braided sweetgrass… I love that smell. Back at Bella’s and she said you want to go see The Stanley? I was OF COURSE! So we took off and walked around looking at things. When we left we both agreed we didn’t see or feel anything. I laughed and said I scared the ghost away. We drove a way up the mountain but Bella didn’t have Brian’s pass so we didn’t go into the park. It was still just beautiful. I was feeling a little sad cause I knew my time was coming to an end. We got back and finished the day in Bella’s store and I even got to help her make a sale. :-D

So back at the house we went and then Brian and Heather showed up and we just waited for the food to heat up. Another round of gumbo. Hehe It was good sitting around and just chatting again. Of course the night ended too soon cause we were all just so tired.

I woke up at 7:00 with a start. Got all my stuff together and dragged it all downstairs. Grabbed a cup of coffee and a doughnut. LOL Bella comes in so she and I got some good one on one time, which of course seemed to fly by.

I won’t talk about saying goodbye…

To the airport I went with Heather and Bean. I’m glad to report that Heather got to eat at Sonic’s. lol I really hated to leave because it was such a nice visit. I need to win to big lotto so I can just go around visiting folks. :-D