I think I’m going to ramble about good and bad and see if I can sort it out in my head.
There are saying like,
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
There is always a silver lining to every dark cloud.
Look at the bright side.
All of these saying hint at the same thing. There is something in every situation that is good. Are the folks that say thing like this just optimistic or are they actually on to something?
Ok so we say there is good and bad in everything, well some say this. Yet when a natural disaster happens normally the only thing seen is the bad. Ok, yes some people lose everything, even some their lives. In some cases these people will move to another location and their lives may be better or they possibly could be the same. It may force them to move closer to family and it winds up being a blessing in disguise. Others will tough it out and rebuild where they are. In both of these cases there is something for them. Those that chose to stay learn they can rebuild their lives. Those that move may discover the family they had disconnected with. The ones who die, they get a chance to be reborn.
I think I’ve rambled before about natural disasters and how they are good for the earth. Fire, well for forest, fire kills the underbrush, which competes with the trees for food and water. I was told that the forest of old didn’t have an underbrush problem because the fires were allowed to happen. They were allowed probably because they couldn’t stop them but still they happened. Earth quakes and volcanoes help the earth readjust her self. Hurricanes and such, I haven’t quite figured out how they help the earth but they happen.
Then we can move to people, good and bad. Are there people out there who are 100% bad? I don’t know but I believe that people are capable of both good and bad. Then we have to think about what good and bad is. What’s bad to me may not be to someone else. Think about it this way. We as in the US, see the way things are in other countries. They are different than ours and we say oh man that’s bad. Yet the people of that other country may be perfectly happy with things the way they are. Let’s take a little thing like eating with your hands. Ok, there are some things that are “acceptable” to eat with your hands and others are not, well that’s the rule in the US. What about countries that use their hands all the time to eat, except soup of course, they can just drink it. We would look at that and think how barbaric yet it’s not. Nothing wrong with it at all. Hygiene is another thing. I remember as a child being told that Europeans have horrible hygiene. I think what I’m getting at is these are just perceptions. It doesn’t mean these things are wrong or right, good or bad. So doesn’t it stand that this same thought process would move to other areas too?
We make mental list of what’s good and bad/evil. Cancer and death are considered bad/evil. You know I learned something when my dad found out he had cancer. Some may read this and say well duh but I honestly didn’t know. We all have cancer inside of us. However normally our bodies fight it off and it’s not a problem. So it’s not some evil thing that sneaks into our bodies and destroy us. It’s just our bodies lose the ability to fight it affectively because of different reasons. So it’s not evil, it just is what it is.
Evil is a word we use so easily in this day and time. Everything is evil that we don’t like. Some Christians call Pagans evil and vice versa. Yet others see the truth and understand that neither is evil. While out in Colorado and at Bella’s shop I found a bumper sticker that I liked. I showed it to Cerr and said this would be a great footer for the Grove. It is as follows: "Fundies are Fundies No Matter If They Quote The Lord or The Goddess". The point to me was it doesn’t mean these folks are evil they lack understanding. Understanding is something I wish I could promote. No, not forcing someone to “understand” but to help them to if they choose. This is also the way with what people consider as evil. It’s a lack of understanding. Dang I know there is a quote about fearing what you don’t understand but I can’t think of it now.
So I went looking for the quote and haven’t found it yet. What I did find was some interesting quotes on fear and evil. It seems that most of the quotes I’ve read are saying that it’s our fault for not doing anything to stop the evil. Nothing about how there are two sides to everything. Though I must admit that Mae West’s quote is probably the closest. “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before”. I know she was a woman who spoke her mind but my point is to me this quote is pointing at what others thought were evil she would try. LOL Interesting woman she was.
Now if you really think about this you’ll understand a little better. We are programmed to believe most of what we do. As we grow older some times we have a new understanding and change some beliefs. Not necessarily all of them though. Most folks were taught about the devil as a child. I believe in some cases it was to scare the child straight and in others it was because that is what the parent was taught. We are taught what to think of other races, religions, beliefs, cultures, etc. The thing is this doesn’t have to be bad because we can go and check these things out for ourselves and learn the truth. It may be our truth but truth nonetheless. Also we may find we still disagree with the things we searched for but that’s ok. See at this point we’ve made a more informed decision. Not necessarily informed, let me change that to we were left to find out for ourselves. So in our parent’s attempts to help us in life they some times hinder. They give us the answers so we don’t have to learn for ourselves. I can say this cause I’m having such a hard time because I don’t want my boys to make the mistakes I’ve made. I’d rather them learn from them however I’m finding no matter how hard I try they will go down the path and make their own mistakes.
So my point is we are told what is evil and good. We wind up not seeing things past that point. Now I sit back and think of the things I think are evil, not the haha sense of evil but the true “evils” of the world.
There are saying like,
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
There is always a silver lining to every dark cloud.
Look at the bright side.
All of these saying hint at the same thing. There is something in every situation that is good. Are the folks that say thing like this just optimistic or are they actually on to something?
Ok so we say there is good and bad in everything, well some say this. Yet when a natural disaster happens normally the only thing seen is the bad. Ok, yes some people lose everything, even some their lives. In some cases these people will move to another location and their lives may be better or they possibly could be the same. It may force them to move closer to family and it winds up being a blessing in disguise. Others will tough it out and rebuild where they are. In both of these cases there is something for them. Those that chose to stay learn they can rebuild their lives. Those that move may discover the family they had disconnected with. The ones who die, they get a chance to be reborn.
I think I’ve rambled before about natural disasters and how they are good for the earth. Fire, well for forest, fire kills the underbrush, which competes with the trees for food and water. I was told that the forest of old didn’t have an underbrush problem because the fires were allowed to happen. They were allowed probably because they couldn’t stop them but still they happened. Earth quakes and volcanoes help the earth readjust her self. Hurricanes and such, I haven’t quite figured out how they help the earth but they happen.
Then we can move to people, good and bad. Are there people out there who are 100% bad? I don’t know but I believe that people are capable of both good and bad. Then we have to think about what good and bad is. What’s bad to me may not be to someone else. Think about it this way. We as in the US, see the way things are in other countries. They are different than ours and we say oh man that’s bad. Yet the people of that other country may be perfectly happy with things the way they are. Let’s take a little thing like eating with your hands. Ok, there are some things that are “acceptable” to eat with your hands and others are not, well that’s the rule in the US. What about countries that use their hands all the time to eat, except soup of course, they can just drink it. We would look at that and think how barbaric yet it’s not. Nothing wrong with it at all. Hygiene is another thing. I remember as a child being told that Europeans have horrible hygiene. I think what I’m getting at is these are just perceptions. It doesn’t mean these things are wrong or right, good or bad. So doesn’t it stand that this same thought process would move to other areas too?
We make mental list of what’s good and bad/evil. Cancer and death are considered bad/evil. You know I learned something when my dad found out he had cancer. Some may read this and say well duh but I honestly didn’t know. We all have cancer inside of us. However normally our bodies fight it off and it’s not a problem. So it’s not some evil thing that sneaks into our bodies and destroy us. It’s just our bodies lose the ability to fight it affectively because of different reasons. So it’s not evil, it just is what it is.
Evil is a word we use so easily in this day and time. Everything is evil that we don’t like. Some Christians call Pagans evil and vice versa. Yet others see the truth and understand that neither is evil. While out in Colorado and at Bella’s shop I found a bumper sticker that I liked. I showed it to Cerr and said this would be a great footer for the Grove. It is as follows: "Fundies are Fundies No Matter If They Quote The Lord or The Goddess". The point to me was it doesn’t mean these folks are evil they lack understanding. Understanding is something I wish I could promote. No, not forcing someone to “understand” but to help them to if they choose. This is also the way with what people consider as evil. It’s a lack of understanding. Dang I know there is a quote about fearing what you don’t understand but I can’t think of it now.
So I went looking for the quote and haven’t found it yet. What I did find was some interesting quotes on fear and evil. It seems that most of the quotes I’ve read are saying that it’s our fault for not doing anything to stop the evil. Nothing about how there are two sides to everything. Though I must admit that Mae West’s quote is probably the closest. “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before”. I know she was a woman who spoke her mind but my point is to me this quote is pointing at what others thought were evil she would try. LOL Interesting woman she was.
Now if you really think about this you’ll understand a little better. We are programmed to believe most of what we do. As we grow older some times we have a new understanding and change some beliefs. Not necessarily all of them though. Most folks were taught about the devil as a child. I believe in some cases it was to scare the child straight and in others it was because that is what the parent was taught. We are taught what to think of other races, religions, beliefs, cultures, etc. The thing is this doesn’t have to be bad because we can go and check these things out for ourselves and learn the truth. It may be our truth but truth nonetheless. Also we may find we still disagree with the things we searched for but that’s ok. See at this point we’ve made a more informed decision. Not necessarily informed, let me change that to we were left to find out for ourselves. So in our parent’s attempts to help us in life they some times hinder. They give us the answers so we don’t have to learn for ourselves. I can say this cause I’m having such a hard time because I don’t want my boys to make the mistakes I’ve made. I’d rather them learn from them however I’m finding no matter how hard I try they will go down the path and make their own mistakes.
So my point is we are told what is evil and good. We wind up not seeing things past that point. Now I sit back and think of the things I think are evil, not the haha sense of evil but the true “evils” of the world.
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