Thursday, September 15, 2005

It's Only Words

You know I've been thinking about language or maybe I should say words.

The meanings of words can be so easily misinterrupted. One simply word can mean one thing to the person who speaks it and something completely different to the person who heard it. I think there are times when I hear more than in intended and I'm sure others do also. I've had days where I take things completely wrong or everything I say is completely wrong. That was one of the problems with Tom and I. No matter what i said he took it differently than I meant it.

I'm not sure how signals get crossed and confused and misinterrupted but if I wasn't such a jabber jaws I'd take a vow of silence. At some point, sometime in my life I will be able to be understood. I won't have to worry about saying something and having it taken wrong or misunderstood. I think I shall be quiet for a while cause I don't want to be misunderstood anymore.

Probably the only thing in my blog will be things that are simply for me, myself and I. At least i know I won't misunderstand myself.


Blogger Cerridwyn's Cauldron said...

Just so you don't misunderstand: I love you dearly and have your back. Need me to happen to him?

I will....he doesn't scare me!

6:21 PM 

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