Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why is gender important?

I feel a slight panick inside of me. It's not bad though, it's not anything to do with feeling something is going to happen. It's more important than that.

I don't want to call it a crises of faith because it's not. At least I don't think it is. I'm questioning things though. What's the need of God and Goddess? I feel like there is cause to question this. I know that for others there may not be but guess what? This is about me and no one else. I think maybe this goes back to my posting about Spirit being genderless. See today I was going through some files and came across some stuff that spoke of God/dess and it hit me that it felt wrong. I thought maybe it was just what I was reading that made me feel this way. I continued on in the file and ran across something else. I still had the same feeling. So I sat and thought about it for a moment and it came to me it isn't about what I was reading at all. I'm questioning assigning gender to spirit. How can we? I know I always feel like I need to say he or she but it's because it would be like talking about a person. You wouldn't want to use their name everytime you spoke of them in a conversation. Now however I've been having trouble saying he or she... I'm not sure what to say, how to refer to him/her.

It's interesting how things can change in a split second. Ok, so maybe it's been longer than that but it was only today that it really hit me. As I've said before religion is not something for me but I know I'm a spiritual person. I feel a guilt for not wanting to call on the God and Goddess. I think it's like abandoning an old belief. I don't give up things that I've believed in easily. it's like giving up your favorite blanket. Giving up that comfortable place you've been in.