Monday, August 29, 2005

Unity and Duality

Yesterday my sister called me and asked if I could come sit at the dentist office for a couple of hours while she was having some dental surgery done. I said sure I'd just bring a book to read. This morning I'm getting ready, can't find my keys, start to panic and then settle enough to remember where they were. I get to the office and open my book and this is where this story begins.

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith

I've had this book for a couple years or more and have just picked it up again to read. Since I've been working on healing the fibroids in my uterus I started working on the second chakra. As I started reading it became clear to me that the chakra system parallels my progressions through all my live as I see it.

You see I believe we start out with a oneness that I am with spirit. Then I search and try to learn and separate some what from spirit. However I'm striving to get back to the oneness that I know is right. The chakra system works the same way. The first chakra is of unity and the second of duality. From there it works it's way back to unity again. That is what I believe I am doing. Though honestly I know that the saying of "I am one with the Universe" is correct and I feel that I am. There is still so much that I have to learn in order to regain that oneness with spirit. The things is this isn't learning as in books but a spiritual learning that I will have to live. Plus I have to learn to trust myself, and what I know to be true.

I've noticed there are a lot of parallels in the world. This is just one that has caught my attention.