Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Lion, buildings and dream

There were two men who I knew but found out that they were sort of criminal types. I was with this other girl and we were in a store. Something like a gas station. We saw these two men come up and they stopped for gas but they seem to be robbing the store yet not. It is confusing now that I think on it. They appeared to be semi bad as far as criminal types go yet they never offered to do anything that seemed criminal. They stood before the counter and the other girl wrote up a receipt and I wrote up the second page of it that had the total on it. I remember the total was $130.00. As I was filling the last page out I signed it and started to hand it to them to be paid and laughed nervously. I said I was going to give you this so you could pay it but.... It seemed like we had written up the receipt to cover their theft. They took off and we weren't going to call the police then this other man came in. He loked like he recognized them or at least one of them. He asked me what the ones names was and I remember being uncomfortable because I didn't want them to get into trouble, so I said I don't know. He said I do it's so and so and he is wanted. He went to this phone and called the police and reported seeing the guys. The other girl and I left the store and were we in some building doing something. I don't remember what but I know we were talking about those two men. Then I remember the police breaking in and she and I hide in the closet. We were sitting under the hanging clothes talking about the story we would tell them. Then I saw them walking by and I turned to look behind me and there was one of them looking under the hanging clothes at us. They asked if we were ok and we said yes. Then we started telling them the story and the whole time I felt bad for not being truthful. I don't know if I told them or was thinking it but I remember saying I've known them since I was a little girl, I don't think they would hurt me.

These things listed below were in the dream but I'm not sure where they fell into it.

The buildings in my dream weren't like any that I've ever been around. These were all tall and thin. The color was whiteish/gray stone buildings. They were all the same and I don't remember seeing any nature (other than the lion tied out), there were no vehicles of any kind. For that fact I don't remembering seeing anything live but the lion.

There was a lion tied to a building and we watched him and he was looking off to our left into an area were these other buildings were. I knew it meant that there was something coming.

Even after my alarm went off as I snoozed it seemed this dream wanted to continue. It was just strange, maybe it was just the feeling. And someone was there with me when I woke.