Saturday, August 20, 2005

Mr Sandman, bring me some dreams

Last night I had diificulty staying asleep. I would wake up and it was as if I was working on something. I felt like I was busy when I work up and I was having a break for a moment. Then back to sleep only to repeat this process.

When I finally did sleep my dreams came and were so busy and like day to day life. This dream seem to take place on the family farm. It was my family's farm, though in real life we don't have one. There were people there that were family members who I really don't know. There seemed like this boy was visiting and then his team mates. I don't know what sport but I got the impression they were team mates. One of the boys came there to see my sister or maybe she was a cousin. No I think she was a cousin. It doesn't feel like a sister relationship. She was showing him around. I remember she was like a city girl. Meaning she wasn't impressed with farm life. She was more impressed with material things. She was with him when one of his friends showed up. I said I'd take him to where they were because she was showing his friend around. He was cute and I felt I had an interest in him. Things were strange and the other guys showed up.

I found myself in a mall searching for something. I can't remember what it was that I was there to buy. I remember there being a bunch of young girls getting ready for the prom though. I walked into this one store and these girls that worked there were all getting ready as were other girls. I know that I was older than they were but I was watching them and smiling. This seemed like a ritzy store. I remember there being a lot of the color gold and sprakling stuff. I knew there was something in that store that was suppose to get. The woman running the store was very sweet. We talk and somehow it was like we both knew each other as witches.


I continued through this mall and came to the airport. Walking around it wasn't apparent that it was an airport but people who were traveling were waiting there for there flight. This was a clean place and didn't have the smell of an airport. It was clean smelling. I was looking at these signs that were simply pictures of things. I don't remember what those were but the colors again were gold and sprakly. There was a group of 6 people sitting at this one place. One woman and five men. Though they seemed to be all grown I had the feeling they were her children. One of the men spoke to me, he said you are pretty. Inoticed he had a very strong accent and I smiled and said thank you. The woman said something I didn't understand and the other spoke the same way. Then one of the others said something along the lines of the first one. I realized their accent was German. I put my hand on the oldest man's shoulder and said thank you. Then that scene was gone.