Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ground Hog Day

I know it's not really time but I'm speaking of the movie.

Last night when I went to bed I had hopes of, well sleep. It didn't happen. Almost all night I dreamed the same thing over and over again.

There was this house that we (not sure how many we's there were. Though it seemed like only two others) held captive in. There was no way out and a lot of the control was through fear. For a bit in the dream I never saw the man but I knew he was there and it was like we were hiding from him. We knew that eventually he would find us and kill us. That's just what was going to happen. He would talk to us but it was him telling us how useless it was to run from him. He did catch us in the end, one by one. Then the dream would start over. Somewhere along in this process I decided to used the beginning as a new chance of escape. This went on and on, each time learning a little something new. I would wake up after every segment of the dream. When I went back to sleep I'd be right back where I started from. I kept reminding myself that I could make things happen but it was like that wasn't the point of this dream. I knew I could make a gun appear and shoot this guy but this dream was about working something out. So I went with it each and every time. When this dream finally stopped I had been caught again. The man told me that I knew he'd catch me and I might as well stop fighting it. I was on the ground, on my back as he walked up to me with this really huge hammer. The handle was long like that of a axe, maybe a little longer. The head of it was similar to a (I think they call it something like a ball ping hammer?) It had no claws like most hammers do and the head was large also. As he stood over me he said I'm going to take this hammer and hit you right there and pointed between my eyes. Then he said something like so you might as well accept it and I did. I lay there still and closed my eyes. When I did this I thought to myself it's ok, because I get to start over again. Then every thing went black and it was over.

Then I started with another dream. In this dream I was at a high school. It didn't seem like this was my school but like I was visiting. I remember finding a place to park my car and making note of exactly where it was so when I came out I wouldn't have to search for it. This was a huge parking lot and it went all the way around the building. I was in the lobby and told to go down to this other level to pick something up. I ran into kids on the way and we did a normal chit chat kind of thing. I went to the classroom and got what I needed and was headed back out. Now this was a lot bigger place than I thought. They had stairs and elevators that the students could ride in if they didn't want to take the stairs. I started to walk the stairs and then realized I didn't know where I was. So I got on the elevator with some others and they asked what level. I said I didn't know and told them where I came in at. This girl said oh you want this level. I thanked her and when the doors opened I was the only one in the elevator and I was NOT where I was suppose to be. It was the wrong side of the building. I grumbled and walked outside to see where I was in relation to my car. I looked around and the parking lot had thinned out and I spotted my car wayyyyyyyy off. So I started walking that way and found myself talking to this mother, daughter and one of the daughter's friends. They were complaining about this teacher that worked there. I listened and walked with them. As I walked they pointed out the teacher to me. I saw that is was an old friend Tommy Martin. Tommy had sold Sassy to me way back and I' had known him for a long time after that. The women got to their car and stopped and I walked on. I walked up and talked with Tommy and he said and you are? I laughed and said maybe Sassy will ring a bell. This huge smile came on his face and he laughed and hugged me. I was thinking those women were probably upset because I was friends with Tommy. So he and I put our arms around each other and walked and talked. We had fun reconnecting. He turned to go to his car and I to mine. I heard him get on the phone and say. Start looking for a dun, buckskin, roan, then his voice faded. I was thinking Sassy was never those colors. I got to my car which somehow had managed to become a car. These boys were around it talking and stuff. So I was preparing to leave. Yeah just like in a boat. lol This one boy started telling me about something on my boat. So he picked it up and looked inside and said oh they haven't done that to it. Don't let them because it takes a lot of the power away. I said ok and that I hadn't intended on letting anyone do anything to my boat. When I cranked it up it was just like being on a lake and moving. There was more water coming out from behind the boat than when you are just at an idle. I took off around the school and woke up.

Today I feel as if I ran several marathons. I'm actually so tired that I can't sleep. I need something to give me energy to make it through the day, however I do plan on napping as often as I can today.