Monday, August 08, 2005

Puppy! and spiders

Saturday Gay called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Burlington, NC to look at a puppy with her. I really didn't but I said yes because she needed someone to go with her and I wanted to be there for her.

It took some doing but finally got her to say when we were going to leave on Sunday morning. She said I was thinking 9:00 and I told Lance (the man with the puppy) that we'd be there around lunch time. So I told her that it was going to take longer than that and told her how it hasn't taken me to get up to that area. So she said maybe we should leave at 7:00. We agreed and that was settled.

So I get up early and get ready and get to her house at 7:00. You guessed she wasn't ready. lol She didn't tell me but Mitzi had agreed to go to. So Mitzi was late too. We left Gay's house at around 8:20. Then we hit the rain. Yep, lots of rain. We stayed in it over half the way there. So we pulled up to Lance's house about 1:30.

He took us inside and there under the living room table was a ball of fluff. He started talking to her and she looked up and her little tongue was sticking out just like DJ. She is so adorable. Of course Gay bought her and we brought her home. It took only 3 times for her to know that when we stopped the car that she got to get out and potty and play. lol So it got interesting when we got to a section of red lights. She kept getting up and wanting out of the car. When I get a photo of her I'll post it. Gay is thrilled though and Dale likes her too.

I got home about 12:15 am. It was a long day.

This morning I've called to check on my fur niece and Gay said she did great last night. She (the puppy) already let's you know when she wants to go out. She will only go potty in the grass, which was a big thing because DJ was allergic to grass so he would potty on the driveway and made Dale mad. So Gay was telling me that the puppy has two favorite toys already. One is Thing (you know from Dr. Suess's Cat in the Hat movie?) and a mouse. Both of these were DJ's toys. Thing was one of DJ's favorites.

So I'm a tired girl today.

Last night when I got home I talked with Michael for a while and just couldn't even think of looking at my emails. I crawled in bed about 12:30 and fell asleep. First thing that happened was this huge spider got in bed with me. So I hurled my body out of bed and turned on the lights to only find that I just woke up. I checked the bed anyway. I mumbled went to the bathroom and got back in bed. Not long after that the damn spider was on my pillow. I again jumped out of bed to find myself waking up. Now I'm getting rather annoyed by this whole thing. I finally get back to sleep only to get another visit from that damn spider. I third time of hurling myself out of bed I was not happy. Each time I realized I was sleeping but my body was going to get out of that bed anyway. Each time this happened when I got back in bed I felt sick, like I hadn't eaten. So the third time I said fine and stumbled to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of pieces of bread and went back to bed. That seem to settle my stomach. As I was getting back in bed I thought you know, I'm going to do an astral bug bomb because I'm tired of this damned spider. Then it hit me it could simply have a message for me. So I decided against the astral bug bomb. I had trouble going to sleep so I looked at the clock. 3:39 am. I swear I felt like this had been going on all night. So I was pissed about that too! At some point I moved my foot and I touched something under the cover. I thought screw it. Finally sleep. Then I wake up at 7:01. I didn't sleep worth a crap and am worn out from jumping in and out of the bed because of that spider. lol OH! Funny... I have a carnelian stone that is under my pillow. The last time I crawled in bed that rock crawled out from under my pillow and quickly dashed under me as I started to lay down. Yes, I jumped out of bed again.

A while back I mentioned my body feeling all weird tingly for several nights, that's how I felt last night too. When this happened before I had trouble sleeping. I need to find where I talked about this and see what happened afterwards.


Blogger Pixie said...

I am so excited for Gay about the puppy and I can't wait to see pictures. :)

Spider in the bed with you...even in a dream...that's WAY too spooky for me!

6:35 PM 

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