Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tuesday night dream

I was in a house with some other people. It seemed like an older house by it's style. Though the furniture updated the house. I was standing there and we were talking about phenomenon that happens and laughing, just have a good time when it changed. They told me it would. So there we were one minute in the house and the next in the same house with no furniture. It was a different time. I looked around and for some reason ghosts were on my mind. I think maybe I saw a few but I'm not sure. I was amazed that we had been taken to this time. I was really looking around when we were all of a sudden brought back. There was a lot of excited chattered and I told you so's.

This whole dream took place in one place. Then there was school. I didn't want to go because I wanted to figured this other place out. The one with no furniture. So I didn't go. It also seemed like I as able to watch people from my time when I went to this other, but only some times. At one point I am pulled into this place with no furniture without wanting to go. It just pulled me into it. I stood there for a moment and then said no, I want to go to my home. I yelled something out three times and was back home. I found myself in something like a library. There were some other women there and they were discussing a problem with a computer type thing. Then one of them saw me and came over. She said are you ok and then asked if I should be there. She said she had heard that I had been sick and that's why I missed school. I said I'm fine and then realized that when I was gone to this place with no furniture I was missing school and that one of my friends was covering by saying I was having stomach trouble. I realized that I had missed a lot more than just a couple of days. I got the feeling I had missed most of the year. I tried to cover for what I had been doing and the woman's face had such a concerned looked on it.

This libarary that I speak of was sparce in a feeling way. everything was very white and... you know how you get that foggy look from the rays of the sun when it's so bright as it climbs into the sky? That was there also. I remember the bookshevles going up and into this foggy light. It seemed like there was no ceiling. There were a few tables around. It seemed like this was a teachers area though. I got the feeling I wasn't suppose to be there but they didn't make me feel unwelcomed at all.

The place with no furniture was a large room. The carpet was a golden color, the walls had wood panel part way up and then there was just the wall. The wood trim was very tasteful, not too much and not too little. It fit the room perfectly. It felt like an elegant room just by itself.

I get the feeling this dream was about me wanting to escape. That is why I would leave the room with furniture, all the problems that are bothering me now and the empty room. Yes I used the word escape because that is what I desparately want to do. Escape all the bad news. Plus I'm being shown I'm missing "school". I'm missing my chance to learn what I need to.