Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I called to talk with mom and she was kind of quick and then she finally told me she had a doctors appointment. She has to go in and have her finger pricked every so often so they can check to see if her blood is too thin or thick. She is on a blood thinner and some times it gets too thin. So she said dad wants to talk with you.

Now she didn't warn me but he was all worked up about the government. Yeah, he gets really worked up. So we talked about the failings of the government. Then we went on to talk about other things. We finally got around to talk about his health. He started telling me how he was just tired of them doing stuff to him. He spoke of this particular chemo and I had been reading on it. It's just some really bad shit and I told him. I also told him that I didn't want him to leave yet but I also didn't want him having a poor quality of life. I would back what ever decision he made, if he wants to take it then I'm there if not I'm there. He thanked me for that. He went on to talk about how he wasn't going to be able to get Mom out of debt before he goes. It's not very much and easily to take care of but he is scared. So I promised him that we would take care of mom not to worry.

Now Gay told me that Dad was told he had cancer in his fat cells? I've not heard of this but then again I don't know a lot about cancer. When they operated on him they also removed a lymph node that had some cancer on it. I just don't know, I hate that he is going through this and I wish I could help him develop a positive attitude. I know that as it is now he want survive this because he believes he want. I just want him to enjoy what he has left of life, however long it may be.


Blogger Pixie said...


6:52 PM 
Blogger Georgia said...

Thanks for the hugs Pixie. I go back and re-read the comments ever so often and the hugs can be felt every time I read. So I do appreciate it.


9:21 AM 

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