Friday, August 19, 2005

Today won't be such deep thoughts. Well, not right now anyway.

It's a beautiful day so far. I don't mean that to sound as I'm waiting for something to be wrong cause I'm not. It's just we are suppose to have more storms today. The heat and humidity have been incredibly high this week. Having hot flashes on top of that don't help either. lol I was out feeding the fish a little earlier and they of course were starving. It's amazing how no matter how often they are fed they are still hungry. Now mind you they don't have stomachs which may be one reason. They were swirling the water today. When people come over who have never been here before see the fish they are always shocked at their size. I guess I've gotten use to them. They are large, I do know that but I forget about it. I have all different sizes in the pond though. An interesting note about the fish. When you get them out of the water they look so much bigger. lol Some of the babies are just shy of being keepers, if you were fishing. *grins* I really need to regain control over the pond. I haven't cleaned the filters in a while. I need to weed around the pond. The whole place really. I've got baby trees I need to cut down. They insist on growing where I've told them they can't. There are only a few places that I won't let them stay. Of course those are the places they try and grow.

Lobo's time grows short. Just when I've come to the conclusion though it's time, he starts doing better. It hard because it's like putting someone who is crippled down. I know all the arguments for doing it and I agree it is the best thing. It's just hard.

I'm still working on my problem of worrying. I've done it for so long it's taking time to get my subconscious to go along with the program.

Today I just don't feel like being here. By that I mean other places I'd rather be. I'd rather be doing other things than being in the office. It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that I don't want to do it. I have photos to scan which won't take long and then what's left is cleaning up the office. I should just do it and quit complaining about it.

Last night was the third night in a row that I slept through the night. Believe me that doesn't happen often. I snuggled my pillow almost all night.

Dad is depressed again because of the latest findings. I just wish there were a way to help him. On and up not my mom's blood is doing great. She is on a medicine called Cumidine (sp). It's a blood thinner and she goes every week to have her finger pricked so they can check to see how thin the blood is. They told her it was perfect and to keep doing whatever it was she was doing. She said she was eating something green every other day. The doctors had said not to because that makes the blood thicker. Well, great, so she has the balance now. :-)

Well, Gay has successfully spoiled her new pup. She has done everything the guy said not to do. Gay is having a great time with Misaki. I'm not sure of the spelling right now. So I'm happy for Gay.

That's it for now.