Saturday, August 20, 2005

Scattered Thoughts

I was going to work out in the yard but after about 20 minutes I was getting overheated and decide it best I not push it. My stomach gets upset when I get overheated so to me that's a pretty good indication that I need to listen to my body. I even tried working in the shade but that didn't work either.

Before I went out I was watching Discovery Channel and it's about Ancient Prophesies. So I'm back to watching that. lol I have to say this is amazing. One that I've really enjoyed was a man who was going through the Biblical stories. You know like the walls of Jerico and such? Well they said it's true but it was much older than the times it was suppose to be in. So they are speculating that the people who wrote these stories had taken old folk lore and in this instance added the trumpets. They said the walls did fall down and they fell down a lot because of the earthquakes in the area. They are working on Jerico and said you can see where they fixed the wall after these quakes. I had to laugh because This all happen way before Jesus or Christian times. I wasn't laughing because it shows these stories to be made up but how things they may have been looked on as myth were true. They spoke of a lot of the Old Testiment stories. Each is based in truth from nature flexing her body. They spoke of the Dead Sea and I learned things I didn't know. Which, as you know is a great thing. The tectonic plates around the Dead Sea move opposite. Example on one side of the sea it move, let's just use, noth to south and on the other side it moves south to north. So this area is not geological stable. They pointed out that it's just a salty lake which made me smile and I'm not sure why.

They spoke of the Mayans. Which I've always been drawn to them. They found the bones of ten men, ten women, and ten children who had been murdered. They speculate that these people were not the average folks because they had their teeth carefully filed and they found some that had jewels embedded. They think when nature raised up and was causing trouble they thought they could sacrifice these people to appease the Gods. It didn't work because they died out.

As I've been listening to this I've started thinking on how people have always blamed someone else for problems. We haven't changed in all this time. Though we don't sacrifice people to appease the Gods we still look to blame others for our problems. We blame the Gods for things that happen to us. We blame individuals for what happens to us. When we fear something we look to kill it or something or someone. So it seems we haven't lost that part of us. We've only shifted what we will do.

Is it that we aren't as civilized as we like to think? Or is it really that we are still working toward enlightenment? That we are all on such different levels that we will have this need to fear "things"? Do monks still have anger and fear in their lives? Now I'm talking about the extremely enlightened monks. What about the Dalia Lama? Does he? Oh I have to say that when I see a photo of him I smile. There is something about him that feels so good. How does one get to a level that he and some others are on? I know that he is and has been here time and time again. Does he keep his knowledge from the times before? I want that kind of peace. I want to be able to have it for myself. I scoff at the idea of the idea of having followers. I think about the responsibility that would be. Do these people who have followers feel a sense of responsibility for them? The biggest question to me is do they truly believe what they say. I know there are people out there who spout their enlightenment but they do so for the money. I don't understand that behavoir. I know people have to live but to become rich on something like this seems so wrong.

I've spoken with several people who have said that there should be an energy exchange when you teach, heal or where ever you do for another. Of course there are people who would insist on money for everthing. Again if you have no money and this is how you make you money I'd be a little worried. Not because money is bad but I worry that money will lead some people into just not being real anymore. Do these people who write these self help books ever become not real? It's possible and probable. What about people who channel How do they know they are really channeling enlightened beings? I mean I do believe there is more ability in us but how do we the "average" folks get to it? Practice? Meditation? As my very good friend say Peace be the mind.

I've been thinking about healing a lot lately. Now I really do believe we can heal ourselves but what about others? Even if we have their permission couldn't they work against us? Today I've been thinking about cause this lady was asking for candles to be lit for her son who had head trauma when he was an infant. She said it's cause learning difficulties. So she is going to do some work to try and repair the damage. I started thinking on this and it sounds like she is going along the lines of what I am doing for my fibroids. Basically she is rebuilding and I am cutting off the blood supply. Then I'm replacing with healthy tissue. I do wish that more people would believe in this. People offer up prayers for people to be healed and they know it works yet still people don't see they could do this for themselves.

I'm tired and distracted and my thoughts are scattered.