Monday, September 12, 2005

Where to go

Another day.... I spent all day becoming aquainted with the document scanner. It's pretty cool actually.

I'm better than yesterday but today feels sad. Oh well, life.

I have trouble understanding why the world has to be a place of such deceit and lies. Why there needs to be mistrust and hate. I don't want the hear that worn out line without the bad you can't know the good... What crap? So, what, are we saying that we can't grow and become more than we are now? We are stuck in the same level forever? I don't think so. I also think that by settling for this line we have already limited ourselves without even giving it a second thought. We've settled. I don't want to settle. I don't want to feel like there will never be growth in how we see others. I don't want to believe that we can continue to feel it's ok to settle. To settle for what we are told we should. Excuse me? We sit there and say things about how different we are. Our beliefs are different yet we still continue to limit ourselves with the same beliefs that we can't change things.

If you can't tell I'm tired of limits. I'm tired of settling. That is my life, I've settled way to long. I want to go, leave here but I don't know where I want to go.


Blogger Cerridwyn's Cauldron said...

Well, you may not know where you're going, just know that I have your back no matter where you end up going.

6:50 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Shonna on the where you end up.
The only limits in my life are the ones I set on myself. I may take my time with some things, but I have managed to do most of the dreams I've had in and for my life.
I love you my twin.
Hugs always

9:35 PM 

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