Sunday, February 06, 2005

Pondering Death

No not like that. I enjoy living.

I'm sitting here watching Meet Joe Black and it always makes me think of how our emotions control much of us. When Joe goes to the first board meeting and Dru uses the statement death and taxes. Joe says that is an odd pairing. As these little conversation goes on Dru becomes nasty to Joe and the look in Joe's eyes makes me grin every time. My thought was that Dru deserves to die because he is such a nasty little creep. Then I start thinking about how Death couldn't be driven by emotions at all. If death were then I just don't think it would let anyone suffer from terminal illnesses. I mean if you are dying anyway then why wouldn't he go ahead and take you to save you the suffering. Death doesn't though, it just is what it is. Just think if it was driven by emotions Death could lash out at anyone who upset it. There are times I think ah to have that power but is it power? To be able to help someone pass to "that other place", to ease their pain, or to guide them. I don't think I'd call that a power. I would think in this case it's more of a job. I want to use calling but I don't know if death is ever replaced by another one.

To be able to see death from a different perspective than emotional would feel odd to me. Detached is one thing but I think that death isn't detached.

In this movie an old woman sees him in the hospital and she calls him an evil spirit. She sees that he is death, while the others only see him as a man. He tells her he isn't evil, that he takes people to that other place. She then begs him to take her because of her pain. He says it's not time. Again she begs to be released from the pain she feels. He shows her that other place and she smiles yet he says only "soon". Why? Because soon it will be her time. Still, he doesn't break what is to be. Now yes in the end he does or I guess maybe it only appears that way.

So would life be better without emotion? Nah I don't think so. Decisions would be easier to make but the rest of life, well it wouldn't be life. Life is to be savored, enjoyed. We need these emotions to learn, love and grow with. Think of what it would be like to never know what love is or hurt. The joy a seeing someone you love succeed.

There is so much that we can learn from our emotions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont no coz emotions cripple u sumtimes. i think if u cud go thru the day without emotions u cud get a lot more done an it wudnt b so hard on the ppl around u. The ppl u live with can come back home 2 a nice sunny house without wonderin wot ur in a state bout now. comfortbly numb


1:05 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont no coz emotions cripple u sumtimes. i think if u cud go thru the day without emotions u cud get a lot more done an it wudnt b so hard on the ppl around u. The ppl u live with can come back home 2 a nice sunny house without wonderin wot ur in a state bout now. comfortbly numb


1:06 PM 
Blogger Georgia said...

Hi Matt,

You have to remember the good of emotions too. If you didn't have to have emotions you would never feel G's love for you. Or the love of you friends and family. Don't forget you could be like me and not have anyone worrying about what your state is.

7:41 AM 

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