Thursday, December 02, 2004

Wednesday night dream

I was at an airport with some people. I don't know who they were. I sat down in this seat with this grandmotherly type person. It all of a sudden seemed like this was a single chair and not designed for more than one person. I was talking to the grandmother person and I moved her forward in the chair and got behind her and started massaging her back. She had something underneath her jacket on her left side. It felt like a shoulder holster. I kept massaging her back an then she was gone.

I walked through the airport and it was changing as to what it was. It turned into a mall and I walked around looking at stuff. I remember being up on the top floor and looking down thinking that it was interesting looking. There was a sunken circle built in the floor. Made of the same tile the floor was made of. I walked some more and wound up going to help Tom in his room. He was studying on a case. It felt like it has between he and I lately. Just acquaintances. I had packed my bag. I remember putting this pair of red high heels in the bag. It made me think of Roxanne. He had started packing his. I wound up packing his bag to find there was another one he hadn't packed. He was just laying on the bed reading his file. The second bag was a garment bag. When I opened it up there were two hair brushes in there. I turned to him and said why would you need a hair brush? I was making fun of his thinning hair. I noticed that the hair brush had blonde hair in it. Immediately my mind went to what I could do magickally with that hair. I went in to the bathroom and started gathering his stuff. I came back out and there was a monster movie on the tv. It seemed like a Godzilla movie. The tv changed to a window and the monster was looking in the window and broke it out. I ran away from the window towards the door. There was a little girl with me that I hadn't seen before. Nor did I see her after this point. The whole scene shifted.

Then I woke.

I was able to finally go back to sleep and it started out that my mom was driving me to a friends house. I had my overnight bag. When I knocked on the door my friends dad opened it. He stepped back before the door was open and was standing in the middle of the room saying come in. I walked in and noticed the layout of the furniture of the room, it looked chaotic. There was no pattern to this furniture layout. As I walked in to put my bag down the dad said hey you bring your gun? Is it in your bag? I want to look at it. I remember thinking yes I have it but no I'm not showing it to you. It's not a toy. I turned around and there was my friend sitting in one of the chairs I had walked by. I hadn't noticed her at all and she didn't speak when I had walked in. All I could see were her feet and lower legs. I could never see anymore of her than that.

I woke up then because the alarm went off.