Sunday, November 28, 2004

Energy Flows Between People

A reader asks:
Some years ago, I experienced some energy phenomena with a man at work. One day when he stood beside me it felt like a piece of energy came from the area of his breast to me; another day energy seemed to be swirling between both of our breasts when we were standing towards each other; another day one piece of energy the size of a golf ball flew from my head to his while we were talking; the strongest experience was when a whole lot of energy from all of our two bodies seemed to meet and swirl together upwards. However, months later when we became more intimate he said that he did not notice any such thing. Our relationship was very intense, though he is married. And although we do not see each other anymore, it feels as if he is with me all the time.

Quado responds:
He is with you all the time. Everyone in your life is connected to you up on the soul level, where you are a bright glowing ball of energy. You are there together with everyone you have ever loved and many you have not. You have a group of other souls with whom you are closely connected and some with whom you have shared many adventures.

And so, when you meet someone in this physical life who is closely entangled in your energy in the level above, then it can be quite an exciting experience. The energy projected down into both of the physical bodies is already entangled and intertwined. Depending upon what metaphor you are comfortable with, you may think of this as left over from previous lives or as carried across from other dimensions. It does not really matter, for all of the metaphors are only that and are not quite adequate to explain it all.

You are exchanging energy with everyone all the time. Life is energy. The physical world around you is not solid at all, but is instead made of energy which is moving. And sometimes it is so strong that you are able to sense it, but it is happening all the time, whether you can sense it or see it or not. Your energy is reaching out and merging and responding to everyone and everything around you. And even if you are not aware of it at that level, it is happening and can be felt in your body, especially in your solar plexus.

The confusion comes when people mistakenly think that because they have strong energetic ties with someone that they are meant to be with them romantically in this life. This is not necessarily true at all. Even though you are entangled energetically, this does not mean that your life will play out together. It may mean that in some other life you were very close. As with so much else, enjoy it as a phenomenon, let it be as it is, take pleasure in it when it is there, but do not build expectations around it. Do not look for signs. Just let things be.

Close sexual intimacy is very charged with energy, energy which makes your heart race and releases a whole set of chemicals into your body. And when you are this entangled energetically and when you are also enjoying the effects of the chemicals making you feel so wonderful, it can be like an addiction. But if you are not around each other for some time, it will subside and life will go on. Letting go of someone involves not only that release of the addiction to the drug of romantic love and that untangling of the energies which tie you, but also and most importantly, the release from your mind. For it is possible to recreate all of those feelings inside your own head, thus causing your body to experience much of the pleasure of being together simply through your memory and imagination. Know that it is in your power to release this. Know that letting go and moving on is a choice that you can make, just by training your mind not to think of him any longer and then getting used to going through your day without those chemicals and energy bonds.

It is wonderful to have strong energy experiences. But it is important to find peace within yourself, to center yourself within who you are and your own energy, and just enjoy the lovely things that happen outside you when they happen. Just think of it as a thunderstorm which came and went, lightning that lit up the sky, and now it is time to just step out into a spring day of your own creation, one which blossoms deep within your heart, springing from your deep love of self and of life.