Sunday, November 28, 2004

Power of Thoughts

I wanted to share this with you all. I think it has a very good message about how we see our life. Sort of like I pointed out yesterday when I said I felt like there was no hope but that knew better than that.

A reader asks:
Over the years, I have been learning how powerful my thoughts are in creating my reality. I have used this to create a life that I am so grateful for now, though everyday, I am still learning how to become a master of my thoughts and my life. One thing I am still not clear about is how this applies to relationships, since of course everyone has free will. What happens when I think about someone? What happens when I visualize them in my future? Can you please comment on how one's thoughts affect the reality of others?

Quado responds:
This is an excellent question and something which is difficult for many to grasp. And the reason is that the information which I wish to give you goes outside of normal understanding and can therefore seem confusing. But if you will but allow yourself to understand it on a deeper level, not just trying to grasp it with your rational mind, listening instead with your spirit and your heart, then you should be able to understand and feel the rightness within you.

Your energies are, of course, very powerful. You are your own energy, projected down from your soul self. But you are also moving in a world which consists of many energies. Sometimes these energies can be bent as they approach you, bent by your own will, your own projected energy, thus creating around you a world of your own making. Sometimes the other energies are strong, stronger than what you can project, and you must bend to them.

All of this is true in the physical world. In the level above you, where you exist as a soul self, you are nothing but energy, a bright glowing ball of energy, glowing alongside the others soul selves. And you are a part of a group there, closely related, other souls with whom you have chosen to have many adventures, in this projected physical life and in others. And you are glowing alongside each other, exchanging energy and information and, of course, love.

And down here, in this physical life, the best thing you can do for yourself is to open up the channel to your own soul self, so that this loving energy pours down into you. The more of this energy that pours down into you, the greater your connection with the intentions of your soul self and the greater your ability to create a world for yourself here of peace and love.

And as you have discovered, if your mind, which is a part of this level down here, not of the soul self level, if your mind is busy with fear and negative thoughts, if it is focused on the past and the future in a negative way, then the soul self energy is diluted and diffused and you are tossed about at the whim of other energies, not your own.

And so, into this world comes another person. You have been visualizing another person, visualizing yourself as being connected in love. And this loving energy, giving energy, does pull toward you what you seek. But then, of course, you must make sure it is giving energy. For if you are> trying to get, if you are projecting visualizations and energies as an attempt to manipulate another person, you will not pull them toward you, you will instead tend to drive them away.

But assume that you are giving love. Assume that your intentions are to give to this person. In this instance, then, you cannot be disappointed, for when you are giving love, when you are not asking for anything in return, including a romantic or sexual relationship, then you cannot be disappointed. But if you are trying to get their loving heart turned toward you in romance and intimacy, then you are trying to get and you may or may not be successful.

When you are giving love, you have the advantage of also filling your heart with healing energy. When you are needy and trying to make someone feel something else, when you are trying to get intimacy from them, then you are turning the energies the other way and filling yourself with need, not love.

And so the answer is this. You cannot make another person love you or want to be with you. All you can do is be who you are, shining out with everything that you are. And you can send out energies of love, of giving love. You may visualize that you are in a loving relationship, yes, but you would do well not to visualize a particular person. You would do well instead to just picture yourself as you wish to be, with a heart full of love, having the opportunity to share that love with someone else, feeling that glow of connection. And then, let the universe help you out by pulling toward you some who would love you just as you are, for the person you are.

And then, when these people come into your life, try as much as possible not to turn to daydreams and fantasies of what could be, but instead, keep your heart open to love, give love, and allow both yourself and the other person to be who they are. This other person may be someone who is ready for an intimate relationship at this time or may not. But if you are living in the world of connection with what is, not with what you wish were true, then you can build many different kinds of relationships, some which are friendships, some which go beyond this, many kinds all based on who you truly are and who they truly are and where each is on his or her own path at that moment.

Do not push. Do not try. Do not manipulate. Do not daydream. Instead, just be. Come deeply into now, this moment, and see what it holds. Allow yourself to be completely who you are, dressing as it pleases you, laughing at what you truly think is funny, doing the weird and quirky things which are you. And allow the other person to be as they are, completely, not a projection of what you think they could be if only they would fix some of their faults.

And then, see what you have. Be honest and direct but not manipulative and trying to get. Listen carefully. People will often tell you exactly what they are seeking and how they feel, but too often this gets misdirected through fantasies and daydreams and attempts to change the other person.

Be open to how the universe wishes to deliver to you. Be very open to things being other than what you thought they would and should be. Be open to people who are different than those you are used to. Be open to trying out new kinds of relationships, ways of being with other people that do not quite fit in the box you are used to or that society has laid out for you. Your own original relationships can often be much more satisfying and fulfilling, if unconventional.

And most of all, relax. Relax and just let it be. Gently float your dreams and then let life bring what it brings. With a heart full of love and openness, many wonderful things will come your way. And when they come, let them be. Keep open. Be like the bird floating on the breeze as it wafts across the garden, not the spider waiting to catch the fly. Let life deliver her bounty to you in free and open ways. Shine out with all that you are. Show the world all of your glorious talents and beauties. Be such a bright light that the best and brightest will be drawn to you, making all glow the brighter.

Let be in love. Let be in light. Glow and let be.


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