Monday, November 29, 2004

Busy Sunday night dream

Anna and I were at the beach with some other people. We had been busy most of the day going here and there. At some point we even stopped and got some fast food. It was a busy dream up to the point where we went to relax and meet friends at the beach.

There were tables with unbrellas and some had to be set up before you could use them. So Anna and I get there and get a drink. We see people we hang out with so we grab an umbrella and found and empty table. It had an empty bottle on it so we through the bottle away and pulled the table up to our friends tables and put up the umbrella and sat down. It had started raining but we were enjoying being with friends. There was another group we knew set up next to the group we were with. There were a few ladies that weren't regulars to this spot. One of them made some nasty comments because we had taken "her table". So they went and sat over to the side and bitched about it and gave us dirty looks. We ignored them. Someone made the comment that an empty bottle was not saving a table. It wasn't raining anymore at some point in this dream but I don't remember when that was.

So we were having a good time and we walked over to watch a kids baseball game. Or really just a bit of it. There was a dropped third strike and the one runner on base made it home. The kid at the plate didn't know the rules so people started screaming for him to run. He was so excited and started running. This kid was over weight and didn't run well but he was so happy. They kept yelling at him to run and he made it all the way around. Someone asked me about the rule on whether the run counted. In the dream before I answered everyone was saying I said no, yet the run counted in the dream. We turned around and started heading for the car. Anna had to go because she was going on vacation.

This black man that we knew in the dream handed her her tickets. He had made her a reservation at his family condo somewhere.

That's when I woke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting dream... says a lot, huh? Can I still go on vacation?


6:16 PM 

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