Saturday, December 11, 2004


With all the talk that's been on WG about paths and such it's made me think about my own.

I'm happy with my path for the most part though I do have things I want to change or add to. I feel the need to grow and to stretch my beliefs further than I have before. The desire to learn is starting to be like a burning ember which has had little straw put atop it...

The Mysteries call and they are calling loudly. There is something that I am needing to remember from before. Something I've not accessed this time around. The connection with the land in Wales made me realize it. Trevor put in my hand a handful of earth and I felt the quickening with that act. There is an I am feeling coming to me. Something that I've not experienced before. It's greater than learning who I am, possibly learning what I am.

I forgot to mention above but Mab taking me to the Black Mountains... Her love for that place made me bond with the land. It is one of the few places where I saw imprints on the land. Two people running below where we sat. So clear... yet knowing it was a memory of the land.

I am ready for this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:56 PM 

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