Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Dreams last night

I had many dreams last night

I found myself going to another country. There wasn't any excitement about it and it seemed like old hat. Like maybe it was part of my job. So I get there and this bathroom was being remodeled. I got up in the truck to look at the cabinets that were going in. The counter tops were already on the cabinets. I didn't say anything but I heard a voice say they are much lighter than you think. They are a tenth of the weight of regular ones. So I started moving some stuff off the one that had the sink. There were installing items on it. The guys came and got the one that I put the stuff on. They dumped the stuff on the floor. One guy grabbed one and went off with it. So I slide the one with the sink to the end of the truck for the other guy. He gave me that look like are you crazy? He said it will take both. In my head I was thinking but the guy said they were light he should be able to pick this one up.

Then I found myself wanting to help load some stuff inside the truck off of a trailer. The guy said no has to be on trailer. (That wasn't a example of my bad grammar he did speak english well) I said oh they have to be able to see what you have. He looked very serious and said yes. There was some unspoken conversation that went on. About going through the check points and stuff. That the papers had to be in order.

So then a man, an American, told me that I needed to be careful. I asked why and he told me I was being too outspoken for a woman in this country. I was kind of taken back and informed him that I was not from that country and I would act like I wanted. Then I was standing with some soldiers. There were 4 or 5 of them. We were looking down on the village. The two women were discussing it also. One said they (meaning the country) should just get over that women didn't need to be controlled and told how to act. The other one said that it wouldn't be a problem if women weren't in the military. She said something else that made sense but this is the part I remember her saying. I felt like she had become submissive.

Then I found out I was in Israel.

Then I found myself with Tom going to a clients house (this is something we didn't do unless it was to inspect a vehicle). They were leaving to go somewhere so Tom was standing in their garage talking to the man who was in the van. I was standing there just behind Tom. The man spoke to me calling me by name. For some reason I had to change clothes right then. I was all of a sudden naked standing there shaking my shirt out but I couldn't get the shirt open to put it on. I kept thinking good grief, how long does it take to get dressed. Tom was explaining to the guy was I was putting my clothes on but I don't remember what he said. Then I wanted to ask if I could go in their house to get dressed but didn't.

Then I woke..

When I went back to sleep I was with bunch of women. We were at a retreat or something. It seemed like a bunch of people from the Grove. I never saw the two women who I was bunking with as it seem to start in a strange point. These two women got up and started whispering to each other. They were ready to get up but it was still dark and I didn't want to get up that early. Their whispers were a little too loud and so I lay there and could hear bits and pieces of what they were saying. I heard Corey ( I know I said I didn't know who they were but that was the name that came when she started speaking) started saying that she had known ahead of time but couldn't tell anyone. There was more said that I could only hear a word or two of then I heard her say Georgia. So I listened harder and she said she "knew because he had told her that he couldn't tell me because he knew it would hurt me". The other woman I couldn't hear except for noises. So I stirred and thought I'll get her to tell me more. They immediately quit talking. So I tried to get her to tell me and she excused herself to get a shower. So I started trying to get the information out of the other woman. She was really worried and said she didn't know anything. I knew she did cause I her heard talking.

So I got up and dressed and found myself in another room.. It was kind of like you walked in off the little street into all these rooms. I was in there still thinking on what had happened earlier when Laurence showed up. He came in and started talking to me. Telling me he would give me some "catch phrases". We were laughing and talking, had some serious discussion and I managed to get jelly on his shirt. That for some reason really made us laugh. I think I did it on purpose. LOL He got serious and said he would give me those catch phrases that would help.

Then I woke up. That's all I can remember.