Monday, January 10, 2005

What's Up On Planet Earth?

January 10, 2005
Enter The Star Beings

I so enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and messages, and continue to read each and every one. For me, they are gold nuggets with their own special energy and messages that continue to uplift and support the What's Up? web site and energy alerts.

Due to the large volume of e-mails I receive (and that I am currently working on my book), I am not always able to personally reply to them all, but encourage you to continue sending them and to continue connecting.


As so much of the old is beginning to rapidly fall away before our eyes, it can almost feel as if the ground is shaking, rumbling and moving beneath our feet. As we are all so very connected through the same Source energy, we as human beings and the Earth herself are all tied in together. We are, as always, one and the same.

During the period preceding, during and after the Tsunami occurrence in the Asian lands, I felt my body and being personally releasing a great chunk of density. As we are all one, we may have felt in our own unique ways, this massive release generating from the needed alignment with the New higher frequencies we are now in.

We are all in this together, so whatever is being released, whether through the energy that the beautiful beings that chose to leave had embodied, or through our personal releasing, or perhaps through the releasing of the Earth herself, ultimately we are one with Source and embodying the same as a whole.

But just as the releasing may have brought in a short period of calm and clearness, we are only beginning this particular phase. I remember being in Asheville, NC during the recent four hurricanes. Although not experiencing them to the degree that other areas did, we did have our ramifications. During this time, I found myself sleeping deeply and feeling a great sense of calm at certain points.

Some may notice that this seems to be the case after it rains. We are now in a great cleansing period and these "cleansings" seem to come, just like the hurricanes, back to back, keeping up the momentum for purification and alignment. As soon as one episode ends, another seems to arrive right on its heels. This is causing tension and what feels like stress and body aches, as there is still and will continue to be throughout 2005, much pushing and releasing caused by this highly directed, moving energy.

We may feel "snappy", irritable, or just plain unstable as so much is moving and our reality is changing at many levels. At these times it can be very helpful to let go, trust, and go with the flowing river around us, not trying to hold onto the shore. It will take us right where we need to land, and we will land precisely where we need to "settle in" for the New World. And again, plenty of exercise, water and breathing are natural and easy ways to keep the flow going within us.

As this crumbling and dismantling of the old continues very rapidly now, we will find ourselves "sought after" and in great demand. As much of everything is disappearing, many will feel lost and confused. This year begins the process of contributing what we know through service to humanity. We will be asked for our wisdom and expertise. And as we contribute this assistance, we will find ourselves "out of the way" and just being and vibrating our own special energy as if on automatic pilot.


As the veil is basically gone that separated us from the higher realms, we now have access to MUCH. There are pockets of energy, other realities and most certainly other dimensional beings now at our disposal more than ever before. If you feel as though you are being "bombarded" by all kinds of energies and activity, this may be the reason why. We are now able to "sense" more than ever before, a whole new reality and world that surrounds us.

With so many realities and energies now at our disposal, we have the option as masters to choose which reality and energy to tap into and experience. Through intention (the masculine) and allowing (the feminine), we can truly experience what we choose with this balanced way of being. We need not be victims.

With the mergings and openings to the higher realms and vibrations, it is precisely now that we will begin to experience our reunions with our parental seed families from the stars. And ironically, as soon as we "re-unite", we will begin the process of separation from them.

They brought us many gifts. We vibrate much as they do. We hold their blueprints to a degree. I always enjoyed giving soul readings, as having the opportunity to see and experience all the incredible variations of vibrations and "blueprints" or personality traits, if you will, of each "star" and its offspring was an incredible experience.

For this amazing Shift Of The Ages, we agreed as individual "star families" to send a representative here to Earth, to incarnate and embody this ascension experience and then send it back to our family of origin for all to benefit. This is one reason why we see so many interpretations of what is going on. Each of us vibrates according to where we came from.....we carry a unique vibration and energy from a vast array of planets as it has assisted us in contributing an incredible individual, unique and needed energy for this massive undertaking.

As we carry, then, the special energy and "purpose" of our own individual star families, as well as containing it in our numerology, astrological and various other vibratory imprints, we used these gifts and talents to contribute to the whole in our own unique ways. Our star families monitored us through-out this ascension process and watched us closely, as we were representing them as well.

We are now at a point where everything is changing and moving into another phase or "ascension point". We are more incredible and special than we could ever know, as we are truly the pioneers and way showers for the ascension experiment. It is an amazing and monumental opportunity of unique proportions.

As we have "spun off" and released much of our multidimensional aspects and realities where we had infused our energy in order to experience as much as possible by embodying Source energy and creating with it, we must now, "spin off" and release our parental star families as well.

Part of the ascension process involves releasing all attachments. Like children who have left home and now grown up, we no longer need advice and protection from home. But here is the key: We are creating home here. This is BRAND NEW. We get to create whatever we want and however we want this New World to be. There is no blueprint.

But what THERE IS, is an incredible opportunity to merge in creations with all the various unique vibrations emanating from each of us. We all have a special contribution to make, and a unique and needed idea for part of this New World. We are creating from scratch. Something brand new. And what makes this process unique, as we have all created planets and realities before, is that we are coming together AS A WHOLE. Wow!

There will be some non-physical star families who may become overly involved with this part of the process. This is not theirs to do. Most will sit by and watch, aware of the process and gloriously grateful for our experience, allowing us total and complete freedom to create what we choose. Our natural state of being is total freedom, and the ascension process most assuredly creates this desire within us as that is how we are now vibrating more than ever.

As we may welcome and appreciate the higher ways that our star families are able to introduce to us, the plan is to make this part of the experience "invitation only". If we are feeling pushed and ordered around, I would say to you that whoever is doing the invading and pushing is not of the highest order. This will also be an opportunity to strengthen our own personal boundaries, remember that putting ourselves FIRST is of the highest order, and choose to experience what FEELS GOOD and right for us at all costs.

In addition, as we create and continue with this ascension process, our star families and other non-physical beings will ascend after us. We are going first in all ways. We are creating the path and showing the way. We will then, eventually be the non-physical angels and guides to the current non-physical beings around us. What an incredible opportunity and experience. We are helping and assisting a vast amount of past realities and creations throughout the cosmos. We are truly starting over.

I am finally nearly unpacked. I have sorted and sifted and "unloaded" most of everything. I am now at the phase of "decorating" my new house. As a prior fabric designer with upholstery and various other home fabric design projects, this part is the most fun of all. And so it is with our current experience on Earth. We are at the place where we get to "decorate" and create what we want. Most of the "moving" is done. We have arrived in our new vibrational home. We get to make it beautiful, incredible, unique and glorious, and it feels WONDERFUL.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to make your unique and special contibution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing , including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending joyful creations!

Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering the What's Up On Planet Earth? information free of charge on our web site and through the latest e-mail energy alerts. To make a donation, click here

About Karen: Karen Bishop has had lifelong inner knowing of human and planetary evolution and events, as well as psychic ability and multidimensional access since birth. She possesses a varied background in metaphysical studies and training. Karen left her prior career as a grantwriter, non-profit consultant and newspaper columnist to be in her joy and creativity through this energy alert. She is no longer giving Soul Readings, but is currently working on her book "Finding Your Soul Purpose/A Part Of Ascension".

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