Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I had some strange stuff last night.

For instance I remember dream of having sex with Tom but the part that really made me wonder was that I was on top talking to him just like we would be carrying on a conversation anywhere. LOL I remember thinking I shouldn't be doing that because Dallas may have something catching. Then I thought why am I doing this it isn't even enjoyable or I wouldn't be carrying on a conversation with him.

Someone screamed in my ear you're going to wake up at 0730. I mean screamed.

Then the phone rang. 0549hrs. It scared me because one the phone never rings that time and it brought back memories of Tom being called out. Then I looked at the caller ID and it showed an out of area number. When I answered it, it sounded like the call was being recorded. You know the beeping sound?

I couldn't go back to sleep because then I was worried it was someone from across the pond and they were in trouble. So I tried to scan but didn't feel anything. My sleep would not come.. Until oh... 0630. The alarm was set for 0645 to get Michael up. I went to sleep after I woke Michael up. I woke up at 0732. LOL

It's getting close to that time of the month. I'm getting... emotional again. Somebody said something on another list that was totally right about OT stuff and I had that flash of anger where I almost unsubbed immediately. I didn't catch that when it happened. Then today I was watching Charmed. I almost cried over Piper wanting to give up her powers. For that fact I wanted to cry through most of the show. The I tried to find something to watch later and decided to watch Finding Nemo. Yeah I kept tearing up. I do not like being this emotional. Oh and was rubbing Michael's head and started getting teary. This is annoying. lol AND I noticed a couple of days ago that I had the munchies. I'm talking bad munchies. That usually happens closer to my period. This is an example. an apple with caramel dip, then Triscuits, then 2 pickles... that's the way it was going. I'm going to have to do something about this. I'm going to be thinking about it.

My concrentrations sucks. I was trying to remember Dale's brothers name and couldn't even remember the first letter. I made an appointment for Tom for tomorrow I can't remember for sure the time, as I sit here at the computer. Luckily I did put it on the calendar. LOL I've had a head every night for about 8 nights. Oh and I've got a zit! Damn... It terrible.


My mom and I had a talk about sex... Yeah... She usually gives me more information than I want. So she and I were asking questions like... Why do men name their penis? Why do they let it think for them? How come they think it is separate from them? Why does it rules their actions? Why are men obessessed with their penises. You know things like that. We laughed and were having fun. Then... she said I probably shouldn't be telling you this but... "the other night dad (74 years old) said I thought of sex twice today but Mr Ike didn't want to get up". She said I patted him on the arm and said "Well then we'll just wait for him to stand up then". I almost peed myself. She really cracks me up.

Plus, I'm getting messages from 3 and 4 days ago. I have no idea if I've answered or not. I'm frustrated at that. I feel out of whack enough without messages screwing with my mind.

I'm tired, I'm feeling stressed..

Oh I need to add that I'm going to take a picture of all the cards I got and post it in my photo album. I think it would be good for everyone to get to see.

Aud I got your card Yesterday. Thank you so much... It really made me feel so much better. So it's in the office to help. I have a thank you card from our own Miss Anna that is sitting here by my monitor. Everytime I look at it I smile. I think I'm going to keep the cards and put them in a scrape book. Then if I start feeling lost I can look at the cards and get sappy. :-) So thank you all who sent cards. It is really wonderful. I like that we did that. A special thanks to Draig for putting it together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad the card helped. The feelings you are having I can sympathise with, after my hysterectomey (they took everything so was left with the menopause) which is alot like pre monthly time, I was awful, crying at the drop of a hat, overwhelming sadness, I still get it from time to time. You have been through so much last year, you need time to heal and you will. We are all here for you, whenever.

Love and Hugs

Aud xxx

6:58 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugg blogger...

Your Mom said..

I thought of sex twice today but Mr Ike didn't want to get up".

tell her to have Mr Ike? (LMAO) take some Viagra.. LOL


6:12 PM 
Blogger Pixie said...

I always keep my holiday cards until the next holiday season; they are in a silver bowl in the living room. I love to lay on the couch in the middle of the summer to look through them. However, sometimes it's very bittersweet since most of the photos are of my friends' boxers and it tugs the heart when I come across a friend who has crossed the bridge.


6:17 PM 
Blogger Georgia said...

LOL My mom complains about Viagra ads. LOL So that won't happen. hehe

Pixie, I love that idea. I understand what you mean though about those passed away. I do keep my cards but usually in a draw and when I do run across them it's a surprise. lol Yeah I have a couple of those kinds of drawers. hehe


7:13 PM 

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