Saturday, November 20, 2004

Friday night dream

I was sitting in a crowd of kids. It was like school. I remember the teacher, she was young and sweet. The children were around 7 or 8 years old. We were all gathered waiting our turn to go and pick out the one we wanted. Now in this dream they were horses yet when I saw them up close they were cats. There were other classes there and we had to take turns. I ran and got mine first before we were suppose to. I couldn't bare the thought that I wouldn't get the one I wanted. I knew I shouldn't have and when the teacher looked over and I sat the kitten down knowing I shouldn't have gone a picked up the kitten because I wasn't following the rules. Funny though I thought hang the rules. This is the one I want.

I was sitting against some cabinets and I had on a coat. I was hot. The teacher called me to ask me to come over with the rest. I told her I was hot and took off my coat. Then there was a doberman standing in front of me. He looked like my dog Henker. I got the distinct impression though that the dog said his name was Abe. I started petting him and talking to him. I got was getting these big handfuls of hair off the dog where he was shedding. I hand up a handful to show the teacher and the hair was white instead of black.