Tuesday, October 12, 2004

October 9, 2004

Embodying Our Knowingness

(I so enjoy receiving all of your e-mails and messages, and continue to read each and every one. For me, they are gold nuggets with their own special energy and messages that continue to uplift and support the What's Up? web site and energy alerts.

Due to the large volume of e-mails I receive (and that I am currently working onmy book), I am not always able to personally reply to them all, but encourage you to continue sending them and to continue connecting.)


(A brief note: We are working on repairing the sudden "wide screen" appearance of the energy alerts. Hopefully soon!)

We have made the jump. We are finally here. As we are experiencing this most miraculous time, again, there is much to tell. We are embodying light as never before, and many are feeling the wonderful feeling of "knowingness". With more"pushing" energy arriving in the past few days, we were certainly being placed in our New niches of energy, as the beautiful beings of light that we truly are.

For the more sensitive among us, this "pushing" phase had the usual earmarks of confusion, spaciness, loss of a sense of place, disorientation, and a basic non-grounded feeling. When we leap into another realm, it can be quite dramatic for some. I had a feeling of being "off my rocker". One evening while driving home from dinner with friends, I had to really focus on where I was, how to get home, and even WHO I was!

As we are being "pushed" into the higher realms, our old familiar "memory loss"experiences begin to magnify as well. Some days I find it difficult to remember who I spoke to and what I did even that very morning. If things are not in our current and momentary thoughts, it is as if they no longer exist outside of our very current and momentary reality. Time is very much in the NOW.

And again, we are still so weary and tired, needing unusual amounts of sleep. I seem to have resumed my prior pattern of waking at 5:00 each morning, unableto sleep as well. There is much energy moving. But as we begin to connect to these New higher realms in all ways, our energy seems to be restored as we are now being fueled by the higher vibrations, as they now become our New and permanent reality and way of being. The more we connect with, live, experienceand create the New, the more energy we will have.

Things of the Old world seem to have no meaning and no longer seem to matter. It is as if they belong in another world, in another time, and somewhere in theDark Ages. They now seem so very far away, and so very "empty" of any energy or life force, as that is precisely what is occurring. There is no longer any "food" for them.

As the Old systems and ways of being in the lower realms are no longer being fueled, we are also at a strange mid-way point of nothingness. In some cases, it seems that there is almost no money supply or even opportunities for generating money. It is because the Old is gone.

We may feel as though we are "waiting", but the New is arriving at this very moment and all will be in order in the very near future. We have done our jobs well and were not meant to suffer or be left penniless. That is simply not the case. Trust that we are being taken care of always, and only in transition. And when the New systems arrive and are in place, it will so much better than we have ever known!

Making this great leap ahead and into the higher realms and higher states of consciousness has been sublime as well. Feelings of vulnerability and powerlessness are quickly evaporating as are now embodying so much light and connecting so much more with our soul, higher selves, and Source energy.

Our "knowingness" of all things and of well-being is now consuming many of us, and it feels incredibly good. We have been elevated to a higher state of being and there is no turning back. We are remembering and embodying our abilities and connection, and it is now no longer just in our minds or in our vague recollection of who we always knew we were. Our time is finally here, our power is restored and ready for total expression with no interference from darkness, and weare now FREE to be the lightbeings we always knew we were!

While we are connecting much more easily to our souls, it will create a knowingness of all things. At these new levels, all is known and understood. We will no longer have need for people like me reporting back from the higher dimensions (as we will BE there ourselves) and for all the "channeled" information from the Old World. (It is finally time for my new path of original intention, and I get to have an exciting New reality as well!)

Our new knowingness may FINALLY remind us that there never was any "karma"and that we never came to this planet to "learn lessons". We will clearly see ALL and clearly see that there was no intent for suffering and punishment, just an experience of moving, using and mastering energy and all that it manifests. Our egos love to put meanings and drama on things!

As the Old is finally gone, we are now poised to enter into Phase II of this incredibly fun game we conjured up (O.K., it wasn't always as fun as it will be now!), and it is now time for the creating of the New World. All is set. The planet is our palette. Our dreams and knowingness of another world are ready to be put into action in oh so many ways, and we are all needed.

As we have come as representatives from many different worlds, there will so much to offer and so many different facets to fulfill. Oh, what fun! I remember while still giving soul readings, all of the unique and incredibly different representation that was present from all over the universe. We needed and wanted to be here at this time.

For Phase I of this amazing Shift of the Ages, we came as representatives from afar, as many of us know, in order to assist for many reasons. As bearers of light, we literally served as "filters", embodying the darker/denser energies as they surrounded us in many ways, and transmuting them through our physical beingness. It was certainly ouch! at times. In addition, this representation from countless other worlds, enabled this Shift of the Ages to ripple back through each representative and to affect all of the universe as well.

In Phase I, we agreed to place ourselves all over the planet, in various locations, many times moving every two years, in order to anchor in the light and to transmute the energies. Now our relocations are for a very different reason.

WE ARE BRINGING HOME HERE. We now get to go to our specific geographic locations that match our vibrations from our specific stars or "other homes" (not to say that we still go much higher and can connect with our very ORIGINAL home, Source). It is time for the areas of the New World to be formed andcreated.


New energies will now become prevalent in places around the globe. Cities will "shift over" and other new areas will emerge from nowhere. Many will migrate to the areas where they will closely vibrate with the New energy of that location, as they are now ready to infuse their vibrations, contributions, gifts and talents and PRESENCE to support and match their own, unique energy while supporting and creating the New World.

Areas will have a vibratory "theme". They will match our own specific passion and joy, our own deep calling and energy, and will feel oh so much like home as were-connect with our soul groups and long lost friends. As these areas pulsate with their own specific purpose, theme and unique dynamic expression, we will finally, again, become the jewel in the cosmos that we had once been oh so long ago.

As we begin uniting and re-connecting with our friends who emanate most closely from our first spark of original creation and expression, our relationships will take a different turn. In the higher realms, we all just love each other and are exuberantly delighted to spend time together. Now being in higher realms again, this will become the reality and way of being.

There will not necessarily be only "one" other for us. We will delight inconnecting with many, and we will all love each other with no resistance, judgment, or fear. All is accepted and all is remembered. As all our needs will be met, we will then, not "need" one another, but simply just greatly "enjoy" one another.

When needing to travel, we will have homes accessible in other locations, all inhabited by lightworkers. When we are not there, others will be. There will be much sharing and connecting, all in joy, fun and laughter.

Waves of others will experience the shifting over behind us, so there will be much opportunity to assist as well. And as our outside world finally begins to match our inside world, our health will improve dramatically. We will begin to create the weather, we will have open communication with the stars and other beings of light, and we will pulsate with an exuberance of joy, delight, peace, harmony and excitement.

With all these New changes finally ready, there is much to shift over and this change in form will certainly not happen overnight. But as more and more of us begin living in the higher ways of the higher realms, it will eventually snowball and lovingly envelope all others as we show them the way. Even as it takes some time, if we remember to be present in the moment and enjoy each one,what fun it can be!

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to share your contribution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth is a free/donation based energy alert connecting usthroughinformation about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many ofus areexperiencing, including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the Newevolvingvibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And knowthatalthough many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are goingthroughthese incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending, joyful creations!

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