Sunday, October 03, 2004

Assisting the Balance in World Situations, Earth Changes andHumanity's Upheavalsby Qala Serenia PhoenixAs you gather in your circles, you will need a specific focus to work with, for this group meditation process. I recommend that you choose to offer balancing energies to a situation that touches you deeply in some way. Know that what deeply touches us, also gives us the power to channel the immense love that lives within us. If you are in a circle, find a common ground, as there are many situations in theworld needing balancing and assistance through this form of loving service.

2. Light a candle and call upon God/dess or the sacred names ofthose that you work with as the family of light. This will be inaccordance to your own heart resoance, and spiritual lineage. This process works with any form of spirituality and faith Beloveds. Youmay wish to create a beautiful altar in honour of peace, love and thequalities of the divine. Build this together if you are working in acircle so as to create the group energy and collective feeling between each other.

3. As you open your circle, a beautiful Temple of Harmony will anchor over you, and the Angels and Archangels and Emissaries of Lovewill enter the room to be with you. They will first begin to enlighten your chakras and your own energy centres so that you may channel the love and light to the areas in the world more powerfully. They suggest that you place an image on your altar that mirrors or reflects balance. Some of you may create drawings, and others of you may use symbols or objects to focus your energy through. For those of you that are not guided to receive an image or focus, you may use a golden pyramid to focus the energy through.

4. A golden pyramid will be anchored in the centre of the room or area that you work in by the loving guardians that work with you. Know that this will assist the work to take place more powerfully through any other image of balance you may place on the altar physically to focus and support this process. Know that the ancient keepers and ancestral guardians of the Earth will be working with you through this golden pyramid in the strengthening of the Earth grid in the area that you choose to focus upon. This pyramid will also transmit all energies, messages prayers you send through yrou image of balance to teh area and all souls you call to ascension council.

5. Bring your own ceremony into this through your prayers and loving offerings so as to build the energy in the room. Know that it is the energy in the room that will be sent through the golden pyramid tothe Earth grid to strengthen it. Know that it will be empowered12,000-fold by the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters working with you. The golden pyramid is the instrument of magnification for this process. Your own ceremony of love is for the building of the energy in your circle. This can only be created through the open heart between each one of you, and through your own open heart prayers and giftings of love and blessings.

6. For each circle that you hold, you may call upon all the HALO Angels that presently work with the Earth grid, assisting the fearthought forms of our collective to be loved free. This will empower your own circle's work. Also, you may ask to be linked with all others who are presently creating circles in the world for balancing and peace. It is through the power of the collective that all will manifest complete balance in our world, so linking with others in other countries and areas empowers the effect of your balancing work.

7. As you do this, we ask that you ask that every being in the area that you are focussed upon receive what you receive. We ask that you receive love infusions through every cell of your being as the Angels step forth to you. As you do this, allow your hearts to connect to the image that represents balance, and intend to channel this loveand light frequency through this image of balance and the golden pyramid to the area that you have chosen to focus upon in the world. Once each of you is connected in this way, you will have created agroup merkaba of divine love and sacred balance. As you know, it isthe healing force of love that balances all. It needs each one of you in circle to lock your hearts in this focus to the image of balance, and then direct energy from the generator of love within your heart.

8. As you each do this, you will begin to raise in vibration as your own Divine Presences or God Presences merge with you. You may singthe mantra of God Presence together to create this to be more powerful if you wish:OM MAYA MA KITA RAKU ANA PEYA NAMU x 13 You will raise in vibration to a high platform, and it is through this open heart feeling of unconditional love that you are then able to call forth to the souls of all beings such as world leaders etc that may be involved in decision-making that affects what isoccurring in this area.

9. Call to the God Presences of the leaders etc, to be with you,and call to the souls of these ones to be with you. Call for anascension council to open with these ones, and invite the Karmic Board to bring the akashic records to these ones. Share with them your truth of love and your vision of what can occur if decisions are made with love instead of fear. Send only love to these ones, and do not give them your power. If you feel that you have given them your power, or that you blame them, we ask that you reclaim your power by opening your heart to them. Know that many in this world are directed by fear and not love. It is not your role to judge them, but to support them to use their free will to make a new choice based on love.

10. Transmit love to these beings through the image of balance.. Offer through your own heart, all to this council that will support this process. Ask that God's will be done, and that the divine plan of love be activated through the area that you have chosen to focus upon. Call to the Angels and Archangels to release all core fear thought forms that may be affecting all beings in this area. Ask for karmic absolution for humanity and call to the souls that you have opened ascension council with, to also receive karmic absolution in relationship to all that has manifested. As you do this, breathe in and receive the universal laws of love, karma, reflection, forgiveness, grace, creation and divinity through your being. Call on these laws to flood through you and directly into the Earth in the area you have chosen to focus on. Gently invite the souls that you have called into ascension council with you to also receive these laws through them.

11. Breathe as the violet flame and other beautiful rays filled with dispensations flood through you and flood into the Earth in the area you have chosen to focus on for the strengthening of the Earth grid in this area. At this time, you may become aware of some old agreements that humanity has made to accept these fears in their life. You may become aware of the core fears and what they are that have been pulsing the souls in this area to be disturbed. You may become aware of the core fears from your own guidance, and if you are aware of these, you may call for these to be lifted by the Angels, Archangels and the Mothers of Love.

12. As you complete with this, ask that every child, mother, father, animal, plant or spirit on the Earth in this area begin to receive rose light flooding through them and the pathways that interconnect them as a collective. Ask that the rose, blue, gold and white light fill the pathways that collectively link all beings in this area as one family. Ask that the shock and painful memories that may be trapped in the energy pathways between each being may be lifted into the light. Ask that the violet flame dissolve all shock and trauma in the energy pathways of the collective. Call forth to all individual souls in this area, and ask if they wish to receive divine healing and to be placed on a healing program with the Angels andArchangels and the Divine Mothers of Love. Ask these ones if they wish to ask for karmic absolution and receive the universal laws o fgrace, love, creation, karma, forgiveness, divinity and reflection as dispensations for their own regeneration energetically in their lives. Be the messenger for the family of light and call this out loud or telepath this to them, and know that many of these souls will receive this through your divine intervention and love. Complete your circle with your own blessings through your guidance and open heart.

Please network this to all that you know. If it touches your heart, I ask you to write a small personal message to your friends or those that you are networking this to, sharing how important this is for you.

All my love, Qala

This article/message is copyrighted © Qala Serenia Phoenix, 2004.

This may be freely distributed as long as none of the content is altered, and as original source and copyright is honoured. If wishing to share this with others, please do not delete this section of the article.