Sunday, October 03, 2004

Ok, so what did I do?

Well I went outside and looked around. LOL Feed my fish and started pulling weeds. You know I've decided that the more weeds you pull the more grow it their place. I've got something growing out there that has a leaf similar to mint but it's not mint. I'm not sure what it is but it grows like mint. It's not pennyroyal either. It's totally different looking than that. The leaf is similar though. It gets this fluffy flower looking thing on it. I don't remember much if any smell to it.

I think I'm going to put out some landscape fabric. I'm tired of pulling weeds. Oh One thing I found is my butterfly brush has had many babies. I've found 10 in about a 3 foot area by the pond. So I'll transplant those and I know a great place for them. I'll be sure and take them with me when I move to another house.

Maybe I should go back out and do what I said I was going to do before the weeds distracted me. hehe


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have grey hairs like your weeds lol

aud xxx

6:10 PM 

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