Ok so I've had to have contact with the bastard cocksucker. He apologized several times. He says in his bullshit Scorpio tone. "I don't know what else I can do". Well, you could die for beginners. So as he was leaving he stopped and got the mail and brought it down to the house.
I forgot to mention I've been cutting ever piece of paper in the wastebasket into tiny iddy biddy shreds. He said will you feel better after you finish cuting me into shreds? I said probably not. So anyway back to the mail so I had "Whatever" by Godsmack literally blaring. I get the mail from him and he said "I said I was sorry". All I could choke out was "There is no recovery from this". I don't know what the look on his face was. I'm done. I am cutting the cord on the fullmoon and I'm chopping that fucker into with one blow.
You know I'm not sure the idiot that originally said that saying you're sorry would make things better. The person was a total fucking idiot. Sorry doesn't help, doesn't help the pain that was caused. Oh yes he seems to think it makes it better. This is a man who never apologizes so all of a sudden he thinks his apology means more? Fuck that.
You know right now I could do with a storm. I nice big thunder and lightening clashing storm. I know where I will direct some of that lightening. Some of that wind could do wonders in making me feel better. I hope it continues to rain after dark because I need to go out in it and dance.
And what bothers me even more is that I knew she was here. I felt it. He is such an insensitive bastard. This day started with promise.
I forgot to mention I've been cutting ever piece of paper in the wastebasket into tiny iddy biddy shreds. He said will you feel better after you finish cuting me into shreds? I said probably not. So anyway back to the mail so I had "Whatever" by Godsmack literally blaring. I get the mail from him and he said "I said I was sorry". All I could choke out was "There is no recovery from this". I don't know what the look on his face was. I'm done. I am cutting the cord on the fullmoon and I'm chopping that fucker into with one blow.
You know I'm not sure the idiot that originally said that saying you're sorry would make things better. The person was a total fucking idiot. Sorry doesn't help, doesn't help the pain that was caused. Oh yes he seems to think it makes it better. This is a man who never apologizes so all of a sudden he thinks his apology means more? Fuck that.
You know right now I could do with a storm. I nice big thunder and lightening clashing storm. I know where I will direct some of that lightening. Some of that wind could do wonders in making me feel better. I hope it continues to rain after dark because I need to go out in it and dance.
And what bothers me even more is that I knew she was here. I felt it. He is such an insensitive bastard. This day started with promise.
You could say...
"You know Asswhipe... if sex with myself wasn't so good... I might miss you.
Actually, now that I think of it... I take that back... I lied... I could never miss you."
Fucker... You could add that in for emphasis.
Besides, do you really want what she has?
Cut those ties Georgia.
Ahhh... so that explains why I felt the need to do erectile dysfunction spells today. His Vigara is sugar pills now.
You know there was that thing on the grove about putting names in the freezer can you not draw a picture of his knob and bind that, I know this is hard for you and you really dont deserve it, I cant believe he can be such a wanker to you, mind you what goes around comes around, hope she does everything to him that he has done to you. I am always here if you want to talk.
Thanks guys... I still have thoughts of lightening up his arse though. *grins* I feel better today. Thank you all.
I had the same thought as Anna actually....sucks when Viagra and nothing else like it will work......shame about that gangrene of the testicles.....
that said though, your lightning idea was fun LOL historically speaking there was a Queen of England (Isabelle) who had her husband (Edward II I believe - the gay son of the longshanks) killed by having a red hot poker shoved forcefully up his arse .....
painful way to go I'd think...though Tom's the first I've ever seen who I've thought deserved it.......
*huge hug*
A hot poker up the arse... I like that. :-)
Oh yesterday he did it again. Not the whole email but a "slip" Yesterday A Fed Ex came that had a retainer check and letter of retention. I told him it came and he asked if it had a letter of engagement. Yeah... Another slip. I don't care anymore. Fuck him.
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