Friday, September 24, 2004

An Exciting Friday Night!

I'm sitting here duly going through all the post that I need to answer nibbling on those little cinnamon thingies you put on cookie... My mouth is on fire.... A couple of times I've started coughing because they are so hot. I know I'm weird.

I'm watching X-Men 2... again... and I've decided that I like Magneto's powers. They are very cool. To be able to manipulate metal is pretty cool. Charles has a great power too but I don't know... Mind control.... Something seems more wrong about that than what Magneto can do. I'll admit that the others have some pretty cool powers too but well I don't know... I don't know I kind of like Storms powers too... Though we know how much I like storms and weather magick. *grins*

I'm guessing Michael had a tough day at school. He had dinner and has been sleeping ever since. lol

Oh wow that was one hot little cinnamon disk.... my mouth is on fire.... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've got a couple of black mirrors to make tomorrow... Then go and gather some promised wood. I'll have to be sure and label what wood is what. I've got to upload some pictures tomorrow... Clean and do what little laundry there is to be done. I swear without Tom around the laundry is cut in at least half.

I need to shave my legs... they are driving me nuts. I always remember a little song out of a book. "They're wild and wolley and full of fleas and never have been curried below the knees." LOL It came from a book called Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry ISBN: 0689714920 . I loved that book when I was little. Ok I still love that book. I actually saw the movie last month. It was so funny and hokey cause it was made back in 1961. The year I was born. :-) Damn that's an old movie! *snicker* It was great though because it reminded me of a book that I loved and still have btw.

Oh now I'm sitting here watching "Dead Like Me" LOL That show really makes me giggle.

Ok, I think I may go do a serious blog... Not sure if I am or not though.. I may just wait until tomorrow to be serious.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So.. instead of oh.. stopping eating those little redhot thingers you continue to eat them even after they're burning a hole in your mouth. *snort*

3:03 PM 

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