Friday, October 22, 2004

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

Well it appears that I'm in a nasty mood this morning. I will be avoiding the computer as much as possible today. At least the day seems to be reflecting my mood. Dark and overcast.

I'm starting to see a connection to when Tom shows up and spends too much time around me. I get really nasty the next day. I'm thinking it's his energy.

I don't remember my dreams at all last night. Nothing. Not even any feelings of what it was. I was probably busy with something else since I went to sleep chatting with a couple of Goddesses. I did wake and have an exposure spell playing in my head. So I did it. We'll see what happens.

I'm having the blah blah blah attitude. Feeling very negative... Yeah Tom's energy... Maybe I should smudge myself and see if that makes it go away.


Blogger Georgia said...

It is funny how being childish can make you feel better. LOL I did stay away from the computer most of the day. Well, on the posting side of things.

9:18 PM 
Blogger Mab said...

**slides a black cherry milkshake and a chocolate gateaux around the door**

**closes the door**

**waits outside**

9:20 AM 
Blogger Georgia said...

Ohhhhhh chocolate.... Mmmmm milkshake.... I feel better now. *grins*

10:01 AM 

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