Friday, June 02, 2006

Now the fight begins.

I'm sitting here tonight enjoying a movie and decide to check emails. I haven't really felt like being part of anything but have read and responded to a few. There lurking was one from Tom.

"I have scheduled June 23rd as the closing for the house. Please see what arrangements you can make after the closing to be out of the house. After I close with the loan I will need to do repairs and cleanup. What is your status and timing with James?"

Now first thing he seems to have forgotten is I don't have to agree to the closing just because he says so. The part about James (my builder) is in reference to my new house. So I wrote him back.

"Make sure you add in there my salary for the past two years also. The 23rd is not reasonable for me to be out as you know that the house can't be done in 3 weeks. I'll push James and Dale as hard as I can to get it finished quickly though."

I didn't think that was nasty sounding or anything. So he responds.

"Don’t you think living free and spending at will on my credit card as well as the cash and checks you have gotten cover your salary? Don’t start this now. You know better….

I can’t get in there to get it ready for resale until you are out. I can’t give you that kind of money and let you continue to live there. Our deal was June 1st. You have done nothing to help me get there and you know it."

Ummm that's what he agreed to do. So no I don't think that's right. Plus he has already said he is going to live here. Maybe he has decided to move to Texas. I don't care about that part. He came up with the June 1st thing, I never agreed to it. So I responded back.

"I'm not doing this with you Tom. You know the deal we made. I've not pushed you on anything. I've bent to everything. Don't think I'm stupid. Don't think you can still walk over me.

Have I pushed you on child support? Which you know I could have at anytime but I didn't because I didn't want that to come between us. I didn't push you on Salary or alimony. I didn't try to get part of the business. I didn't try to get any of the cars. I didn't try to take you and I don't know why you think you are the martyr."

I feel such anger and hate for his attitude at this moment. Frustration and betrayal. Why should I have been surprised? I just want to cry. I want to do evil things to him. I want to hurt him. I want to hurt him like he has hurt me. Continously. Yet on some level I hear let it go.

Oh the things I feel myself wanting to do but would these be things I'd owe him karma for? I don't know.


Blogger Mab said...

Funny how all this happens when his son's not in the house to witness it.


Anything I can help with, please shout up.


3:49 AM 
Blogger Wild Mountain Gryph said...

Silly stinging Scorpio.
You know you have my love and what ever support I can give.

12:55 PM 
Blogger Pixie said...

I'm take the blow from karma, please send him this note from me:

"Listen you fuckstick, you've yanked my friend around enough for a lifetime. She doesn't deserve your shit right now. Honestly, I don't have the time to come down there to kick your ass properly, so this email will have to do. Thank you and good night"

8:54 PM 

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