Monday, May 09, 2005

Just me

Here it is Monday morning and there is so much I want to do. I need to open up yahoo to see if Branny is around to say hi to her. It seems like we've missed each other off and on the whole weekend. I just finished reading Bella's wonderful discussion and need to respond. Cerr respondig to an email I wrote asking about the rune Isa. So I've thought on what she said and need to go back and respond. The grass needs to be cut, rabbits are hiding in it now. lol I've still got to finish Matt's computer. I want to go our and cut some of my roses. They are blooming like crazy. I need to work on my pond. I need to clean up the office and my desk, looks like a tornado landed on my desk or at least passed by fairly close.

Let's see... Sunday I spent most of the day with my mom and dad. The boys went too. My brother and sister weren't there but my brother and his family are sick, which isn't unusual. My sister is in Montana so it was just me and the boys. My dad got on a roll and told us childhood stories for about an hour. No one else could talk because he forgets too easily then he gets upset because he can't remember. He and the boys sat and watched baseball for a while which was good. It's funny when mom and I decided to go outside and sit in the swings they all came out. lol

Matt and Michael had some good bonding time which was really needed. It's the most active I've seen Michael in quite a while. Actually it the happiest I've seen him in a while.

This blog is a little bit of everything right now.

Thursday week will be my one year anniversary of being divorced. It's strange because some times it seems like it's only just happened and others that it's been many years. Actually it's kind of intersting when I went back and read Cerr's take on Isa, that's what this is like. Frozen in time, no movement, a build up behind the ice. I do think this past year has been like that for me. It's ok though, I truly believe things are as they should be.

I've been working on being a Possibilities Person. This is someone who is pushing to negative out of their lives to open up to the possibilities that are out there waiting to be taken.

Last week, well actually the Friday before last I went and had my hair colored. I'm guessing not many are real fond of it. I've only had one person tell me that they liked it. The others haven't said anything. lol I'll have to get a photo and post it. Hopefully It won't be all bad responses. lol Not that it really matters.

I guess I'm talked out for now.


Blogger Cerridwyn's Cauldron said...

I'm glad that my Isa comments made sense *hug*
I'm here for you, you know - whenever you need me - before, during or after the dam's breaking

Love you dearly, my friend

11:14 PM 
Blogger Mab said...

What colour is your hair now?

And how come your blog is all white, are you living Isa these days?

Love you.


7:13 AM 
Blogger Georgia said...

Thanks Shonna, I'm hoping for one of those breaks that is easy but done completely. lol If that makes sense.

I have a lot of red in it... You know these places should have pictures for thsoe of us who don't understand the lingo. lol I wanted higlights. Well they said a splash or all over? Umm well I want more than one. Ok, you want all over. I think we were talking different languages. I'll have to take a photo and show you.

11:56 AM 

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