Wednesday, March 03, 2004

A friend's heart

My friend is also a lady who comes to clean the house. She is a very loving Columbian woman. We have a problem with the language barrier at times but we always work out what the other is saying. :-)

This morning she showed up an hour earlier than normal. She was here at 7:45am. She said I have a question. SO she sat down and opened her heart. We spoke until 9:00am. It seems her American boyfriend is an idiot. She has been here for a few years and she has work very hard to make money and pays for her son to go to college in Columbia. He graduates in August. :-) Anyway, her boyfriend said that she shouldn't send money to her children because they are grown up and must be lazy if they don't have enough money. She explained to me that if she makes 100 dollars that she puts 10 dollars back for her children She only sends them money when they need food. Makes sense to me... She gave me an example that one of her daughters works from 7 in the morning until 9 at night and has two small children. Their pay in Columbia is very low and what she makes pays the rent, utilities and some food. My friends boyfriend had the nerve to say working 14 hours a day at a job is lazy? Then she comes home and has to clean and cook for the next day. She gets in bed between 11 and 12 at night.

My friend is also putting money back to build her mother a new house. She said it will cost 20 to 25 thousand dollars. Her mother is 82 and lives in their old house where the rain comes in. My friend's boyfriend doesn't understand that either. The boyfriend is 36 years old, letting his mother tell him who he should marry, and said he shouldn't marry my friend because she hasn't been to college. ARGH! I've decided that he and his mother are just jack asses. Well, he told his parents he wanted to marry my friend. They said no and fought over it for two days. He broke up with my friend.

Oh and another thing. He told her that *everyone* in America works. Husband and wife. That none of them stay home. She said she knew better because she cleans houses and she sees that they do. I told her he was just full of it and she was better off without someone who lets their mother run their lives. I told Tom about the conversation so when he saw her this morning he gave her a big hug. Then she hugged me and told me that after talking with me I made her heart happy. :-D

Oh and another another thing. He told her that if he married her that he wasn't marrying her kids. Basically that he was shutting them out of the family. I told her that her children and her happiness meant more than marrying a man who thought so little of family. :-) Can you tell this conversation got me worked up about family? LOL She is a good woman with a HUGE heart. She deserves a man who will love her and treat her as special as she really is.

She was married when she was in Columbia but her husband turned mean after 10 years of marriage and started beating her. She stayed with him for 12 years after the beatings started. She said she was afraid for her children, not having food. They are divorced but he still tries to get her to come back. She said no. LOL Oh and something else she told me. The job market in Columbia considers anyone 30 and over too old to work! Can you believe that!?

Ok, I should really get back to work now.