Friday, March 12, 2004


Believe it or not last night I went to bed at 8:30pm. I've never been in bed that early. Ever! Well not to sleep anyway. I was sitting here trying to keep up with what was going on with WG and how everyone was doing. I'm sending energy and good thoughts to those who need it but I just don't feel like posting so I don't. Not unless something tells me I have too. Back to where I was going with this.

Tom came back from riding his motorcycle walked in and said what's for dinner. So I cooked dinner and made coffee cause he asked for coffee too. He drank one cup and ate then messed with his computer some and leaned back and slept. I was sitting here doing email and just messing with my computer and also my new phone. About 8:00pm I felt like someone had sucked all my energy out of me. I started getting so sleepy. So I went to bed at 8:34pm. It took a few minutes before I feel asleep but then I was out. I work up after 9:30 sometime cramping. So I tried to ground that and it didn't work. I just couldn't get myself in that place. So I said fine and went back to sleep. I fought through the pain of those cramps sleeping off and on until almost 1:00am then I took something for it. I figured if it wasn't going to stop then I might as well. Then I was out and slept hard all night.

So this morning I felt Tom get out of bed but I was too tired to see the time. Today is an off day for school so I didn't have to wake Michael up. So I change my alarm to 7:00am. Tom comes in before 7:00 and asks me how I was feeling. I forgot to mention he was still up when I went to get something for the pain. I told him better. So he said I'm still not sleepy and that his head was still screwed up. I don't know what to tell him about that. I guess I'd be really shocked if he wasn't. So I told him that he should try my lavender pillow tonight that it was worth a try. Then he started talking about Ms Dallas. I just don't know what to do about it. I want him to be careful but how do you say be careful? I've already said be careful but I am trying to make sure he doesn't attach himself because he doesn't want to be alone. You know? So I got out of bed and I just feel a little drained. I'm sure it's just being emotionally stressed so that I can deal with.

Tom did say that he hoped that I didn't have endometriosis (sp) which my sister had. He said that my periods seemed to be getting worse. Well I only have trouble sometimes but well...

I'm having feelings of I just don't care anymore and I don't like those. I've always cared and it bothers me that I'm feeling that.

Oh and Mab that was brilliant about the Tower phase. It truly was and thank you.