Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's been quite awhile since I've updated here.

I've moved into my new house. Today I am trying to set up my office. However the strain of the move has injured my left elbow so I have to give it a break too often. It does look better in my to be office though. Slowly but surely things are getting in place.

I passsed my state exam for real estate and now have my license. I have it hung at Oprandi Realty. I start Monday. Figured it'd be best after the Turkey Day holidays. So yay me means I have to get ready to learn real stuff instead of the crap the school taught. lol

Still getting things situated in the house. It's starting to look like a home... Finally!

The dogs aren't happy because they don't have a fence to run the yard in yet. I'm not turning them loose.