Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Kicked in the teeth - dream

The dream is hazy but...

I was with my mother and she was angry. She had an evelope of money and she was saying something about my dad. She had I believe $2,000.00 and said she was going to buy her an evening gown. Now I'm not sure why but that's what she said. There was a man there too I kind of feel like it was my brother. Or maybe just an observer. I was counting the money and it was pretty strange because the biggest bill she had in the envelop was a ten. These bills had old family protraits on them instead of dead presidents. She only had two ten and the rest was fives and ones. I was kind of shocked at the denominations. We had gone to a bank and all of a sudden it was packed and you couldn't get in or anything.

I started wondering around and this lady picked up this gold color cell phone. I immediately thought of Chelle and looked and the phone had her name on it. The phone had some dirt on it where it had been on the ground. So I told the lady that I had a friend named Chelle and thought maybe it was hers. The lady handed me the phone and I started trying to find out for sure. For some reason I couldn't get it to list all the numbers on the phone. Then I couldn't get the called numbers list. For some reason it took me a bit to decided to press the home to find out that way. So I'm in an area that had baseball fields on it and there were quite a few people around as I was trying to mess with this phone. I remember walking around and wound up walking behind some kids wearing baseball uniforms. I was walking in the grass and it was really wet so I was headed back to the pathway. I finally found home on the phone. There were four. One for each base. First base, second base, third base and home plate. So I pressed the button for home plate.

A man answered the phone and was going on about something and I interuppted him. He said something to the affect that if this wasn't his wife I'd better explain why I was on her phone. So I did. I went through the whole thing.

Then I found myself in the car with Tom. He had worked a case that involved this blonde girl. It was dark and we were on the road at an intersection. There was this big truck next to us. It wasn't a tractor trailer or anything along those lines. It was like a smaller tow truck on steroids. It was huge. The blonde girl was in this truck with a guy. Tom didn't want the truck getting over infront of us so he pulled up just enought to keep it from happening. The truck backed up and so did Tom. A motorcycle turned between us and the car in front of us going right to left. I was thinking oh they moved back to let the motorcycle turn. I was thinking it was stupid for the motorcycle to turn there instead of the intersection. I remember the truck moving up and TOm doing so too just to keep the guy from getting over. This time is was a little different. I noticed this truck had an aggressive front bumper that looked like it could be used in a battle. THe guy started moving over anyway and forced Tom to let him over.

Somehow we were all out of the vehicles and Tom and this guy were fighting. I remember saying to myself I liked it better when Tom was so full of testosterone. So they were fighting and for some reason kneeled down. When he did the guy kicked him in the mouth. I remember feeling nothing but surprise that he knelt down during a fight. I remember seeing some blood. I went over to stop them and jumped on the guy. He was really tall. I was trying to break his neck but with not very much passion behind it. In my dream I was saying to myself what I was trying to do so that it would happen. I woke up.