Friday is another day
Well, today I've sorted a bunch of stuff out. Part of my problem is that when we went to the attorney's office that the attorney said one of us had to be plaintiff. So Tom said list Georgia. Ok, I'm alright with that. Welllll, I was until I realized that since it's an uncontested divorce that only one of us has to go to court. Yep and that one is going to be me because I am the plaintiff even though I am not the one asking for the divorce. Just the thought of being up there in front of people and talking is more than I can stand. I would be happy to take a whole bottle of valium... Only problem is I wouldn't be able to talk then. LOL I told Tom that make I should take two before I go and he said no you never do anything like that in a court room. LOL I know I shouldn't but I can tell you one won't do anything. LOL Ok, it would... It would give me a headache. LOL And make me talk and answer to myself. I do that already but I really have good conversations with myself. ;-)
So, even though he asked for the divorce I'm the one that will be doing all the work to get it. What I mean by that is that I have to go to court. Honestly I think that he doesn't want to go to court for the divorce because he may go to court sometime soon and doesn't want people remembering him from that.
I watched Brother Bear today. I liked the movie even though I disagreed with some of it on a strange level.
I'm watching Horse Whisperer now.... Yeah I'll be crying... Especially the first part of the movie... I made the mistake of reading the book at work. I started crying when the wreck happened.
Well, today I've sorted a bunch of stuff out. Part of my problem is that when we went to the attorney's office that the attorney said one of us had to be plaintiff. So Tom said list Georgia. Ok, I'm alright with that. Welllll, I was until I realized that since it's an uncontested divorce that only one of us has to go to court. Yep and that one is going to be me because I am the plaintiff even though I am not the one asking for the divorce. Just the thought of being up there in front of people and talking is more than I can stand. I would be happy to take a whole bottle of valium... Only problem is I wouldn't be able to talk then. LOL I told Tom that make I should take two before I go and he said no you never do anything like that in a court room. LOL I know I shouldn't but I can tell you one won't do anything. LOL Ok, it would... It would give me a headache. LOL And make me talk and answer to myself. I do that already but I really have good conversations with myself. ;-)
So, even though he asked for the divorce I'm the one that will be doing all the work to get it. What I mean by that is that I have to go to court. Honestly I think that he doesn't want to go to court for the divorce because he may go to court sometime soon and doesn't want people remembering him from that.
I watched Brother Bear today. I liked the movie even though I disagreed with some of it on a strange level.
I'm watching Horse Whisperer now.... Yeah I'll be crying... Especially the first part of the movie... I made the mistake of reading the book at work. I started crying when the wreck happened.
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