Monday, March 29, 2004

I'll be glad when this is all over. Tom can't sleep now and of course that means he is keeping me up. Last night he went to bed at 10:00pm. I was up until just after 11:00pm. I however went into the bedroom and turned the tv on and lowered the volume not to disturb anyone. I was in bed probably 30 minutes when Tom started getting up. The bedroom he is in the door is very noisy. So every time he opened and closed the door it woke me up. He must have gone in and out of the room 8 times before 3:30am. Then at 3:30am he came into my room to get his wallet. Of course this means he woke me up. I was somewhere important in my dream too. It really annoyed me to be waken. Hopefully he will take something to help him sleep tonight as I can't take many nights like that.

Wednesday is the big day. The first appointment with the attorney. I'm getting nervous. My stomach is starting to do flops and flips. I've bitten off 6 fingernails so far and that was just last week.

I agreed to take my sister to get her botox injection. *shivers* I'm not looking forward to that at all. It's the injection that I'm not looking forward to. What was I thinking?!

I think it bothers him that I can sleep and he can't. I usually do sleep when stressed while he can't.

Today is overcast and it's suppose to rain. It's been a while since it's rained so that's good.