Thursday, August 26, 2004

You never give me your money
You only give me your funny paper
And in the middle of negotiations you break down

Yes, I've been in a Beatles mood for a while now.

Today was really great. I went furniture shopping with my sister. Since Tom is getting the bed I needed a new one. My sister had seen one that she thought I'd like. Of course she was right.... damn Virgo... They are always right. LOL So I got a new bed, dresser, chest, and mattress. :-) I'm so excited. Matt is picking it up for me tomorrow. I'm so happy. This will be my bed.. no yucky energies left from the marriage as it died. :-)

My sis and I had lunch at the local mexican restaurant... Which was quite yummy. Life is good and back to normal.. Well almost. I still need to put the suitcases up. LOL Oh and clean the bedroom up. *snort*