Thursday, June 10, 2004

Thursday, December 19, 2002 (5:28 AM)

Daily Quado:

Do you have a message for the Webpage today?

Yes, of course. I will always have a message for our wonderful readers, always.

Today I would like to talk about letting things be. There are things you need to do to make things happen: you need to be clear in your intent, you need to take action, physically, emotionally and spiritually, which supports your desire and intent. But then, you also need to let things be, let things flow, let things develop.

You need perseverance of the active kind, and also perseverance of the patient kind. Some things simply take time. Some things, especially those things most wonderful, will be an intricate design which develops over months and years, a set of coincidences which dazzle.

It is also true that while you wait, and while you learn and develop and grow, you will be preparing yourself for the state into which you will come. It is not a good and a healthy thing to be thrust into instant success and achievement. It is much better for this to come to you as a lover long courted, a relationship which develops over time. You and your dream should get to know each other slowly, learning who you are, understanding the good and the less good sides of what you covet and desire. You should have kisses and touches before you finally consummate your desire. You should flirt, make advances, get rebuffed, and yet make a little progress. You should know how precious what you desire is, how elusive and desirable, but you should also have glimpses of the earthiness, the day-to-dayness of what attracts you.

Be very patient as your desires unfold. Be very patient, yet stay your course. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the flirtation. Realize that this part, the part where you are first falling in love, still slightly dazzled by the beauty of your desire, yet beginning to see that it may in fact come to pass, is often the most precious, the most treasured time of all. Know that the attainment is often less fulfilling than the pursuit. And knowing this, enjoy the pursuit of your dreams. Enjoy exploring and learning and pursuing. Enjoy it all.

And let it be. Let other people be who they are. Let life be as it is. If this avenue closes, do not waste your time in regret, simply pursue another. If this experience disappoints, be glad for the knowledge and move on to the next. And if things seem to take a long time in developing, be glad for the time spent holding hands and the occasional furtive kiss. You will someday look back at the naiveté and wonder you felt at these early stages and wish you were still there, back in the innocent days of thinking that if only, if only you could have this one thing, your life would be perfect.

The fact is, your life is perfect right now. And the more you allow yourself to dream, and patiently yet ardently, even passionately, pursue those dreams, the more full and yes, perfect, it will be.

And so, letting things be is not dull resignation, and certainly not depression. Letting things be is in the spirit of watching a flower open. It cannot be rushed. And in fact, its actual progress is so slow, it cannot even be seen, even if you sit and stare at the flower. And yet, it happens. And yet, over time, the flower opens, in its own way, at its own pace. And when it does, the perfume spreads across the garden and the beauty dazzles the eye.

But everything has its season, and everything has its cycle. And your flower may stay in full open display for only a short time, before it is done, begins to close, and this experience is over. How foolish to have cared only for that fully open moment! Instead, enjoy the whole cycle. Cherish things in the bud, nurture them along, enjoy each phase of their development. The full flower, yes, but also the shy and gradual revealing.

Do not frantically search the garden for that fully open flower, when you might instead find a bud and enjoy a long and happy relationship helping it to full flower.

Life is so precious. I wish for you that you find your opening flowers, and find the love in your heart to shower upon them, and the peace to be patient and appreciative as they open. And let all of this bring you joy.


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