You Are Shape-Shifting Into A New Reality
by Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
Beloved masters of Light, a new day is dawning on your Earth, an era that has been prophesied and foretold for many ages past. The holographic pictures that have formed your realities are shifting and you feel vulnerable and left without an identity that you can relate to, or parameters to guide you.
What is happening is this, you went through the process of releasing all that you thought was important in your third dimensional reality, surrendering your relationships, your possessions, your perception of what and who you were as you moved into harmony and attunement with your higher self. Gradually accessing more refined energy, higher frequencies, new information and greater wisdom. Then you eventually became more comfortable with your fourth dimensional reality as you worked through all the negative emotional energies that came bubbling up from within your subconscious
mind, sweeping out and clearing outmoded perceptions. The pulsating, transforming
Light frequencies reverberated throughout the depths of your cellular structure and began to break loose all the impacted energies that have accumulated down through the ages--stirring them up, moving them out to be released and replaced with Divine Light substance. As you began to resonate to a quickened vibration--more of your vaster being, your soul-self, your higher-self, your Christ-Self began to, once again, take up
residency and dominion within your physical vessel.
You had a whole new set of rules to live by, a wonderful plethora of exciting information, new wisdom to assist you to function in this new reality in which you now found yourself. Joy and bliss became the norm and gradually you began to manifest your dreams and visions and come together with those you recognized instantly as your soul family. You began to share, teach and project this new vision, this new persona you had taken on and the world began to look much brighter.
Now suddenly, it seems you have taken a step backward, many of you have suddenly manifested dramatic illnesses that you do not understand; obstacles are placed in your way, hampering your progress, what you thought was your mission, your gift to humanity. Many of you can no longer find the solace in meditation, or reach upward (or inward) and tap into the loving feeling of Oneness with the Beings of Light. You feel a void, a sense of loss, or at least, a sense of unreality.
Let us reassure you, Beloved Ones, it is all a part of the process. Your present year has been a time of great acceleration. We are infusing you with the maximum amount of Christ- Light or Divine Substance from the Creator that your physical vessels can contain. In doing so, it has jolted or sped you along the path of initiation, or upward in the ascension process, however you wish to define it. And so, each time you lift your
consciousness or tap into a higher frequency and incorporate it in any part of
your being, whether it is physical/emotional/mental or etheric, it permeates the very
depths of your being and releases any corresponding impacted or negative energies that resonate at a lower frequency.
Many of these energies were imprinted in your etheric and emotional bodies during those ancient experiences of your earliest physical incarnations on the earth plane . They are very powerful indeed and have affected you in every lifetime you have experienced since--adding to and magnifying the negative energies until they held you in bondage, creating pain and suffering.
These are energies that have kept you from having the perfect health you desire; the strong, attractive body you dream of; the abundance, the power, the relationships, on and on. And so you see, in order to assist you and keep you from going into overwhelm, your higher self puts you in what might be called a null zone, or a period of `no time'. These are terms that are currently being bandied about in connection with the Photon Belt and are valid concepts but they also apply to you personally.
Your Earth's rotation is slowing due to the decrease in planetary magnetics, while at the same time the vibrations or frequencies of your Earth are increasing. Every human being living on the Earth is being affected by this shift, as well as every other living thing that exists on the planet. At least, each being is trying to match these new frequencies in order to stay attuned to the Earth, as the old frequencies are no longer tolerable.
Those of you who are the way showers, the Light Warriors, have far exceeded these base frequencies and are functioning from a much higher resonance. Your reality is centered in the etheric body of the Earth that has moved into the mid-level fourth dimension. But, your beloved planet is also progressing rapidly, and as it does, your reality must continue to change. All that you thought was your truth, your new way of functioning and
being, your new identity, is swiftly melting away. A new holographic picture is emerging and, in your uncertainty, you wonder where you fit in this new scheme and what are you to do now? WHO ARE YOU?
Again, precious ones, we say, relax, release, and realize that this, too, is just a part of the never-ending spiral. No longer will you be allowed to stagnate or even stay at a certain level very long--time and the process of transformation is moving too rapidly. Your language is changing, your thought-forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or released so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way. Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness and you must learn how to decipher these. It may seem as if those you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation. You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. You will not need words, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity and you will no longer play the games of the past.
As you don your refined, spiritual light garments and awareness, be gentle with yourself. You may feel very vulnerable at times, you may feel as if you are losing an important part of yourself, and this is true. But it is a part that no longer serves you, even though you have become comfortable in carrying this old baggage around, it is time to release all that you can not take with you as you move back into your perfect form of Light.
You descended into a beautiful, perfect etheric\physical vessel, a divine body brought forth from the mind of the Creator. Allow us to give you an analogy of what took place those aeons ago and what is now taking place. Imagine that you are a diver about to descend to the floor of the ocean. You are buoyant and can only float on the surface unless you attach anchors or weights to yourself so that you can descend and walk on the ocean floor, or have some means of propulsion that will carry you into the depths. It is the same with your Spirit being. You had to take on density in order to descend into physicality. And, you took on much more density than was originally planned, asking it even more difficult to emerge once again to the surface or what is called the higher dimensions.
So see yourself shedding the anchors and the weights that are keeping you walking the depths, in the quagmire, the fog and illusion of the lower dimensions. Allow yourself to shed the layers, the burdens that are keeping your stuck or anchored, allow yourself to soar, once again, into the rarified heights . Are you aware that those of you who have advanced your frequencies and resonance beyond that of the Earth are actually assisting your beloved planet to move higher up the spiral? That is part of your mission, dear ones, to assist your brothers and sisters, but also to be Light streams that become stronger and more buoyant, lifting the mass consciousness, clearing the Golden Etheric Web of your Mother Earth so that she, too, can once again claim her divine position in the grand drama of evolution.
We implore you, do not become attached to any way of being, any one modality, any philosophy that is too narrow or structured, or buy into any agreement that gives power to someone outside yourself. Discernment, discernment, discernment--I can not emphasize this enough, for as quickly as an apparent truth comes forth and you incorporate it into your belief system, it may be superseded by a higher truth, or a new concept. In looking back, can you not see that much of the knowledge you now accept as your absolute truth were beyond your wildest imagining five years ago, or even a year ago? Be aware that what you are so certain about today, will undoubtedly change tomorrow, or next week.
That is why you are feeling so vulnerable, beloved ones, you are shape-shifting and so is your reality. You are in the midst of an ongoing dream that is fast-forwarding at an accelerated speed. If you allow the fixations of the past and those antiquated energies to emerge, to be transmuted or dissolved, if you do not try to hang on to the old patterns, thought forms or structures, you will not feel so distressed, so out of control. You must admit that this is not a time of boredom, or stagnation, indeed, it is a what you have yearned for since that time long ago when you merged your magnificent Spirit-self into the limiting confines of a physical structure.
Awaken each day in joyful anticipation, with great expectancy, allow the day to unfold in its perfectness, gifting you with new delights, releasing you from shackles of the past. As we have stressed, over and over, stay in the event of the NOW, and in doing so, you are focusing on what is occurring in the moment. Each moment, each thought, each event is of vast importance, for the treasures of new wisdom, new insights, new powers of reasoning, new gifts are pouring forth at an astonishing rate and you must be open to receive them. With each new impulse of a higher vibration, a portion of your existing reality begins to dissolve as the pattern repeats time and time again.
You cannot fail, you can only hold yourself back and create discomfort if you struggle and keep yourself submerged in the old density. Accept these most precious gifts that are being offered, become your own sacred witness, as you glean, sort, release and refine the information and experiences that move into your awareness. Do not become bogged down or attached to any set pattern, or modality as you gradually emerge from the cocoon of physical/humanity into the crystalline form of spiritual/humanity. Allow yourself to ride the crest of the mighty waves of transformation. There is nothing to fear, precious ones, and so very much to be gained. Feel the warmth of our sacred breath as it brushes your cheek, sense the aura of love in which we surround you. We are near, reach out and touch us--we will respond. You are not alone, you have never been alone. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
Ronna states: I claim Universal Copyright for this material in the name of Lord Michael. Please copy and share!
by Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman
Beloved masters of Light, a new day is dawning on your Earth, an era that has been prophesied and foretold for many ages past. The holographic pictures that have formed your realities are shifting and you feel vulnerable and left without an identity that you can relate to, or parameters to guide you.
What is happening is this, you went through the process of releasing all that you thought was important in your third dimensional reality, surrendering your relationships, your possessions, your perception of what and who you were as you moved into harmony and attunement with your higher self. Gradually accessing more refined energy, higher frequencies, new information and greater wisdom. Then you eventually became more comfortable with your fourth dimensional reality as you worked through all the negative emotional energies that came bubbling up from within your subconscious
mind, sweeping out and clearing outmoded perceptions. The pulsating, transforming
Light frequencies reverberated throughout the depths of your cellular structure and began to break loose all the impacted energies that have accumulated down through the ages--stirring them up, moving them out to be released and replaced with Divine Light substance. As you began to resonate to a quickened vibration--more of your vaster being, your soul-self, your higher-self, your Christ-Self began to, once again, take up
residency and dominion within your physical vessel.
You had a whole new set of rules to live by, a wonderful plethora of exciting information, new wisdom to assist you to function in this new reality in which you now found yourself. Joy and bliss became the norm and gradually you began to manifest your dreams and visions and come together with those you recognized instantly as your soul family. You began to share, teach and project this new vision, this new persona you had taken on and the world began to look much brighter.
Now suddenly, it seems you have taken a step backward, many of you have suddenly manifested dramatic illnesses that you do not understand; obstacles are placed in your way, hampering your progress, what you thought was your mission, your gift to humanity. Many of you can no longer find the solace in meditation, or reach upward (or inward) and tap into the loving feeling of Oneness with the Beings of Light. You feel a void, a sense of loss, or at least, a sense of unreality.
Let us reassure you, Beloved Ones, it is all a part of the process. Your present year has been a time of great acceleration. We are infusing you with the maximum amount of Christ- Light or Divine Substance from the Creator that your physical vessels can contain. In doing so, it has jolted or sped you along the path of initiation, or upward in the ascension process, however you wish to define it. And so, each time you lift your
consciousness or tap into a higher frequency and incorporate it in any part of
your being, whether it is physical/emotional/mental or etheric, it permeates the very
depths of your being and releases any corresponding impacted or negative energies that resonate at a lower frequency.
Many of these energies were imprinted in your etheric and emotional bodies during those ancient experiences of your earliest physical incarnations on the earth plane . They are very powerful indeed and have affected you in every lifetime you have experienced since--adding to and magnifying the negative energies until they held you in bondage, creating pain and suffering.
These are energies that have kept you from having the perfect health you desire; the strong, attractive body you dream of; the abundance, the power, the relationships, on and on. And so you see, in order to assist you and keep you from going into overwhelm, your higher self puts you in what might be called a null zone, or a period of `no time'. These are terms that are currently being bandied about in connection with the Photon Belt and are valid concepts but they also apply to you personally.
Your Earth's rotation is slowing due to the decrease in planetary magnetics, while at the same time the vibrations or frequencies of your Earth are increasing. Every human being living on the Earth is being affected by this shift, as well as every other living thing that exists on the planet. At least, each being is trying to match these new frequencies in order to stay attuned to the Earth, as the old frequencies are no longer tolerable.
Those of you who are the way showers, the Light Warriors, have far exceeded these base frequencies and are functioning from a much higher resonance. Your reality is centered in the etheric body of the Earth that has moved into the mid-level fourth dimension. But, your beloved planet is also progressing rapidly, and as it does, your reality must continue to change. All that you thought was your truth, your new way of functioning and
being, your new identity, is swiftly melting away. A new holographic picture is emerging and, in your uncertainty, you wonder where you fit in this new scheme and what are you to do now? WHO ARE YOU?
Again, precious ones, we say, relax, release, and realize that this, too, is just a part of the never-ending spiral. No longer will you be allowed to stagnate or even stay at a certain level very long--time and the process of transformation is moving too rapidly. Your language is changing, your thought-forms are different. The old areas of your brain which contain your past are gradually being refined or released so it is beginning to seem as though everything that happened before, even last year, is a vague dream. New areas of your brain are being activated and you must learn to think in a whole new way. Light packets of information, holographic pictures of great significance and sacred geometric patterns will begin to come into your consciousness and you must learn how to decipher these. It may seem as if those you are moving beyond no longer understand you, or you cannot find words to carry on the old mundane patterns of conversation. You will also find that you do not need to verbalize every thought as you begin to telepathically pick up the energies and thoughts of those around you. You will not need words, and you will not be easily deceived. You will speak your truth with spiritual integrity and you will no longer play the games of the past.
As you don your refined, spiritual light garments and awareness, be gentle with yourself. You may feel very vulnerable at times, you may feel as if you are losing an important part of yourself, and this is true. But it is a part that no longer serves you, even though you have become comfortable in carrying this old baggage around, it is time to release all that you can not take with you as you move back into your perfect form of Light.
You descended into a beautiful, perfect etheric\physical vessel, a divine body brought forth from the mind of the Creator. Allow us to give you an analogy of what took place those aeons ago and what is now taking place. Imagine that you are a diver about to descend to the floor of the ocean. You are buoyant and can only float on the surface unless you attach anchors or weights to yourself so that you can descend and walk on the ocean floor, or have some means of propulsion that will carry you into the depths. It is the same with your Spirit being. You had to take on density in order to descend into physicality. And, you took on much more density than was originally planned, asking it even more difficult to emerge once again to the surface or what is called the higher dimensions.
So see yourself shedding the anchors and the weights that are keeping you walking the depths, in the quagmire, the fog and illusion of the lower dimensions. Allow yourself to shed the layers, the burdens that are keeping your stuck or anchored, allow yourself to soar, once again, into the rarified heights . Are you aware that those of you who have advanced your frequencies and resonance beyond that of the Earth are actually assisting your beloved planet to move higher up the spiral? That is part of your mission, dear ones, to assist your brothers and sisters, but also to be Light streams that become stronger and more buoyant, lifting the mass consciousness, clearing the Golden Etheric Web of your Mother Earth so that she, too, can once again claim her divine position in the grand drama of evolution.
We implore you, do not become attached to any way of being, any one modality, any philosophy that is too narrow or structured, or buy into any agreement that gives power to someone outside yourself. Discernment, discernment, discernment--I can not emphasize this enough, for as quickly as an apparent truth comes forth and you incorporate it into your belief system, it may be superseded by a higher truth, or a new concept. In looking back, can you not see that much of the knowledge you now accept as your absolute truth were beyond your wildest imagining five years ago, or even a year ago? Be aware that what you are so certain about today, will undoubtedly change tomorrow, or next week.
That is why you are feeling so vulnerable, beloved ones, you are shape-shifting and so is your reality. You are in the midst of an ongoing dream that is fast-forwarding at an accelerated speed. If you allow the fixations of the past and those antiquated energies to emerge, to be transmuted or dissolved, if you do not try to hang on to the old patterns, thought forms or structures, you will not feel so distressed, so out of control. You must admit that this is not a time of boredom, or stagnation, indeed, it is a what you have yearned for since that time long ago when you merged your magnificent Spirit-self into the limiting confines of a physical structure.
Awaken each day in joyful anticipation, with great expectancy, allow the day to unfold in its perfectness, gifting you with new delights, releasing you from shackles of the past. As we have stressed, over and over, stay in the event of the NOW, and in doing so, you are focusing on what is occurring in the moment. Each moment, each thought, each event is of vast importance, for the treasures of new wisdom, new insights, new powers of reasoning, new gifts are pouring forth at an astonishing rate and you must be open to receive them. With each new impulse of a higher vibration, a portion of your existing reality begins to dissolve as the pattern repeats time and time again.
You cannot fail, you can only hold yourself back and create discomfort if you struggle and keep yourself submerged in the old density. Accept these most precious gifts that are being offered, become your own sacred witness, as you glean, sort, release and refine the information and experiences that move into your awareness. Do not become bogged down or attached to any set pattern, or modality as you gradually emerge from the cocoon of physical/humanity into the crystalline form of spiritual/humanity. Allow yourself to ride the crest of the mighty waves of transformation. There is nothing to fear, precious ones, and so very much to be gained. Feel the warmth of our sacred breath as it brushes your cheek, sense the aura of love in which we surround you. We are near, reach out and touch us--we will respond. You are not alone, you have never been alone. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
Ronna states: I claim Universal Copyright for this material in the name of Lord Michael. Please copy and share!
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