Friday, May 07, 2004

Going into shock
The last thing that he said was
Set this fucker off

Those that know Audioslave are know this one. Those who know me well are thinking great she is back to set this fucker off. LOL

Well, yes I am back to that point. I'm starting to get that I need to be a hermit for a while. Hmm I think my list of to stay away froms are Men and chocolate..... Oh wait... I take the chocolate back... Need chocolate...

I'm just having one of those times when I wonder why on earth I ever, ever decided to fall in love. I mean when I was young, it only took one time before I learned it was painful. So after that point guys were well, more of play things. Heck most of them weren't serious so why should I be? Why open yourself up for pain? I think I'll have a growing list of sun signs not to date or get serious with... So far it's Scorpio and Cancer.

Hold the phone... I just got the Entertainment Weekly magazine and well the movie Troy is the headline... Brad Pitt looks mighty fine in his little get up... Well, I can look... doesn't mean I want to keep it or anything.

Anyway... Water signs... Hmm... I think the worst heart break was because of a Cancer. I'm not going to do that anymore. Think I'll have titanium added to my shell. Cause I'm going to go into emergency lock down inside my shell.

I've just seen my first hummingbird of the season. Had to get the binoculars... little buggers are small.. that or I need to have my eyes fixed. LOL Yes, I'm easily distracted.

Getaway Car
by Audioslave

The first time I saw you, you were
Chasing down
A cyclone
All alone in the field
With rail yards and clovers
I kept rolling on
Never thought you'd wind up chasing me

Well settle down I won't hesitate
To hit the highway
Before you lay me to waste, no
Settle up and I'll help you find
Something to drive
Before you drive me insane

Your tired of walking
And you loathe the ground
The sideway will barely
Touch your feet and life moves
Too slowly to hold you down
With ringing hands
You take it out on me

Well settle down
I won't hesitate to hit the highway
Before you leave me to waste, no
Settle up and I'll help you find something to drive
Before you drive me insane