Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I had one of those inbetween days yesterday. My horoscope was rather funny and two thirds of the way through my day it became true. Ok, let me find it so you can see.

Here it is:
A dramatic eruption is due, and you could be playing the part of the volcano. If you're ready to blow and need to vent, excuse yourself. Not a word until you're alone.

That's the way the day went. I wasn't angry until later in the day and I found that the most stupid of things could set me off. I got an email off another list that just hit me as stupid. Sitting here I realized I was talking to my computer telling it how stupid it was. Ok, so I felt a little strange when I realized I was doing this. Not only that but then I felt bad about talk to the email like that.

Tom came by and picked up more stuff. I swear there is no end to him asking for more stuff. He isn't getting anything else. If he wants knick knacks he can go buy them. Especially since he raised hell every time I wanted one. It really annoys me. I shouldn't let it really it only possessions and that seems so important to him.

I got today's horoscope and it sounds much better. Here it is:
You pick up on subtle clues the rest of the world would never have seen. Don't gloat, and try not to be too smug -- but do make sure the powers that be see how efficiently you've handled this.

LOL Don't gloat... *giggle* too smug! LMAO Nah not today.... I'm feeling rather laid back today. There is a nip in the air this morning. It's a gorgeous day out. I don't know but there is a feeling of expectancy. I'm not sure what it's about. It feels great though. I went out to feed the fish and was thinking a cuppa would be good. Did I get one? No, I took my bottle of water and wandered over to the office. I've got more scanning to get done. I was just bored of looking at a crashed motorcycle. Doesn't have that much damage but I think laying a bike down probably isn't the most fun thing to do. Back to the fish, they were starving as usual. LOL You'd think they never eat. When someone comes up to the house they always comment on how they felt like the fish were going to attack them. Then they laugh. It is kind of funny seeing them rushing towards you begging to be fed. All these mouths out of the water doing the fish face at you. Diablo is one of my favorites. He has begging down to an art. He swims by slowly and then comes back stopping right in front of me waiting. So I drop food in for him and and gracefully eats it. He stays in the same place and waits for more. LOL He is a very relaxed fish. The others can be swimming around fast and Diablo just swims slowly. :-) Oh if you are wondering about his name... He is a black and white fish and I named him after the Cisco Kids horse. LOL Yeah I know... I'm weird.