Monday, August 30, 2004

Karen Bishop wrote:August 29, 2004
Change "In Form"


As we prepare for the first phases of the New World, there is much to tell.
Edginess, short tempers and frustrations, and feelings of stress and pressure
abound, as at a higher level we are feeling the energies of great change.
Energetically, things are beginning to move around, to take different places, and
to be placed in a wonderful space of "realignment"... all in readiness for the
changes to come in October. As we are now "on the airplane", having closed the
hatch and left all the factions of the Old World behind with no turning back, we
are now getting ready energetically for the "landing". There is much "scurrying
around" energy taking place at higher levels (which usually manifests at the
physical level in different ways), as the preparations for the New begin. So much
moving energy is causing the shortness of tempers, edginess, and stress, but as
always, will pass.

We are moving into the time of the "changing of the guard", (from the darker,
denser energies to the energies of the light) to finally manifest into form. All the
preparatory work has been greatly completed through the cleansing and purifying
(especially in these past four years), and through the incredible support of our
planetary alignments, as well as our individual summoning for a higher way of
being. With the latest Venus Transit energy bringing in the New foundation of the
energy of the feminine, to serve as the New air that we breathe and the New way
of being and relating, all we needed then do was to make our own individual
decisions at the soul level, as to whether we would choose to stay and create
and experience this brand New World, or to move into another experience better
suited to our soul's needs. At the same time, there were still the last minute
preparations to be made at the highest levels, to ensure that this New World
arriving would be as stress free and painless as possible. This last phase took
nearly the entire summer months (here in the U.S.) to complete (from May
through August), and we were very tired and weary, with all of this "barely
moving" energy! All is now ready and we have all decided at the highest levels
(including the planets!) that the time is NOW to move ahead with the plan.

Yesterday I received an e-mail regarding the planetary alignments that greatly
supports and helps to explain this great phenomenon that we knew was coming
in October. Energetically, it has appeared that this time of October will bring in
those "back-up" booster engines that will greatly assist in bringing the New World
and New ways of being into form. It couldn't have happened until now, as the
temperature had to FINALLY be right to support this NEW BEGINNING at all
levels and in all ways. We are literally about to be "reborn" all at once and as a
group. We are "starting over", going back to scratch, have given freedom and
release to all our parallel selves, cleansed and purified ourselves, and now are
ready to create something completely New. Will this happen immediately, all in
October? No. This time will bring in the blueprint and start the process rolling.
As mentioned many times, this process will probably take a few years to
complete, will occur in waves, and many will be in different stages of its
evolution, but this October planetary alignment will give a great push forward,
and assist in turning everything upside down (or rather right side up). Most
lightworkers are here in this space Now, already ready to go, as we agreed to go
first. Having experienced all those "going through the tunnel" ascension
symptoms, we are now ready to assist all those who will arrive in waves after us.
And know as well, that as the ultimate creators, our input and vibrations are
vitally necessary for this process to unfold. As well as holding the light, we need
to make our individual contributions through our passions, joy and creativity.

Before I ramble any further, here is the extraordinary information contained in the
e-mail from Jan and Johnny Mirehiel (which is the astrological viewpoint of this
next step):
"This October, there will appear, in sequence:

* A Grand Quintile (Star/Pentagram) pattern,
* A solar eclipse,
* A total Lunar eclipse and
* A second Grand Quintile pattern,

all within the span of 28 days. Dubbed as the Harmonic Concordance II,
astrologer, Jill Whitman, has told us that
such an extra-ordinary sequence has not happened during the 2,500 years that
she has extensively researched. It is a rare planetary performance. Of
further interest is that the two Grand Quintiles are astrologically related
to the Grand Sextile of the Harmonic Concordance chart." In addition, this
sequence of planetary happenings contains the energetic earmark of bringing the
New into physical form. A vital piece for creating the New World and at the
perfect time to do so. For more information regarding the Harmonic
Concordance II and how and when you may support these energies, please visit
their special site at . As Source energy is ever
abundant, and we are all one and aspects of Source, know that we have infused
our energy everywhere and share it accordingly. Our beautiful planets are a part
of us, as we are all in this together, creating in Unity, the New World.

During the next four months, much will occur. Remember when we were all
complaining that it seemed like there was NO energy moving for the last few
months? It is during these "down times" that we are almost always aligning,
integrating and especially "resting" for some big changes and movement ahead.
We needed such a lengthy down time, because it coincided with the substantial
push and changes that will begin creating the New in the months to come. As
these changes begin to manifest in the physical, we will see some turmoil.
Although all precautions have been taken at the highest levels, the last vestiges
of the darkness will not want to leave without a fight. But this time they are being
removed at their core and by their roots, never again to have a position and
foothold in this vibrant, light filled world that we are about to create. There will be
uprisings and what appears to be conflict. But know that there are many in
pivotal places who have just been waiting, unable to speak and show their true
colors, who will now come forth, greatly supporting this New way of being and the
New regime. We will want to be discerning at this time, and go deep into our
own personal knowingness to discern what and who we resonate with, and what
we believe is the highest truth and road to follow. Many will come to the forefront
wanting to lead, but not all will be of the highest. And as we all know, WE are the
leaders and the creators. Each and every one of us. We only need follow
ourselves and EXPRESS ourselves to be in perfect alignment.

One year when I was in contract with the Easter Seal Society, I had the
responsibility of introducing a severely disabled youth, confined to a wheelchair
and unable to speak, and with limited cognitive abilities, to a Junior High School
setting. My job was to integrate him into the social and academic arenas of the
school, while gradually allowing the staff and students to take over the
responsibilities of his education and social interactions and activities. The
principal and school counselor told me that this could not be done. They firmly
believed that young people at the junior high school level did not have the
emotional and mental capabilities to open themselves to this kind of situation. It
only took one month. This student became the "cool" one to hang around with.
Over forty students met each week to discuss who would take turns pushing him
around to his classes, assisting him in gym class, and having lunch with him.
Each week I gave out an award to the student who shared his/her special gifts to
assist with this process. One student felt so good about himself and the service
he had provided, that he improved his grades, got off the "detention" list, and
even got to go on the school-wide field trip to the beach. The teachers did not
believe in this young man and that he had and could change. With some
"lecturing" and "prompting", even they became believers. In addition, the
disabled student who had been the hub for creating all this change, began to talk
and actually went to his first dance, escorted by all his classmates. As these
changes begin to occur on the planet, everyone will become believers. Those
who may be hesitant or not open, or have not really experienced much shifting,
will eventually be swept away by the predominance of light and by the exhibition
of the New way of being that will be occurring. People we never thought would
change will begin to change, as all the energy will be going in the same direction.

Many are having some vivid and strange dreams. They seem to be indicators
and guides to where we are headed and that all has a remedy and will be OK.
These dreams are telling us what is going on. After this push into the New
occurs, many will be feeling that they want to go "deeper" with their spirituality
and in the way they work and teach. We seem to be encountering ways to bring
in more Source energy, through our bodies and our beingness, as soon we will
be incredible guides and teachers of light. We will teach and assist with great
love and compassion, and it will feel as though we are from another world, or
another reality, here as human angels. Our connection to Source will be very

Three years ago, my leg was crushed in an auto accident. The surgery took
three times as long as it was predicted and my hospital stay was over twice as
long as predicted, with some added complications. Being so highly sensitive to all
the procedures and medications, and with the complications, I didn't think I was
EVER going to get out of there (I had lost a lot of blood and it was touch and go
for awhile). One day, after discontinuing all medications, I was able to get in a
wheelchair, get out of bed, and finally go outside. As I sat under a group of
Aspen trees, I cried and cried with a sense of relief that I cannot describe.
Seeing the blue sky again and feeling the air on my skin felt like a true miracle to
me. Most recently, I have felt like a deep crying is wanting to emerge. It is not
the crying of release or sadness, but the crying of deep relief and gratitude. Yes,
the time is finally near. We have finally made it. We have done our jobs well and
assisted this incredible planet with making the Shift of the Ages.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to share
your contribution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings,
much peace and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


Our Reader's Question:

I did not imagine this phase of my transition would feel so shocking and
disorienting. I have been and still am experiencing many of the ascension
symptoms that you and others list, including at present a very exaggerated loss
of memory, exhaustion, as well as serious mental fogginess and a sense of
meaninglessness that I have not had before. It is increasingly difficult to do my
job as so many of the skills I have relied on are eluding me, and yet I feel scared
about moving on as I have no idea what I would do right now. I feel stuck.
Would I benefit from "holding on" a bit longer at this job? We are still having to
deal with money. So much of what I am reading right now talks about the
increased access to our passion and our ability to manifest, as well as potential
to create the life we choose. My dilemma is that I feel disconnected from my
passion and unclear as to what I even want to create. Because I do not have a
sense of what the new world will look like and the old is fading-I am clueless. I
suddenly have no idea what my gifts are, what would feel joyful, what are my
passions-Everything I thought about these things in the past seems so much less
applicable now. How can I move out of this feeling of stuckness-in my job etc.-if
I do not feel inspired around what to create? With love and respect, M.

Karen:Dear M.,
Many are feeling as you are, with no motivation, confusion, and a loss of passion
and desire for what we once thought we wanted to do. It is all a part of this
incredible process of evolution. Know that the "ascension symptoms" will pass,
but are also an indicator of your movement into a higher way of being. Would
you feel better leaving your job, or does it feel better to stay there for awhile
longer? There is no right or wrong answer, as it is all a matter of what makes
you feel the best and gives you the most sense of comfort. When we are in this
particular phase, it is because we are "rebooting" so to speak and in more than
one dimension at a time. This would not, therefore, be the best time to make
your decision about what you want to create, as you are not all here. When you
come out of this space, and you will, your passion will return, and you will, in
addition, be a different person, which will assist you in your clarity about what it is
you wish to create. Know that we all seem to be taken care of, and no one
seems to end up in financial ruin and homeless. We knew this process would be
challenging, but we are being supported at the highest levels and we will be OK.
If you can TRUST that you are loved and watched over through this process (as
we don't seem to be able to do much ourselves!), it really seems to help. I have
seen this at the higher levels, and we have so much love, protection and
assistance now!
Much love to you and know you will be better than ever in no

Sherri: Dear M.,
I understand your feelings of "stuckness" and disconnection with no
clarity or inspiration to guide you. There are many of us who have been
feeling like that for quite some time now, wondering when the "fog" will
lift and our path will become more illumined. I can tell you from personal
experience that I went through a similar phase thinking there was no end in
sight. However, I am finally now very clear as to what I want and need to
do on this journey called life. The phase had its ups and downs but during
the up times I knew that step by step I was being led or guided as to what
to do next and when.

The thing to remember as you are waiting for that first glimmer of
clarity to present itself is not to make ANY major life decisions and to
keep yourself grounded and occupied with things you enjoy doing as much as
possible. There are several other things I can recommend that you do during
this "waiting" period. First is to spend some time each day (morning and
evening/bedtime, if possible) in light meditation or deep breathing. The
practice I have been using while deep breathing is to just sit comfortably
and as you inhale, envision energy running from your feet up to your crown
with the intention that all your chakras and all your cells are being
cleansed or cleared out. And on the out breath envision the energy running
back down from your crown to your feet. Just keep the cycle going breathing
comfortably and easily. You'll be surprised what 5 minutes twice a day can
do for you and I wouldn't do more than 20 minutes at a stretch if you have
more time and are so inclined. Another thing you can do is to affirm
mentally or on paper, "I know that my path will clearly be revealed to me
when it is time to take the next step." Then list all the things in your
life at present you can think of that you are grateful for. Being in a
state of appreciation is a way to lift your energy level and your vibration.
Even if you can only feel appreciation for things like the fact that you are
alive and breathing, you have clothes on your back and food to eat, etc.
helps to put your focus on something positive. The more we can appreciate
and keep our vibration or energy level up the more we stay in a place of
connection to Source. And being in a state of connection to Source is when
inspiration can and will come to us. I always wait for inspiration to take
any action steps. When you are inspired it always "feels right."

The bottom line for all of us is to continually find ways to feel as good
as we can and to trust that our path will be shown to us when it's time for
us to move forward. Know that we each have our own timeline and the
universe in its infinite wisdom knows best and is taking care of the details
for us. Soothe yourself as much as possible, pamper yourself when you can
and if possible try to find some humor in each day. When feeling low I
jokingly always try to play the "What could be worse than this?" game. I
make the "worse" thing always something outrageous and as silly as possible
to make myself laugh. Feeling lighthearted and laughing about life whenever
we can is a great elixir. Also, please remember that we are all powerful
creators and some of us are just taking a little R & R waiting for the dust
to settle and things to fall into place for the next exciting chapter on our

Wishing you many blessings and Incredible JOY,
